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Started by kola, December 03, 2007, 09:47 PM NHFT

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Ahh, cool.  I've heard the name of that before, but never checked it out until just now.  It sounds like a really great program!


So, BTW, Kola,
Were you thinking that this kind of stealing might be OK, and therefore you would promote it?

Or, were you thinking that it is EXACTLY as this young mother (Ivy) describes - steeling food from someone's baby's mouth - and therefore wanted to warn us all to be on guard against it?

If it was the former, have you changed you mind yet?  Or, were you undecided and just looking for some honest input from nice Freedom minded folks?

I have not (I always try hard to resist) hit the "bad karma" button, but sometimes things do temp me.

Please do tell.

Tom Ploszaj

Hi Everyone. 
Search   "freecycle" groups   in   www.yahoo.com/groups   for the NH areas.    I have been using the site in CT to recycle many things.  See you in NH soon.


Terry, First post.  Welcome!
Are you comming to NH for a visit, or are you comming HOME?

Tom Ploszaj

Signer of intent from CT.  Shooting for 2010.  Making my plans now, need to tie up loose ends here.  Had a set back with a LLC to get land in NH.  Planning to build the Hobbit way also but with block walls.  That's me as Studebaker in the other forums.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: terryandie on December 20, 2007, 11:41 PM NHFT
Signer of intent from CT.  Shooting for 2010.  Making my plans now, need to tie up loose ends here.  Had a set back with a LLC to get land in NH.  Planning to build the Hobbit way also but with block walls.  That's me as Studebaker in the other forums.

Welcome! ;D