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9-11 was NOT an inside job

Started by ConspiracyDebunker, December 16, 2007, 10:46 AM NHFT

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The 911 blogger thought he would write to the government to get the aircraft component numbers of the crashded planes:


Apparently his request crashded too.


I've heard mentions of this, but I haven't seen any solidly sourced numbers. If anyone here knows the whereabouts of such information, please share it.

For the year (or two years) prior to 9/11, how many times were Air Force fighters scrambled to intercept domestic airline flights?
For the year (or two years) prior to 9/11, what was the average time from scramble to intercept for those flights?
How many of those incidents were triggered by loss of transponder signal from the airliner?

For anyone that doesn't already know: Standard FAA air traffic control protocol is to call the Air Force immediately on the loss of the Mode C transponder signal from a commercial airliner.


I have a ?

Maybe Jaq knows.Are there any testimonies of the air traffic controllers who were working that day?



Quote from: kola on January 01, 2008, 10:48 AM NHFT
I have a ?

Maybe Jaq knows.Are there any testimonies of the air traffic controllers who were working that day?


And what happened to the plane they (ABCCBSNBCCNNFOX) said was headed for Chicago? I got let off early from Motorola because if it. Anyone have video tapes?


Quote from: coffeeseven on January 01, 2008, 06:50 AM NHFT
The 911 blogger thought he would write to the government to get the aircraft component numbers of the crashded planes:


Apparently his request crashded too.

Yeah, you'd think that would be a pretty easy question, eh?


Quote from: kola on January 01, 2008, 10:48 AM NHFT
I have a ?

Maybe Jaq knows.Are there any testimonies of the air traffic controllers who were working that day?


The Boston FAA Center (located on Northeastern Boulevard in Nashua, N.H.) controlled the flights out of Boston. There was some day one or day 2 reporting in the Nashua Telegraph (local paper) - it's out there on the internets somewhere. A friend says the ATC that controlled the 2 flights (a client of his) departing from Boston was forced to retire and was muzzled - I'd sure like to have a cuppa joe and a sit down with her. I wonder if the Air Traffic Controllers Association is approachable for a chat.

...and thanks Kola for thinking I know everything  ;D  ... dang, wish I did!! - I just click like anyone can..."he's got crazy clicker fingers, don't hear no buzzers and bells" (apologies to the Who)

There is a retired ATC, Robin Hordon, who attends and speaks at some 911 Truth events. I'm sure a lot of questions could be directed to him or to Pilots for 9/11 Truth - they have a forum for that. Looks like they sell a new video: Flight of United 93 - we oughta get that for Merrimack Valley 911 Truth showings for the new year -we've got an open schedule and some planning to do - but, Oops, this should all be over on the "was" instead of the "was NOT" thread.


Hmm, my friend may have the wrong person. I'll ask him to clarify. Found this:

"The last routine communication takes place between air traffic control and the pilots of Flight 11 at 8:13 and 29 seconds. Boston Center air traffic controller Pete Zalewski is handling the flight, and instructs it to turn 20 degrees to the right. Pilot John Ogonowski immediately acknowledges the instruction, but seconds later he fails to respond to a command to climb to 35,000 feet."

at the Cooperative Research timeline page for 8:13AM: http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/timeline.jsp?day_of_9/11=dayOf911&timeline=complete_911_timeline


Quote from: KBCraig on December 29, 2007, 09:39 AM NHFT
Quote from: BaneOfTheBeast on December 28, 2007, 01:50 PM NHFT
- A champion golfer (Payne Stewart) goes off course for no more than 5 minutes and is surrounded by fighter jets ready to take him down

It was one hour 23 minutes before ATC contacted an F16 that was already in the area, to intercept and watch Stewart's jet.

The rest of your scribblings are just about as accurate.

:D Ha - alright, I'll give you that one. After further research it does seem that it took longer than I had previously understood - although I'm not sure where an hour and 23 minutes comes from.
However - On 9/11 it wasn't a golfers unresponsive plane.  The crash of the first hijacked jet into the World Trade Center made it clear the United States was faced with an extraordinary situation. This should have intensified the emergency responses of the air safety and air defense systems. They had well  over one hour's advance warning of a terrorist attack in progress, not a single  fighter jet took off (or scrambled) to protect the city, pentagon, white house ...or anything else for that matter. The FAA, NORAD and the military have cooperative procedures by which fighter jets intercept commercial aircraft under emergency conditions. These procedures were not followed. There is no excuse for that.
If you want to quibble about the time it took to respond to a non-threatening, non-responsive plane in the sky, thats fine - but its incomprehensible how you... excuse me, how anyone can believe that it justifies the lack of defensive response on 9/11.

And, um... "The rest of your scribblings are just about as accurate."
Don't you feel like you're lying to yourself?
Instead of making some vague comment about the accuracy of the other points I brought up, in attempts to undermine their credibility...
why don't you just point out their inaccuracies? Or is the Payne Stewart one all you got?

Russell Kanning

one of David Ray Griffins books has a really great timeline

bill rose

this is a funny threat to waste our time
i will be doing a 9-11 truth show on feb 20 at manchester's own mcam channel 23
we need to direct our efforts into giving the truth to those who could listen to it

dont forget the person who stuck a gun to ed brown's head was a "brown supporter"
this site is full of fake people and fake libertarians i meet three  at murphy's

be aware and talk to every one in your day to day activites about 9-11
my bank teller in now a 9-11 truther
i find this the most effective method of spreading reality of our day

i feel this is a joke posting and should be called out as that



Quote from: bill rose on January 21, 2008, 02:00 PM NHFTdont forget the person who stuck a gun to ed brown's head was a "brown supporter"
this site is full of fake people and fake libertarians i meet three  at murphy's

be aware and talk to every one in your day to day activites about 9-11
my bank teller in now a 9-11 truther
i find this the most effective method of spreading reality of our day

Indeed.  Anyone who spreads the story about demolitions charges is instantly suspect of being a government plant.

Quote from: bill rose on January 21, 2008, 02:00 PM NHFTi feel this is a joke posting and should be called out as that

Okay.  Your posting is a joke.



if a raccoon tears your trash open because someone left the cover loose on the bin, it doesn't remove blame from any party but the absolute here is the situation...having a pile of crap to clean up and unless someone picks up the trash, we will have to live in the stench and rot...inviting other critters to scavenge!