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Big, bad news! Liberty Dollar offices raided.

Started by toowm, November 15, 2007, 09:04 AM NHFT

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so selling tshirts to a man who owns a cadillac is wrong?


Quote from: Dreepa on November 15, 2007, 08:43 PM NHFT
so selling tshirts to a man who owns a cadillac is wrong?

No. It's selling tshirts WHILE driving a cadillac.

Bald Eagle

Guess it's time to start stamping (with a punch and hammer) silver "rounds."

Save real money - vote Ron Paul 2008

Avenge the Liberty Dollar

Liberty Dollars or Death

Trade Free or Die


Bald Eagle,

That's right- how's the "Forge of Freedom" sound to you?

Come by Ron's house tomorrow- that's exactly the idea I had. 

This is an opportunity.  The LD has always split freedom lovers because some loved the idea, some hated the large mark-up over spot.   We have a chance to do this right.

Imagine NH Freedom dollars, stamped rounds of silver, that we make here, with no to little mark-up over spot. 

Avenge the Liberty Dollar indeed!  In five years, when I pay for my Big Mac with silver and Euros, when the FRN dollar is worth as much as a peso, I'm going to buy Bernard a shake and we'll sit back and laugh. 



Not to say Euros are worth anything either- it's just that competition in the currency market is good, and I'd like to be given a choice in who wins.

Bald Eagle

The list of detestable scumbags so far:

Search Warrant:  Richard L. Young, U.S. District Court Judge
Seizure Warrant:  Dennis L. Howell, U.S. Magistrate Judge
Agents:     Andrew F. Romagnuolo, Special Agent, FBI
               David A. Stefanich, Special Agent, DHS, Secret Service

Bald Eagle

PDF documents are here:


Guess it will be time to start calling them tomorrow and asking them to return our lawful property.

Tyler Stearns

So what was their crime?  All I see was money laundering and mail fraud, but what does that entail in this case?


From the warrant (OCRed):

QuoteMemlwrship list.s including lists oj'Regional Currency Oi1lcers, f,ihclt.y Dollar
ASHOCj~tlos, merchanllisls, c(lnt:~ct inlDnnation for individUlt]s, husinosse~, 01' organizations lhat
have purchased Liberty Dollar cun-oncy, and othcr docUl)1ctlt~ thai identify participants and
associalcs of Liberty Dollm' Services, Inc./NORFED.

I would be very concerned if I were an RCO. 


Quote from: lawofattraction on November 15, 2007, 07:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 15, 2007, 07:10 PM NHFT
if they won't let you audit the gold at fort knox ... it ain't there

Where do you think it went?

Read On the Horns of the Beast, by Bill Still for the story - also details about the audits (and lack thereof). Remember how Americans couldn't redeem gold certs, but foreigners could? Remember large European bankers have loaned money to the U.S. (bought bonds). Bonds redeemed for gold in Ft. Knox --> shipped out to Europe.

J’raxis 270145

Reading the search and seizure warrants, it looks like they've actually seized the precious metals not as evidence but under asset forfeiture laws. :o They're going to have a hell of a time getting the metals back even if they're completely innocent of whatever charges the government is pressing.


Quote from: anarchicluv on November 15, 2007, 07:22 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 15, 2007, 07:11 PM NHFT
I stopped reading the LD emails when they started their silly lawsuit stuff. But I do feel sorry for them and all of the people that were stolen from.

Silly?  Oh yeah, you think it's silly to defend yourself from the state thugs.

What's left to defend against? The company's belongings have already been stolen. Hoping to win justice in the government's rigged courts is not something I'd put money on.

If something is in need of defending, it takes lead.


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on November 15, 2007, 10:45 PM NHFT
Reading the search and seizure warrants, it looks like they've actually seized the precious metals not as evidence but under asset forfeiture laws. :o They're going to have a hell of a time getting the metals back even if they're completely innocent of whatever charges the government is pressing.

Right - seized because some of it may have been used in money laundering, but not because B vNH or LD is accused of violating the "uttering and passing" laws. Hmm... anybody ever get their seized assets released?

Jim Johnson

Quote from: penguins4me on November 15, 2007, 11:04 PM NHFT
Silly?  Oh yeah, you think it's silly to defend yourself from the state thugs.
If something is in need of defending, it takes lead.


They aren't going to fear guns.  That will only make them stronger.

To defend you have to make the aggressor realizes that he is bring crap down on his own head by his own action.
If those guys wake up to a thousand e-mails, asking why they are thieves, they are going to have to ask themselves why.