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David on trial for car registration

Started by TackleTheWorld, December 30, 2007, 09:48 AM NHFT

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I could ask Mike Fisher for a nail polish.  Or I could dress in drag, but I doubt it.  Only 'benito' guiliani can get away with that. 


Thanks Dave for the Ridley update.  Unfortunately the web address is properly anarchyhouseproject1.org/home
Somehow when I set it up, I changed something and the slash home was added to become my permanent home page.  But hey, thanks for the publicity.   :)


http://anarchyhouseproject1.org/home WORKS... without /home DOES NOT!!
you need an index.html file in the directory that your hosting provider tells you to put it in...
Even if the file index.html is just   http://anarchyhouseproject1.org/home link....
(p.s. *might be* index.htm instead...ask hosting provider)



This might be an interesting approach at your trial:


I think I'll e-mail Marc and see if he can send me some of his videos on DVD so I can submit them to Cheshire TV... :icon_pirat:


wow, Marc was uncharacteristically concise in that video. 

Russell Kanning

that would be funny to turn to the judge and then the prosecuter and ask who they represent or work for .... and then point to all the armed men in the room and all of the side people .... and mention who they all work for

Russell Kanning

so ... anyone want to wear black robes into this trial?


If I were planning to talk to a judge, I might ask Russell to role play the judge with me (he has some experience with how they act) so I could practice getting my message out.

Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning

anyone found a cheap place to get black robes?


Russell Kanning


I found some that are a little cheaper for just a robe ... but the robe and wig are a nice combo :)


Considering that costumes apparently make one special and powerful, would adding a wig give you authority over the judge?    ;)

Russell Kanning