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Shire Silver Design Contest!

Started by ReverendRyan, December 20, 2007, 12:43 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Shire Silver guys :)  could you give me a description of what Shire Silver is for someone who's not familiar with silver or alternative currencies or anything like that?  I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're doing well enough to write it myself.  The description would go in the newspaper along with the contest info.

porcupine kate

I love the poetry Puke.
Now I want to know if you can draw. ;D


Quote from: Scott Roth on December 20, 2007, 06:26 PM NHFT
I am really excited about this idea, folks.  This is the kind of thing that can really put our life here in the Free State and the NH Underground Forum on the forefront of liberty activities.  The Liberty Dollar was the catalyst...now we can make it more of a reality here in the Shire.  And be able to thumb our noses at the government at the same time.  Double whammy! 8)

I really don't understand the benefit.  Why are generic silver rounds insufficient?   The Shire Silver idea was discussed at the meeting after the LD raid.  Only two or three people were not in favor of using generic silver rounds that are currently available.  (Not to suggest the popular option is always the best... but currencies are social constructs and their value partly depends on adoption-rate.)

A Shire Silver piece would be novel and collectible.   However, 20%+ seigniorage makes it less attractive as an exchange of value.

There may be a market for smaller silver coins -- where a higher premium above spot is accepted.   

Other than stamping a questionable FRN value, how would a Shire Silver piece compete against other silver rounds near spot?


Quote from: picaro on December 21, 2007, 09:45 AM NHFT
I really don't understand the benefit.  Why are generic silver rounds insufficient?   The Shire Silver idea was discussed at the meeting after the LD raid.  Only two or three people were not in favor of using generic silver rounds that are currently available.  (Not to suggest the popular option is always the best... but currencies are social constructs and their value partly depends on adoption-rate.)

A Shire Silver piece would be novel and collectible.   However, 20%+ seigniorage makes it less attractive as an exchange of value.

There may be a market for smaller silver coins -- where a higher premium above spot is accepted.   

Other than stamping a questionable FRN value, how would a Shire Silver piece compete against other silver rounds near spot?

If "let the market decide" is a good enough idea for most everything else, why not currency as well? We're offering choice, how is that a bad thing?


If "let the market decide" is a good enough idea for most everything else, why not currency as well? We're offering choice, how is that a bad thing?

Because markets are good, it doesn't follow that the kinks have been smoothed out for SS idea.  Solid questions have been asked about the SS idea.  Solid answers would go a long way toward encouraging others to fully support your effort. 

Good luck.

Bald Eagle

Quote from: picaro on December 21, 2007, 09:45 AM NHFT
I really don't understand the benefit.  Why are generic silver rounds insufficient?   

... but currencies are social constructs and their value partly depends on adoption-rate.)

A Shire Silver piece would be novel and collectible.   However, 20%+ seigniorage makes it less attractive as an exchange of value.

Other than stamping a questionable FRN value, how would a Shire Silver piece compete against other silver rounds near spot?

It's do-it-yourself money.
You learn why money is money, what makes it valuable, how to deal with determining value and authenticating silver and gold pieces, etc.
We need to get people's heads out of the "it's only good or valuable if somebody else made it, and I don't know anything about it" mode.

We learn to make and use and authenticate our own money, and we're a solid stride ahead toward independence and self-reliance.

Bad things are right around America's corner, and what happens to the NH economy when the money supply is cut off?  Are you gonna trade rocks and timber?


Bad things are right around America's corner, and what happens to the NH economy when the money supply is cut off?  Are you gonna trade rocks and timber?

Ok, I'm starting to get it.  Tools to melt down your silverware and jewellery and stamp them into coins would be pretty cool.


Quote from: Ron Helwig on December 20, 2007, 12:36 PM NHFTAnd for those of you who don't like the MSRP, instead of constantly harping on the fact that some people actually want to make a profit from their product, you might want to start making suggestions as to why someone would actually want to use a currency without a MSRP.

To avoid re-minting as the dollar slides.

I don't see many stores embossing prices on items (at least, items of any significant value).  They use stickers, so they can adjust the price.  I don't see why this product would be any different.  About the only items you see in stores that have the MSRP permanently attached are novelty items at convenience stores, since the turnover is so high and there's no major cost in changing the artwork when they print the next lot of boxes.

Also, on a practical matter, how can it include the MSRP (eg, $15) without using "$" or "dollar"?


Bald Eagle

"Redeemable for X Federal Reserve Notes?"


Quote from: Bald Eagle on December 21, 2007, 03:56 PM NHFT"Redeemable for X Federal Reserve Notes?"

I'd watch that sort of wording, if you think that even a "$" could be trouble.  After all, who is guaranteeing that it will be redeemed?



OK once again, it's not "redeemable for" but "suggested trade value."  If it makes it easier for people to get used to the idea of using metals, isn't that a good thing? And that's only one option. If you don't like the idea then you don't have to use those, use weight only instead, but don't try to enforce your preference on the consumer, that's what we're trying to fight against in the first place.

The great SubGenius prophet Ivan Stang likes to say, "If you don't like it, go start your own damn religion!" If you don't like the way this one will be done, then by all means, start your own damn currency and we can LET THE MARKET DECIDE.

Ron Helwig

Quote from: MaineShark on December 21, 2007, 03:29 PM NHFT
Also, on a practical matter, how can it include the MSRP (eg, $15) without using "$" or "dollar"?

¤ (HTML) or Alt-0164


J’raxis 270145

Quote from: ReverendRyan on December 20, 2007, 12:43 AM NHFT
·   DO NOT use the word "dollar," the "$" sign, or anything that would lead the average person to believe it is US currency.
·   DO NOT use slogans, wording, or symbols found on or similar to government currency or logos.

I'd suggest also avoiding cute rephrasings like the LD folks did with "Trust in God."

And, even though it's New Hampshire's most recognizable feature, remember the Old Man of the Mountain is on the state quarter.

Quote from: ReverendRyan on December 20, 2007, 12:43 AM NHFT·   DO NOT use likenesses or profiles of any living or dead people.

What's the rationale for not using likenesses of dead people?


If you want to create your own currency, you ought to give it a name other than "dollar". I would suggest "granite". One granite could equal a tenth of an ounce of silver, so a silver round would be 10 Granites. Instead of using a dollar sign, you could use a capital "G" with two lines through it.



Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on December 21, 2007, 10:56 PM NHFT
What's the rationale for not using likenesses of dead people?

The idea is to make it as easily distinguishable from govt. currency as possible. Dies are also much cheaper and easier with a single level die (like a gaming token) rather than fully sculpted, and portraits don't come out very good with them. These are only guidelines, though. Submit whatever you want.

Quote from: Caleb on December 22, 2007, 01:27 AM NHFT
If you want to create your own currency, you ought to give it a name other than "dollar". I would suggest "granite". One granite could equal a tenth of an ounce of silver, so a silver round would be 10 Granites. Instead of using a dollar sign, you could use a capital "G" with two lines through it.


For the time being, we're using the term "shire" even if just for a placeholder until a better name comes along.

By the way, this type of discussion should probably move to www.shiresilver.org