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Marijuana Decrim Petition (Disclaimer: Could be political)

Started by Rocketman, December 14, 2007, 04:38 PM NHFT

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I don't know whether it's political or not to state one's preference for reducing penalties for laws that shouldn't exist in the first place, but some of us are doing it anyway.  The new NH Common Sense petition is here for those of you who give a shit:


Russell Kanning

perfect example ... voting ....

I am sure you can find better places to post stuff like this.



Pat K

Becky Thatcher

I am a New Hampshire citizen, and I support ending criminal penalties for possession of marijuana in small quantities.

Me three, but I am not in NH so won't be able to sign.  I would also like it better without the words "in small quantities".

Lloyd Danforth

They always want to see maximum amounts in these Bills.. Lets go with 1 ton

Becky Thatcher

Pat K

Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on December 14, 2007, 06:10 PM NHFT
They always want to see maximum amounts in these Bills.. Lets go with 1 ton

Standard ton or long ton?


Quote from: Russell Kanning on December 14, 2007, 04:46 PM NHFT
perfect example ... voting ....

I am sure you can find better places to post stuff like this.

Thank you for the clarification.

Lloyd Danforth

Kat Kanning


Help decriminalize marijuana in New Hampshire:


The New Hampshire Coalition for Common Sense
Sign the petition!

The New Hampshire Coalition for Common Sense Marijuana Policy today announced the launch of its online petition to support a marijuana decriminalization measure in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. The bill would reduce penalties for possession of less than 1.25 ounces of marijuana from a misdemeanor to a "civil violation" offense punishable only by a fine.

Executive Director Matt Simon said the measure that will be considered is a far cry from legalization. "This bill will simply reduce the penalties for marijuana possession and acknowledge an obvious fact: that marijuana is far less harmful than some other currently illegal drugs," he said.

Supporters note that similar 'decrim' measures have been in effect since the 1970's in other states, including Maine. "We're just trying to minimize the harms done by Marijuana Prohibition," Simon explained.

NH Common Sense also announced the release of its complete "Anti-Prohibitionist Report Card" on the presidential primary contenders from both major parties. The print version of this report card made its debut at the International Drug Policy Reform Conference in New Orleans last week, where Simon and Phillip Allen distributed the snappy little document to drug policy reform activists from across the United States and around the world.

Jim Johnson

Dude that bill is totally weak.

As Bill Von Winkle used to say, "Put your hand down your pants and see if you got a pair."

You are a leader in a revolution...tell them what you want!

Kat Kanning