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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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David on trial for car registration

Started by TackleTheWorld, December 30, 2007, 09:48 AM NHFT

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Well I only know one of the people of these two sides. I can't know what's true or not. All I have to go on is that I've never seen anything but a passion for pacifism in Russell; certainly no violent tendencies. That doesn't mean he wasn't violent in the past or violent at some times. Just saying that's all I've got to go on and it leaves me more than a bit skeptical. The truth is likely somewhere in between what we hear from two sides.

I know you feel he owes them, and I wouldn't even argue that, but you're trying to bleed a stone. He's far away from the kids. In fact you claim they want nothing to do with him. You all seem to have washed your hands of him other than wanting money which he doesn't have, so prison is obviously not necessary for their protection. One thing I know though, is that Russell being in jail right now isn't serving any purpose. You call it justice but it's just revenge.






This guy is commenting respectfully on our tactics. Thought you guys might want to see.

Risk and Sacrifice: Questions for Libertarians



I posted a text response. 

I don't know if anyone has ever responded to one of our videos before, that's great news!


Me too, I said our actions accomplished inspiring him to make a video.
What do you think, David?


I clicked :

It said:

"I'm sorry this video is no longer available"


Follow the link and watch it at the YouTube site. It seems to still work that way but not embedded for some reason.

Kat Kanning

From the letter I got from Russell:

(Talking about the day he was arrested)
QuoteI talked with the guys from the minor court and asked about David.  They thought it was cool that he got off with his "smart words".


Quote from: TackleTheWorld on March 20, 2008, 09:56 PM NHFT
Me too, I said our actions accomplished inspiring him to make a video.
What do you think, David?
The traditional approaches have not been very successful.  Granted, things may work differently here due to greater numbers, but I am more interested in things that will work, in the near and long term. 
Further, I want to (ideally) put a dent in the gov'ts ability to harm others.  That is a long term goal, but a worthy one.  If all an aspiring politician has to do is grab the reigns of power, then the reigns of power are dangerous.  That is all every major tyrannt in the 20th century did, the power was there, all they had to do was grab it.  I want to limit the power, so no one has the ability to do such great harm, so easily. 
This requires a good deal of opposition to do effectively, and he is right about that.  But it has to start somewhere.  Dr. King was a great leader not just because he said nice sounding things, but because he was not afraid to lead by example.  He went to jail, He marched, He agitated, yet refused to lash out violently against His oppressors.  In the end, He won. 
I will not likely ever have throngs of people supporting me on the registration issues, or any other relatively 'minor oppression'.  But much tyranny can be avoided by people standing up to the oppression.  But it has to simply be done. 

Kat Kanning


Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 27, 2008, 01:00 PM NHFT
David's article up here:
Thank you Kat.  The pic is from the Lauren protest for the licence refusnik in Milford isn't it.   :)