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Big, bad news! Liberty Dollar offices raided.

Started by toowm, November 15, 2007, 09:04 AM NHFT

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Someone posted this over on the FTL BBS ... the FBI's papers against Liberty Dollar have been leaked  ;D

I love what these boobs say on the affadavit (page 4 of the PDF):
Quotethe goal of NORFED is to undermine the Unites States Government's financial systems by the issuance of a non-governmental competing currency for the purpose of repealing the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Code.
(hell, yeah!)

The charge is "money laundering", but that's because they are asserting that liberty dollars are US dollar look-alikes.
In effect, they are saying:
a) von NotHaus is pulling a swindle by selling things that look like US Dollars, but aren't, in order to accumulate "real" US Dollars for himself
b) he's trying to compete with the Fed and thereby undermine US Dollars

John Edward Mercier

Quote from: d_goddard on November 21, 2007, 03:36 PM NHFT
Here's a little poll for y'all:

What did the poll for the Brown's look like?
And where are they presently living?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: John Edward Mericer on November 22, 2007, 09:56 PM NHFT
What did the poll for the Brown's look like?
And where are they presently living?
Probably no polls like that one.
In the clutches of the evil feds that you pay for and support. Thanks


I just picked up a few examples of BerkShares, http://www.berkshares.org/ - while out here at the in-laws' for Thanksgiving.

I'll be scanning and posting them when I get home.  They're nicely crafted, though nowhere near as nice as the Liberty Dollar warehouse receipts.

I'll also ask my MIL to pick up a few Ithaca Hours the next time she goes down there.

Kat Kanning


PattyLee loves dogs

Quotethe goal of NORFED is to undermine the Unites States Government's financial systems

The goal of the FBI must be to undermine confidence in the United States Government's financial systems by proclaiming that any gold-backed money is a threat  ::)

John Edward Mercier

There are several gold coins that are official currency of different nationals... and if you look closely you can find older coins with silver content.


Forgive the cross-posting, but this seemed on topic.

Today's comic contains an Easter egg! Visit the site to find it!

Little Owl

I found this website http://www.reason.com/blog/show/123553.html that links to a PDF of the FBI affidavit regarding the raid on the Liberty Dollar.  Have yet to see Ron Paul mentioned.  It does mention both the debasement of the Liberty when the price of Ag gets too high as well as the large spread between spot and sale price.  Both issues seemed suspicious to me and kept me away from the Liberty.

They also claim that the Liberty is too easily confused with U.S. currency which sounds like utter B.S.  I've seen generic silver rounds whose design is based on old U.S. coins like the Peace Dollar and the feds never raided those minters.

Nevertheless, don't be too quick to discount the fed's case before reading the affidavit.  It doesn't all sound like some evil government conspiracy.  Had they done the Liberty the right way instead of the bogus semi-link to the USD they might not have been so quick to come after them.  Time will tell.  Will Mr. Nothous be able to speak at the 2008 Liberty Forum?



Quote from: Little Owl on November 24, 2007, 11:17 PM NHFT
  Will Mr. Nothous be able to speak at the 2008 Liberty Forum?

he is a free man so far.  So as far as we know... he is out.

Owl... the US dollar is based on nothing.. it gets debased all the time. :)


Yeah so, no crime has been charged, no one has been arrested and it took them 10 years to do this.

When are people going to finally figure out it was done to discredit Ron and nothing more?

How can they keep this stuff when no crime has been charged?


QuoteIt does mention both the debasement of the Liberty when the price of Ag gets too high as well as the large spread between spot and sale price.  Both issues seemed suspicious to me and kept me away from the Liberty.

"Debasement" is what happens to the dollar, not to the Liberty.  You still have the same ounce of silver no matter what happens at the Federal Reserve.

If it's a crime to have a large spread between raw materials costs and finished product price, then why aren't they raiding Coca-Cola?