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Gambling Disobedience (Military Veterans + the public?)

Started by FTL_Ian, January 30, 2008, 11:54 AM NHFT

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Quote from: David on February 05, 2008, 12:38 PM NHFT
May I suggest an unautorized gambling event that is very public.  Have a drawing for a small amount done in an identical way to the state lottery.  All proceeds to the liberty scholarship fund, that is if they want to be the benificiaries of money earned through civil dis.   otherwise donate all the money to the charity of the choice of the winner/s. 
Make it very public. 
Make it an illegal version of the legal state lottery. 
Make it an unautorized charity event. 

Good idea David!

Russell Kanning

Quote from: DadaOrwell on February 22, 2008, 11:40 PM NHFT

Since this discussion seems kind of stalled the last few days...
In order for an event like this to move forward .... someone has to decide they are going to do it ... then they can ask others to join them. The ball has hit the ground ... you just have to pick it up and run with it. :)


I'll try to make arrangements if this is going to happen. 

Dave Ridley

For the moment I'm thinking 10:00 a.m. March 3rd would be the best time.   There is nothing else going on that day that I can see.

The ideal day is one where it doesn't interfere with other events too much....

March 4 and 5 there is a lot of activity at the state house.

everyone weigh in if you see any problems with March 3.

Ian I don't think you should get arrested on this one...we'll need you manning a camera and crankin out the free talk liveness. 

Dave Ridley

So who here in addition to me is willing to be among the arrestees?    If you are one of them , my thought would be maybe go ahead and start writing a letter (email) to the liquor commissioner.... we can just have these letters trickling into his message box one at a time.

Dave Ridley

NHLC Enforcement office is at 10 Commercial St. in Concord (a separate building pretty far from the street actually).

Also:  Does anyone have a *copper* Ron Paul dollar we could use as the prize?    I'm thinking we do a tournament, the winner gets the coin with the intention of donating it to the VFW that got in so much trouble.   If we get arrested and the copper Dollar gets confiscated...it's worth less to the cops than a silver RP dollar.  We don't want to feed the monster more than is necessary.

Dave Ridley

My guess is the person to send letters to would actually be the cheif:

Eddie Edwards
Bureau of Enforcement Chief
(603) 271-3521

general NHLC email: 


Here's a list of all the news stories I could find about the raid and aftermath for Dave (if someone is a subscriber to the Nashua Telegraph, it would help out... a lot of them are subscriber-only):






So anyways, I think setting up a one table tournament with a Ron Paul copper dollar as the prize would work best, because it guarantees that we'll be out there for a good amount of time.

Have many people written letters to the editor for their local paper about this issue?  I'll send one out today - maybe we could make something of a buzz and then have it culminate with the game to ensure people know what's going on.



What kind of gambling are you planning?  If you require to set up a table of some sort, they may simply prevent you from even setting that up, as they will be aware of the plan.

Obviously, while table style gambling is more visual, a raffle might give you more flexibility in that all you would need would be a hat or small box to pull numbers/tickets out of.  I believe participating in a raffle would be still considered gambling, so anyone that bought tickets would also be subject to arrest, as I understand it.

Dave Ridley

can someone find out for us whether bianchi and gagnon are definitely vets?

Dave Ridley

thanks feanor!  welcome !   feanor is one of the OLFOD guys who stayed, for those of you who don't know him.

Can someone volunteer to ask around about a copper RP liberty dollar?  wewill need a lot of help doing little things like this because I may not be able to cover all the bases.  I'll be waiting to see if someone volunteers...

I don't know anything at all about gambling so I would tend to defer to you guys regarding the best approach.  yes it should be visual.

Maybe we could do it sitting down on the ground/snow, on a waterproof pancho or something.

what else is something visual?


I wasn't technically with OLFOD, I came up here to be on staff with the campaign at the beginning of November- have many OLFOD folks decided to stick around?

Dave Ridley

i'm assuming the person with the RP Dollar would sell it to us rather than donate...

Dave Ridley

Here are all the things that probably need to be done, that I can think of right now:

- at least one person in addition to me would need to commit to being arrested on (probably) march 3.  we can gamble with just two right?  hopefully it would be more. 
- news releases would need to be written - something I need to do myself probably
- news releases would need to go out to maybe 20 media outlets. Someone else could send them.
- we'll need people who can house our vehicles in concord while we're jailed
- we need to know for sure if Bianchi and Gagnon are both vets (that would affect the writing of the releases)
- we need a ron paul copper liberty dollar if possible, to gamble over. a silver if that is not possible. it will need to be paid for (the coppers are worth around fifty buck and the silvers around 200, as of a month or so ago).
- we need all the ron paul meetup groups in a 100 mile radius informed, and if possible we need them to place this event on their calendars as a meetup.   Half the purpose of this    event is to give the RP community something fun to do now that the campaign no longer has much of a shot at the white house.
- we need to know roughly who can be there and who can't. 

- need someone who can go to the web forums at http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=2613.0 and post links to the videos of this event which will appear at ridleyreport.com
- need someone to tell me how to contact max abramson.  He's on a ship and I need to reach him before going in the klink.
- we need some kind of shirts to wear that all have the same message.  Something like the word "victimless crime laws" with an X across them and then the word NHfree.com..? 
  we want to drive new activists to NHFree.com like Fisher did.
- need to know the current selling price for ron paul coppers and ron paul silvers.  check ebay.

I will think of more things that need doing...and so will you....  we can add them to the list as we go along.

plz sound off if you think you can complete one of these tasks for us and let us kno which task it is.

Russell Kanning

as of this moment .... I only know that there is a 95% chance that I will observing this event with a sense of amusement.
also a lower chance that I would be participating in a raffle. :)