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Souter's home to be taken?

Started by jgmaynard, June 28, 2005, 12:20 PM NHFT

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A hypothetical situation:
You discover your child has stolen a baseball bat belonging to a neighbor's child. When you question him, he says he stole it from the other child because the other child stole his glove. Was your child correct to retaliate thusly? How can you teach a child that something is wrong if you employ the concept yourself?


Well said, Dada.

It reminds me of when your dad is about to kick your ass to teach you a lesson, and he stops to tell you, "this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you." What he is saying is that he doesn't want to do it. It's against his "principles," and he feels guilty and broken-hearted. But some people, at some point, just need the shit kicked out of them in order to learn a little respect for others -- plain and simple. (This is certainly not true of all people -- and certainly many people will disagree, and I respect that, but ask anyone who's had someone say this to them whether it was a positive or negative experience, and how, and I think you'll see that violence is not inherently evil.)

Sometimes you have to "fight fire with fire." I know I keep saying that, but it seems to be the best and most simple analogy to me. No one wants to set ablaze a perfectly healthy section of land. It is a risky business, and if it were as political as this topic you would surely find people telling fire-fighters that they are going against their principles to actually start a fire, in the name of "protecting" people and property from fire.

I understand feeling a little guilty about this. And I understand the urge to protect Souter's home from the bulldozer. But Souter has made a mistake that goes much farther than Kelo and will last much longer than his reign of power, if we don't put our foot down, draw as much attention to him and this decision as possible, and just deal with the "guilt," however deep it runs. This will "hurt us more than it hurts him," in the short term, but the flip side of this is that we are attempting to protect others from his action, by brining to light the consequences of his action in a high-profile, very effective protest. Otherwise it would be wrong. Just like dad kicking hid kid's ass, he's ultimately just trying to protect him.

Michael Fisher

"Eminent domain is wrong, so let's use it!"



Ok I have been struggling with this whole issue since the beginning.

At first I thought it was kinda funny that Souter could lose his house over it.

But I think that Mike's last comment really sums it up for me.

Michael Fisher

Well something unexpected happened at the anti-Souter protest today. ?There were only 1 to 3 people demonstrating in support of taking Souter's home. ?The other 5+ were demonstrating to protect Souter and stop all eminent domain. ?This was strange to me considering that 98% of the US population apparently supports taking Souter's home.

Some of us had very neutral signs and were even switching sides of the street repeatedly. ?Lloyd brought two different signs! ? ;D

What a unique and respectful group of people. ?I'm proud to be a part of the NH Underground. ?:)

Michael Fisher


So if someone is breaking into your house, and you know they could use violence against yourself and your significant other (shudder!), you wouldn't use violence to stop them, Mike?
After all, that would be using violence to stop violence, right?  ::)
I haven't been in a fist fight since 7th grade, and when someone broke into my home, I had a choice. I could either lay in bed and cower, letting him do whatever he wanted to me and my gf, OR I could go get a weapon and confront him. I chose the latter, and if I had to make that same choice today, I would do it again and again.
Philosophical meanderings are MEANINGLESS in the real world under certain situations....


Michael Fisher

Quote from: jgmaynard on July 17, 2005, 04:47 PM NHFT
So if someone is breaking into your house, and you know they could use violence against yourself and your significant other (shudder!), you wouldn't use violence to stop them, Mike?

Of course I would, even if it were the government.  I almost always carry a loaded firearm.

But force is a last resort to me.  The force of government is a NON-resort, and definitely not a tool for publicity or revenge.

I guess the real determining factor is whether or not you believe in government.  If you do, you probably support taking Souter's home as revenge for an individual allowing the government to get out of control.  If not, you probably do not support taking his home because government force is not to be used even as a last resort.


If you ever try to call these shows, you will know that it is very hard to get through to a very popular national show . . . Tried my ass off to get through to give Drudge the update . . . it was not to be.

Just as well!  We lived it.  We learned a bit from our freinds.
We had some fun - and some "funny" - times.

"Funny" how the law enforcment folks (both local & federal) and we were personable, respectful, and peaceful.  Yet, some petty little (. . .) was SO fast to telll us we had no right of free speech on "town" property.

The law enforcement guys had no problem with us.  And, we had no problem with them.  Some even expressed their support of our rights (and even their happiness that we were doing this, etc.  . . .

"Funny" how it is when we connnect with folks . . .
The FOLKS in Weare seemed to take no offence to our speech.  We got the full compliment of responces:  from full-support to blank looks . . .

All-and-all, a very nice day!

I learned a lot from my freinds today!  Thank you all for careing enough to SPEAK today.


The reason I protested on the side I did was this: If we were to use eminent domain to take Souter's house it shows tacit approval for employing eminent domain as a means to our own ends (sound familiar?).? I understand wanting to make him feel what his decision has done.? I understand that he should have stopped the madness.? I understand the entire thing.? I just believe that this sends mixed messages.? If we use eminent domain in any way shape or form for whatever reason, then I do not believe it is just a matter of fighting with fire as some of you are saying, although I too am angry as hell.

Souter was wrong.? All the justices who ruled the way they did were so out of line and they may not care one whit.? The problem is that if we use the same tactics against them, then it isn't that we are turning the other cheek or being forgiving, (I don't take it quite as far as Mike), it is that we become too much like them.? There has to be outrage.? There has to be a line drawn in the sand and the time is now.? I am talking to people as I go around and people from all over are angry about the eminent domain ruling, but you know something Mike is not the only one who doesn't like the idea of Souter's house being taken.? What I am hearing from people is what I hear about the Connecticut folks houses.? No one has a right to take away somebody's home through eminent domain period.? :)

This is getting people talking that is for sure.? They are pissed off and that is a good thing, but if we do something like this, do you honestly think that we liberty people will look like good guys?? What kind of liberty is there in this?? He has a family history in that old house,? it belonged to his grandparents and he lived there since he was 11; he spent many summers there with his grandparents when they were alive when he was little.? It is an old beat up place in the middle of nowhere.? My sign read: Poetic Yes! Justice NO Eminent Domain!? And it is true.? There would be poetic justice in this, but justice would not be served.? Affecting him in his position of power, in his position as Justice of the Supreme Court? makes sense.? Hitting him in his home does not.

But I love the fact that we can all get along so well through this.? I love that although we had opposing camps, so to speak, we could still be the friends that we are and even go to a grill afterwards, those who could make it.? We are all truly on the side of justice, even if we do not agree as to how to go about it.

We are unique in that.? I do not know of any other group of people quite like us and I am proud to call you my friends and fellow workers in this cause of freedom here in NH.



Michael Fisher

Did anyone find any publicity from yesterday's protest?  There was a local reporter that took our pictures.

And is anyone going to post or upload their pictures?


Kat Kanning

This was our single photo from yesterday:

[attachment deleted by admin]

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Annie on July 18, 2005, 07:23 AM NHFTBut I love the fact that we can all get along so well through this......

We are unique in that.? I do not know of any other group of people quite like us and I am proud to call you my friends and fellow workers in this cause of freedom here in NH.

It is easy to get along ..... you aren't taking my house ;D ......the guys that do that....they suck >:(


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 18, 2005, 12:06 PM NHFT
Did anyone find any publicity from yesterday's protest?

The big event in NH yesterday was the race at Loudon. I think it dominated the front pages.
