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Gambling Disobedience (Military Veterans + the public?)

Started by FTL_Ian, January 30, 2008, 11:54 AM NHFT

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Puke suggested at this week's Social Sundays that he wanted to utilize his veteran status to help the movement.  So, we came up with the idea of an illegal gambling event involving only military veterans.

We didn't get much beyond the original idea.  What do you think?

J’raxis 270145

What's the significance of illegal gambling by veterans specifically?


There is no particular significance beyond the fact that many people seem to believe that military veterans "fought for our freedom".  Veterans getting fined/arrested for gambling would make an interesting juxtaposition against that particular cliché.

Plus, military veterans have recently gotten in trouble for similar activities in Maine:

That said, I still think this would be a good instance of civil disobedience without the military veteran factor.


Sort of in the vane of the outlaw manicurist I thought that having an illegal poker game could be fun. Doing it during an event like the Freedom Fest could maximize exposure.
We could play for very small amounts of money, using coins only would probably be best. No one could claim anyone was "losing their shirt" over this game.
The veteran part I thought of to add that emotional patriot angle to it. As a veteran I want to exploit that fact as much as I can.


J’raxis 270145

Quote from: FTL_Ian on January 30, 2008, 02:47 PM NHFT
There is no particular significance beyond the fact that many people seem to believe that military veterans "fought for our freedom".  Veterans getting fined/arrested for gambling would make an interesting juxtaposition against that particular cliché.

Plus, military veterans have recently gotten in trouble for similar activities in Maine:

That said, I still think this would be a good instance of civil disobedience without the military veteran factor.

I like the idea. Your rationale is pretty much what I thought you were getting at, and I can already see the possible angles on this—"the police and bureaucrats arresting these poker players don't 'support the troops'!"—but I was wondering if there was some special significance that I wasn't seeing.

Bald Eagle

Man, we really need to have a class on how to do public civil dis.

Have the veterans give out food to the hungry or run a homeless shelter without HHS approval or in violation of zoning ordinances.

Veterans and needy people.  Attack one or the other, and you LOSE either way.
Have them feed hungry children.
No one gives a fuck about gambling.

You need to make your civil dis nearly unassailable, and maximize the probability of widespread public support.  Otherwise you might as well have the vets smoke crack or solicit prostitutes.


Why is this such a hard concept?

People misinterpret things all the damn time, so you need to spell out what you are doing and why such that a retards like the police and the reporter can understand the point.  Don't forget the sheeple at home watching the bube tube or sounding out the words in the newspaper.

Make sure that the "crime" is so ridiculous and victimless, that ANYONE will question the charges and the statute.

Make the reason the po-lice give about why your civil dis is classified as a "crime" as close to "because" as possible.

It's a lesson plan that we're acting out for a society of sleeping people.
They're not even awake yet, let alone through their first cup of Liberty Coffee - do you expect them to stop, notice you, extend their attention span beyond its normal 5 seconds, observe all the relevant aspects of what you're doing, logically analyze the situation, and then extrapolate the conclusion you're trying to get at?  All by themselves?

It's easy to see why someone would think you're an idiot for "defending illegal gambling."

It's hard to see why someone wouldn't get pissed that the government was trying to stop veterans from feeding hungry children.  Especially when they're wearing dress uniforms with medals, and you've got a good photographer there taking pictures for a human-interest story.

We're trying to cut through the veils of government confusion and legislative gobbledygook.
Stop trying to do that with a beach ball and start whetting the edge of a good knife.

Once the media picks it up, the public's first impression will be it's only impression.


Quote from: Bald Eagle on February 01, 2008, 09:45 AM NHFT
Man, we really need to have a class on how to do public civil dis.

Have the veterans give out food to the hungry or run a homeless shelter without HHS approval or in violation of zoning ordinances.

Veterans and needy people.  Attack one or the other, and you LOSE either way.
Have them feed hungry children.
No one gives a fuck about gambling.

That is a fine idea, but it would require a serious investment of capital and time.  There are very few ideas being thrown around at the moment, so the more the merrier!


Yeah, that's a good idea too Bald Eagle.
Good luck getting veterans in their Class A Uniforms though.

I for one no longer fit nor do I want to wear that uncomfortable piece of shit ever again.


Quote from: Puke on January 30, 2008, 03:50 PM NHFT
We could play for very small amounts of money, using coins only would probably be best.

Double down!  Use Liberty Dollars!


I don't even have my dress uniforms anymore, even if I did still fit in them. 

Lloyd Danforth

Me neither, but, I've considered replacing my Vietnam Era service ribbon, Bolo badge and one other damned thing it says on my 214 I got and wearing them on one of my FSP T Shirts.
I've never actually seen any of these things because...............well because I went home a lot ;D


They made me turn in all my uniforms. They were afraid I would spread teh gay. Thing is, it turned out to be honor system, but that wasn't clear to me until I'd already turned them in. I should have kept them.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Bald Eagle on February 01, 2008, 09:45 AM NHFT
Man, we really need to have a class on how to do public civil dis.

Something like this could be very useful, to do at Porcfest or somesuch. Are you offering?

I'd also like to recommend you pass on some of those mediation and "ignoring infighting and divisive bullshit" skillz of yours. ;D


I'll deal. I also have a medium quality set of chips if you wanted it to look good. I'm intimately knowledgable with the rules of dealing and playing Hold'em if that's what you were doing. Also pretty good at blackjack, and familiar with forms of draw and stud.