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Souter's home to be taken?

Started by jgmaynard, June 28, 2005, 12:20 PM NHFT

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Quote from: freedominnh on August 14, 2005, 09:59 AM NHFT
Will waste enough time defeating b.s. efforts in Weare and Plainfield.? Not wasting anymore time on your silliness or stale "accomplishments".

Stale? I would like to know how you are qualified to declare that our accomplishments are stale? I think you should attend one of our meetings in order to know the scope of what we deal with on a daily basis. You are either new to NH or not in the loop.


Quote from: freedominnh on August 14, 2005, 10:30 AM NHFT
CNHT's tacit approval of Eminent Domain even as a tactic is abhorrent.? Get a real cause or get on the right side of the real battle required to defeat Eminent Domain abuse nationwide.?

What would you suggest we do to express our disapproval to Souter? Shall we write him a letter? Call him on the phone? Do you think that would work? This is our way of writing him a letter. We do not approve of E.D. in any way just for the record.


Quote from: freedominnh on August 14, 2005, 11:07 AM NHFT
Glad you realize that and neither do 93% of NH people.? I have lived in this state for 35 years.? Your logic precludes most of the people moving to this State based on their FSP commitment.? Are you sure youi meant what you said, or are you just trying to justify your argument ?? CNHT support will continue to decline if you continue to support this sophmoric tactic.

CNHT support is hardly declining but in fact increasing every day and our tactics are hardly sophomoric. When we submitted 150 illegal ballots to the Dartmouth trustees race, we not only brought voter fraud in general to light, but we got your two libertarian candidates elected. Yet you continue to try to cast doubt on my organization. That would seem to be counterproductive if not downright ingrateful.

Michael Fisher

I do not know who freedominnh is, and cannot speak for him or her, but I personally do not cast doubt upon your organization.  It is only this specific action that I have a problem with at this point.

I believe CNHT is a great asset to the movement for greater liberty and I trust that you will find a far more direct method of stopping eminent domain.

Lloyd Danforth

Does CNHT have a Paypal account so I can make a donation and dedicate it to Freedominnh?


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on August 14, 2005, 05:01 PM NHFT
Does CNHT have a Paypal account so I can make a donation and dedicate it to Freedominnh?

Yes Lloyd we have everything on our 'static' website -- merchandise, donations, join forms, info, etc.
Soon we will have Souter T-Shirts!


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on August 14, 2005, 04:28 PM NHFT
I do not know who freedominnh is, and cannot speak for him or her, but I personally do not cast doubt upon your organization.? It is only this specific action that I have a problem with at this point.

I believe CNHT is a great asset to the movement for greater liberty and I trust that you will find a far more direct method of stopping eminent domain.

Mikey --  you cannot get any more direct that this -- if you want to  abolish a law, enforce it to the fullest extent!   ;)

Kat Kanning

From Lost Liberty Hotel newsletter:


THE FIRST BATTLE is fast approaching in our campaign to end eminent domain abuse by having those who advocate it experience it themselves. We are planning a rally in Weare, New Hampshire in the first half of January. Specific details are being decided and will be provided to all who express interest by clicking the link at the bottom.

The purpose of the rally is to help our supporters in Weare gather signatures for their ballot initiative. This initiative asks the Town of Weare to use eminent domain to seize the land of Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter for the purpose of economic development through the construction of an Inn. It must be filed by the end of January and will be voted on in March 2006.

Although it only takes 25 signatures to put this initiative on the ballot we would like to collect as many as possible. Souter has reportedly laughed at us and thinks we aren't serious. Let's show him otherwise. Let's try to get more than 50% of Weare's 5,552 registered voters to sign it!

If 100 people from across America show up and each one collects 30 signatures over a January weekend we will send a message to all politicians?stop stealing our property or YOU will be on the receiving end of the eminent domain steamroller.

Make a vacation of it. New Hampshire offers great options for the whole family: skiing, snowmobiling, throwing snowballs at rotten politicians.

Please post this notice to blogs and websites and e-mail it to your friends. Click below to send an e-mail to logan@freestarmedia.co expressing your interest in attending. Please indicate the number in your party.

NH Map (For those having trouble locating Weare, NH)

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Quote from: katdillon on December 01, 2005, 01:18 PM NHFT
From Lost Liberty Hotel newsletter:


THE FIRST BATTLE is fast approaching in our campaign to end eminent domain abuse by having those who advocate it experience it themselves. We are planning a rally in Weare, New Hampshire in the first half of January. Specific details are being decided and will be provided to all who express interest by clicking the link at the bottom.

The purpose of the rally is to help our supporters in Weare gather signatures for their ballot initiative. This initiative asks the Town of Weare to use eminent domain to seize the land of Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter for the purpose of economic development through the construction of an Inn. It must be filed by the end of January and will be voted on in March 2006.

Although it only takes 25 signatures to put this initiative on the ballot we would like to collect as many as possible. Souter has reportedly laughed at us and thinks we aren't serious. Let's show him otherwise. Let's try to get more than 50% of Weare's 5,552 registered voters to sign it!

If 100 people from across America show up and each one collects 30 signatures over a January weekend we will send a message to all politicians?stop stealing our property or YOU will be on the receiving end of the eminent domain steamroller.

Make a vacation of it. New Hampshire offers great options for the whole family: skiing, snowmobiling, throwing snowballs at rotten politicians.

Please post this notice to blogs and websites and e-mail it to your friends. Click below to send an e-mail to logan@freestarmedia.co expressing your interest in attending. Please indicate the number in your party.

NH Map (For those having trouble locating Weare, NH)

This is rather strange...the petition for this has already been filed...

Kat Kanning

For yours?  Or for Clements?  Or both?


Quote from: katdillon on December 01, 2005, 01:21 PM NHFT
For yours?? Or for Clements?? Or both?

The person working for Clements joined with our person working in Weare who had already filed a petition. So I don't know what this new petition is about.

The other petition met the requirements for submission a while ago.


Quote from: wholetthedogin? on December 05, 2005, 08:19 AM NHFT
Any press = good press?

Well no because the quieter the better, if you want to be successful. A media circus does not always mean success and can do a lot to discredit.

Michael Fisher

I'd better eat up.  It sounds like I'll be fasting several different times on this issue.  ;)


Russell Kanning

Quote from: katdillon on December 01, 2005, 01:18 PM NHFTMake a vacation of it. New Hampshire offers great options for the whole family: skiing, snowmobiling, throwing snowballs at rotten politicians.
My kind of fun. ;D


The ONLY news outlet that got this July 29th story correct!

Ed Naile and John Babiarz and I dreamt this up 3 weeks before the JW Hill MVP meeting: (Note it contains the Breyer info at this early stage?)
