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151 Rum newbie

Started by kola, December 21, 2007, 07:12 PM NHFT

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I bought a bottle of 151 rum. I rarely drink alcohol..due to my low tolerance of it.  :-\

Anyway, I need a little holiday cheer and want to drink some.  >:D

What is a good mixer? I don't like rum and coke.



Heres what happened last year:


Haha, I haven't had 151 since my first year of college.  It was the first alcoholic drink I'd ever had.  I haven't had it since.  Nothing goes well with it :P  In general, though, Coke (or Diet Coke) goes with rum . . . but 151 is powerful stuff -- good luck  ;)


Google rum drinks and I bet you'll get more recipes than you can vomit a chunk at.


   Take 1 (one) ripe wattermellon :o  Cut a small hole in the top, stick the bottle in the wattermellon and let it drain in it for a few days, rotate mellon for maximum effect
    Cut, eat  (Huccup!)


hmm..maybe I will just sip it...but I will google it out.

do they make eggnog with rum?

btw,,that aint me in the pic..i thought it was hilarious though...poor guy. LOL



I think 151 is more useful as a fuel for alcohol-burning machinery than a recreational beverage, but to each their own. I would just bite the bullet and mix it with cola, but then again, I mix everything with Coke. Maybe do shots?


Right now I'm having a dark rum on the rocks. I like it and am glad that it's not 151 or I'd be typing with one eye shut.

I always remember the angel's line from It's a Wonderful Life:

That's a good man. I was just thinking... ...of a Flaming Rum Punch

If you're gonna make a flaming rum punch I'm guessing the only way to do it is with 151. The amount of 151 you'd have to put in it to make it light would probably be scary. But then it would bake off some of the alcohol. Hey maybe that's not such a bad idea.  ;)

There's everybody's favorite rum and kola. Add a lime wedge and it's a Cuba Libre. When I was in Bermuda I drank a ton of the national drink the Bermuda Swizzle which tastes like fruit punch and rum. Reminder: Friends don't let friends moped drunk.

Check this:

Cocktail recipes with Bacardi 151 Rum

Lloyd Danforth

Get an equal amount of these other things and have a (nearly) lifetime supply of long Island Ice Teas.

1 part vodka
1 part tequila
1 part rum
1 part gin
1 part triple sec
1 1/2 parts sweet and sour mix
1 splash Coca-Cola®


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on December 22, 2007, 07:17 AM NHFT
Get an equal amount of these other things and have a (nearly) lifetime supply of long Island Ice Teas.

1 part vodka
1 part tequila
1 part rum
1 part gin
1 part triple sec
1 1/2 parts sweet and sour mix
1 splash Coca-Cola®

Never has there been such a drink - Aspiring kareoke singers go from perspiring to aspiring in one glass.  ;D


Can also find recipes and a recipe generator here:


Equal parts rum and coconut water is the traditional mix for over-proofs in Jamaican rum-bars.

Jim Johnson


Generally with Rum, the younger the Rum the more fruit juice you add to it.  When you get to the 12 year old or more, those are sipping Rums.   :ahoy:


Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on December 22, 2007, 09:00 AM NHFT

Generally with Rum, the younger the Rum the more fruit juice you add to it.  When you get to the 12 year old or more, those are sipping Rums.   :ahoy:

Are we talking about the age of the rum or the age of the drinker? ;)


this stuff is GOOOD.  ;D

I am gonna try Lloyds advice and make an Long Island Ice tea. They sound evil.

I feel like a pirate...but will try to avoid ending up like "banana-boy" from the above picture. LOL


Lloyd Danforth

The taste can be deceiving.  I can't remember if it OK to drink the 4th, but not, the 5th one, or, the 3rd but not, the 4th.