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new and proud member of FSP!

Started by painted, November 19, 2007, 08:32 PM NHFT

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Hello, fellow freedom lovers.

My name is Jay Kim, 25 year old male living in California.  I got interested in politics shortly after I joined US Air Force and became quite disenchanted with my service to the country.  I was planning to move out of the country until I learned about Ron Paul, who is truly the greatest man of our era.  but a problem still existed for me, while Ron Paul may turn the federal government towards liberty, local and state governments would still remain socialist/tyrannical.  I kept fantasizing about how great it would be if all the Ron Paul supporters would get together to form their own city/state...  Then I finally heard about FSP!!!!!  I am so excited!  I will be in NH to join liberty lovers such as you as soon as I get out of the US military, which will be in about two years.  I

I'd like to work as a farmer in NH, because I believe growing food will be an important skill when SHTF...  Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!  I look forward to working with all of you towards liberty through the upcoming times, good or bad.

porcupine kate

Welcome.  I hope you enjoy the forum.  You will find a lot of information here.

When are free from you contract with the Feds?

More importantly when will you be able to come to the Shire.


Have you signed up officially as an FSP member at freestateproject.org?
That helps encourage others to move.

There are a lot of things you can do while you're still in California:


Welcome aboard, Jay  :) You'll find plenty of freedom-loving people here as well as a few doomers and SHTF folks. NH isn't exactly the breadbasket of the country, but there are many farms and sustainable agriculture types here to network with.


I talked to Jay on IRC last night and sent him in this direction. Glad to see you made it!


Where are you talking on IRC? I thought I was the only dinosaur around here.



cool... we know plenty of ex airforce people here. ;D

J’raxis 270145


Thank you everyone.  I met error on #ronpaulradio on irc.ronpaul.name

I'm not ex-air force yet.  i'll be getting out in a couple of years.  I am set to go back to Iraq in a month.  Hopefully, Ron Paul will become president and stop this war.

I'll be posting regularly here and get to know you all.  Ciao!


Do you want to take a whole bunch of Ron Paul literature with you? :)

Kat Kanning


It's always great to see that the idea of gathering with others who love liberty gives people such encouragement. I remember being so discouraged before I moved to NH too! I love it here and will never live in any other state.

Best of luck on your tour of duty. Be safe and come to NH as soon as you can!


Quote from: painted on November 20, 2007, 12:24 AM NHFT
I am set to go back to Iraq in a month. 

Have you heard about Iraq Veterans Against the War?

This is a good organization that is working to end the war in Iraq.
