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Souter's home to be taken?

Started by jgmaynard, June 28, 2005, 12:20 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Plans are in the works to protest against Clements.  Stay tuned.

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on December 11, 2005, 03:15 PM NHFT
Plans are in the works to protest against Clements.? Stay tuned.

You know he is a FSP member and has gotten several people to sign up for the FSP.  Heck, he even got the FSP a new member in the latest month that the FSP new sign-up numbers were made public.


Quote from: TN-FSP on December 11, 2005, 03:21 PM NHFT
Quote from: LeRuineur6 on December 11, 2005, 03:15 PM NHFT
Plans are in the works to protest against Clements.? Stay tuned.

You know he is a FSP member and has gotten several people to sign up for the FSP.? Heck, he even got the FSP a new member in the latest month that the FSP new sign-up numbers were made public.

Well now I've gotten two or three people in the last month to move to NH -- same political bent, not necessarily members of FSP, one did read the site and made his decision then.
One was just last Thursday who was listening to the radio show from another state.
I'd say that's more bang for the buck wouldn't you? Of course I don't brag about this stuff, so who would even know about it?


Quote from: TN-FSP on December 11, 2005, 03:21 PM NHFT

You know he is a FSP member and has gotten several people to sign up for the FSP.? Heck, he even got the FSP a new member in the latest month that the FSP new sign-up numbers were made public.

By the way, as long as Clements is still touting the support and association of "Freedomworks" a DC organization under the foundation and auspsices of C Boyden Gray, GOOD FRIEND of SCOTUS Justices Souter and Breyer, he has asolutely ZERO credibility with the people of NH, since this is a HUGE conflict of interest!
Can you say 'corporate shill'?

'Nuff said.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: TN-FSP on December 11, 2005, 03:21 PM NHFT
Quote from: LeRuineur6 on December 11, 2005, 03:15 PM NHFT
Plans are in the works to protest against Clements.? Stay tuned.

You know he is a FSP member and has gotten several people to sign up for the FSP.? Heck, he even got the FSP a new member in the latest month that the FSP new sign-up numbers were made public.

You may want to read the rest of this thread, specifically a few pages before and after page 10, to see how we feel about Clements.

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on December 11, 2005, 04:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: TN-FSP on December 11, 2005, 03:21 PM NHFT
Quote from: LeRuineur6 on December 11, 2005, 03:15 PM NHFT
Plans are in the works to protest against Clements.? Stay tuned.

You know he is a FSP member and has gotten several people to sign up for the FSP.? Heck, he even got the FSP a new member in the latest month that the FSP new sign-up numbers were made public.

You may want to read the rest of this thread, specifically a few pages before and after page 10, to see how we feel about Clements.

Yes.? I read that and know how you feel about Clements.? I'm just suggesting that it doesn't make sense (IMHO) to protest a preson that is trying to make NH more free and recruiting others to do the same.? He hasn't done anything to make NH less free.

If you look at his website, you will see:
A photo of Atlas Shrugged and it mentioned several times , has a link to the related Pledge Bank pledge which was used as a recruiting tool by the FSP and signed by dozens of FSP members http://www.pledgebank.com/LostLibHotel, and also has links to these sites- The Philosophy of Liberty (video) & The Capitalism Tour (slide show), etc.  All of this on the main page.

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: CNHT on December 11, 2005, 04:01 PM NHFT
Well now I've gotten two or three people in the last month to move to NH -- same political bent, not necessarily members of FSP, one did read the site and made his decision then.
One was just last Thursday who was listening to the radio show from another state.
I'd say that's more bang for the buck wouldn't you? Of course I don't brag about this stuff, so who would even know about it?

Jane, that is great news.  Keep up the good work  ;)


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on December 11, 2005, 04:49 PM NHFT
You may want to read the rest of this thread, specifically a few pages before and after page 10, to see how we feel about Clements.

It doesn't matter how anyone feels about Clements, (liberals 'feel') but it matters whether he is doing things the right way or not, or whether he is damaging the FSPer's philosophies about libertarian government.

Folks, did you know that there are things underfoot to use the Kelo decision to take more property for private use with the state of NH's blessing?
If you believe it's not a threat here in this state you are wrong. When government gets so big that it begins to gang up on you, you're in trouble.
The 91A law is under seige as well. (HB 626)

Nothing will generate more press to call attention to the eminent domain problem as when Souter and Breyer are exposed.
And if it's done the wrong way and fails, it's not going to do a thing to help.


Quote from: TN-FSP on December 11, 2005, 05:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on December 11, 2005, 04:01 PM NHFT
Well now I've gotten two or three people in the last month to move to NH -- same political bent, not necessarily members of FSP, one did read the site and made his decision then.
One was just last Thursday who was listening to the radio show from another state.
I'd say that's more bang for the buck wouldn't you? Of course I don't brag about this stuff, so who would even know about it?

Jane, that is great news.? Keep up the good work? ;)

What is great news? That Clements is a corporate shill or that he will fail because of it?  >:D
I believe in capitalism but I think if you are going to do something to make a political statement you need to separate it from that. In this case the people of Weare should have the first and last word.


Quote from: CNHT on December 11, 2005, 06:04 PM NHFT
It doesn't matter how anyone feels about Clements, (liberals 'feel') but it matters whether he is doing things the right way or not, or whether he is damaging the FSPer's philosophies about libertarian government.

You mean his attempt to steal private property through ED is getting more publicity than your attempt to steal the same private property through ED?

Both attempts are at odds with libertarian government at FSP's goals.


Quote from: KBCraig on December 11, 2005, 06:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on December 11, 2005, 06:04 PM NHFT
It doesn't matter how anyone feels about Clements, (liberals 'feel') but it matters whether he is doing things the right way or not, or whether he is damaging the FSPer's philosophies about libertarian government.

You mean his attempt to steal private property through ED is getting more publicity than your attempt to steal the same private property through ED?

Both attempts are at odds with libertarian government at FSP's goals.

He's part of the problem, Souter. He's the 'government' and taking his property to give back to the people is fair in that it subjects him to the same laws.
The trouble is, when is a law a bad law? When it's enforced fully. We intend to enforce it, fully.

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: CNHT on December 11, 2005, 06:06 PM NHFT
Quote from: TN-FSP on December 11, 2005, 05:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on December 11, 2005, 04:01 PM NHFT
Well now I've gotten two or three people in the last month to move to NH -- same political bent, not necessarily members of FSP, one did read the site and made his decision then.
One was just last Thursday who was listening to the radio show from another state.
I'd say that's more bang for the buck wouldn't you? Of course I don't brag about this stuff, so who would even know about it?

Jane, that is great news.? Keep up the good work? ;)

What is great news? That Clements is a corporate shill or that he will fail because of it?? >:D
I believe in capitalism but I think if you are going to do something to make a political statement you need to separate it from that. In this case the people of Weare should have the first and last word.

Jane...It is great news that you are getting freedom activists to move to NH and work to dramaticly reduce the size of government in NH.  This is very good.  I am also glad that people outside of the FSP are doing this.  The groups and people trying to recruit freedom activists to NH, the better.


Quote from: CNHT on December 11, 2005, 06:29 PM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on December 11, 2005, 06:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on December 11, 2005, 06:04 PM NHFT
It doesn't matter how anyone feels about Clements, (liberals 'feel') but it matters whether he is doing things the right way or not, or whether he is damaging the FSPer's philosophies about libertarian government.

You mean his attempt to steal private property through ED is getting more publicity than your attempt to steal the same private property through ED?

Both attempts are at odds with libertarian government at FSP's goals.

He's part of the problem, Souter. He's the 'government' and taking his property to give back to the people is fair in that it subjects him to the same laws.
The trouble is, when is a law a bad law? When it's enforced fully. We intend to enforce it, fully.

Then you also support the Londonderry and DOT effort to seize the land of APB and others, for wetlands mitigation? You also support Hampton Beach's attempt to seize private property? Or countless other examples we've read in the news?

A bad law is bad because it's bad, and because it can be enforced. It's no more or less bad just because of spotty enforcement. If you truly support enforcing bad laws just to make a point, then you supported Mike Fisher and Russell Kanning and Lauren Canario being thrown in jail.

Think about it.



Quote from: TN-FSP on December 11, 2005, 07:08 PM NHFT

Jane...It is great news that you are getting freedom activists to move to NH and work to dramaticly reduce the size of government in NH.? This is very good.? I am also glad that people outside of the FSP are doing this.? The groups and people trying to recruit freedom activists to NH, the better.

Oh OK I misread that. Sorry! Yes I have been promoting NH since I moved here myself in 1989.


Quote from: KBCraig on December 11, 2005, 07:23 PM NHFT

Then you also support the Londonderry and DOT effort to seize the land of APB and others, for wetlands mitigation? You also support Hampton Beach's attempt to seize private property? Or countless other examples we've read in the news?

A bad law is bad because it's bad, and because it can be enforced. It's no more or less bad just because of spotty enforcement. If you truly support enforcing bad laws just to make a point, then you supported Mike Fisher and Russell Kanning and Lauren Canario being thrown in jail.

Think about it.


I'm thinking about it and NO, I don't support those people being thrown in jail...
The law was selectively enforced against them, as is what usually happens. I've been the victim of this many time myself. I am not without my own battle scars, and I had no one sticking up for me when my freedom of speech was removed from a past election by threats, violence, and fines.

As we have said numerous times, the best way we feel to change the law in this case is to demonstrate how damaging it is. And who better to demonstrate it with than those who allowed it in the first place? Do you have another solution?

And by the way, we are having Al P Baldasaro on our radio show this coming Thursday the 15th just to give you the heads up! I spoke to him on the phone a few days ago. We may have two guests that night.