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Russell, Caleb...back me up on this.

Started by Jim Johnson, December 19, 2007, 05:02 PM NHFT

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Jim Johnson

There is nothing about strip clubs in the Bible.


By Gary Tuchman
Editor's note: In our Behind the Scenes series, CNN correspondents share their experiences in covering news and analyze the stories behind the events. Here, Gary Tuchman talks about covering people praying on what they call America's "holy highway."

DALLAS, Texas (CNN) -- If you turn to the Bible -- Isaiah Chapter 35, Verse 8 -- you will see a passage that in part says, "A highway shall be there, and a road, and it shall be called the Highway of Holiness."

Now, is it possible that this "highway" mentioned in Chapter 35 is actually Interstate 35 that runs through six U.S. states, from southern Texas to northern Minnesota? Some Christians have faith that is indeed the case.

It was with that interesting belief in mind that we decided to head to Texas, the southernmost state in the I-35 corridor, to do a story about a prayer campaign called "Light the Highway."

Churchgoers in all six states recently finished 35 days of praying alongside Interstate 35, but the prayers are still continuing.

Some of the faithful believe that in order to fulfill the prophecy of I-35 being the "holy" highway, it needs some intensive prayer first. So we watched as about 25 fervent and enthusiastic Christians prayed on the the interstate's shoulder in Dallas.

They chanted loudly and vibrantly, making many people in the neighborhood wonder what was going on. They prayed that adult businesses along the corridor would "see the light" and perhaps close down.

They prayed for safety and freedom from crime for people who lived along the interstate. They prayed that all Americans would accept Jesus into their lives.

The woman who came up with the concept of "Light the Highway" is a Texas minister named Cindy Jacobs.

She says she can't be sure Interstate 35 really is what is mentioned in the Bible but says she received a revelation to start this campaign after "once again reading Isaiah, Chapter 35."

Jacobs also points out that perhaps there is a link between the area near this highway and tragedies that have happened in history, such as the bridge collapse on I-35 in Minneapolis last August and the assassination of JFK 44 years ago near I-35 in Dallas. That's why prayer certainly can't hurt, she adds.

Now, it's only fair to say most people, the religious and the non-religious alike, don't buy any of this, but none more than the owners of some of the adult businesses along I-35.

At an adult go-go club, the owner tells us he resents people trying to impose their will on others. And he says his club holds fundraisers, food drives and toy drives to help the community.

But on the side of the road, the prayerful aren't going to change their minds. Holy highways and nude clubs, they believe, are not a combination God has in mind.

Pat K

I do believe that the 11th commandment is
Thou shall not pole dance on the sabbath.


I doubt that I-35 is the Way of Holiness described in this particular chapter. But I could be wrong. Last time I checked, I-35 was part of that whole North American Union thing.


Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on December 19, 2007, 05:02 PM NHFT
There is nothing about strip clubs in the Bible.

Sure there is...

    * In Exodus 32:19, the children of Israel danced around and worshipped the golden calf they asked Aaron to make while Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments

Certainly, most of the people in strip clubs tend to worship calves (and lots of other parts on display)

    * In 2 Samuel 6:

     Then David, girt with a linen apron, came dancing before the LORD with abandon,
    as he and all the Israelites were bringing up the ark of the LORD with shouts of joy and to the sound of the horn.
    As the ark of the LORD was entering the City of David, Saul's daughter Michal looked down through the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, and she despised him in her heart.
    When David returned to bless his own family, Saul's daughter Michal came out to meet him and said, "How the king of Israel has honored himself today, exposing himself to the view of the slave girls of his followers, as a commoner might do!"
    But David replied to Michal: "I was dancing before the LORD. As the LORD lives, who preferred me to your father and his whole family when he appointed me commander of the LORD'S people, Israel, not only will I make merry before the LORD,
    but I will demean myself even more. I will be lowly in your esteem, but in the esteem of the slave girls you spoke of I will be honored."

Sounds like dancing in front of slave girls in an apron is a good thing... close enough for me.

    * In Ecclesiastes 3:4, Solomon wrote that there is a time for almost everything. He includes a "time for dancing," in contrast to a "time for mourning."

Clearly, there is a time for strip clubs... that's why they turn turn turn...

Russell Kanning

I find it funny when people are determined to have certain parts of the bible fulfilled in their town.

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Pat K on December 19, 2007, 05:24 PM NHFT
I do believe that the 11th commandment is
Thou shall not pole dance on the sabbath.

I think it said, Remember the Sabbath Pole and keep it hollow.

Russell Kanning


Quote from: Russell Kanning on December 19, 2007, 05:54 PM NHFT
I find it funny when people are determined to have certain parts of the bible fulfilled in their town.

I agree.


Pat K

Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on December 19, 2007, 06:00 PM NHFT
Quote from: Pat K on December 19, 2007, 05:24 PM NHFT
I do believe that the 11th commandment is
Thou shall not pole dance on the sabbath.

I think it said, Remember the Sabbath Pole and keep it hollow.

;D that was it.


Something about "The human body is a sinful, evil, playground of Satan!"

I'm paraphrasing.


I live less than a mile off of I-35 in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and there are several strip clubs along the first few miles of the highway north of home.

I drive on it regularly and have seen all parts of it in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, but I haven't found anything holy about it yet, aside from the potholes around major cities.

Russell Kanning


hard for me to connect the I35 with any definition of "holy"

maybe set apart ..... for the NA alliance corridor


Having to navigate the I-30/I-35 interchange every damn day for 2 years because you can't bypass it using commerce because there's either a hockey or basketball game or Dealy Plaza is full of conspiracy theorists crossing all over the road, slowing traffic down even worse, makes me say


Thank sweet lord science I moved to NH.

Kat Kanning

I agree there's nothing holy about I35...ugh!

BTW, have you been to the Conspiracy Musuem at Dealy Plaza?


Yes, and the 6th floor museum, and all the LHO hangouts in Oak Cliff.....it was novel when I first moved there, before I realized they're just impediments to traffic.