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What are the small things that you love most about NH

Started by watershed, January 30, 2008, 09:33 PM NHFT

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It seems that we have everything in NH, mountains, lakes, coastline, international border, but these are small compaired to other states. A good life is about the little things that we may reflect on from time to time and we all have our favorites...whats yours?


I do not live in NH but sure would love lobster once a week. The lobster here sucks...its not fresh enough.


When I was 15 I worked the summer with my uncle on a lobster boat and I must say that its the hardest fastest, riskiest  job Ive ever had....and I was a paratrooper!

Lloyd Danforth

I'll bet you were in great shape after that summer.  Just being on a boat develops torso muscles as your body resists the rolling.  Working while resisting rolling really does a job on your upper body.
I helped a friend with a feeble lobster operation one summer on Long Island sound.  He had an 18 foot aluminum cabin cruiser, although, it had a good engine and a winch.  I didn't loose much weight due to being paid in lobster, but, I found a few muscles I didn't know I had.  His looking around for rocks to drop the pots in, instead of dropping them in a straight line drove me nuts. Someone was stealing his pots or cutting the bouy lines, which could have gotten them killed in Maine. A few weeks after I'd had enough, he got caught with 23 out of 25 short lobsters. I had never touched the gauge and it was his license anyway.

In early 1991 I was living in Southwest Harbor, Maine.  Lobster was a little over 2 bucks a pound.  The following summer I was living in Bullhead city, AZ.  But, behold!
Around the corner was a seafood restaurant specializing in Maine Lobster that they had swimming around in a tank just as fresh as could be for about 10 bucks a pound.


The competition was (is) emense lots of cut lines and flaring tempers.
I lost afriend last year off the coast of Maine while shrimping he was a 24 yr old captain.



Isn't it the most dangerous profession.



i actually thought of taking an off season and go to Alaska for king crab...try to make the DEADLIEST CATCH.
But my wife said no!


One small thing i noticed today... when i saw a dad goofing off with his kids in the grocery store, dancing around trying to embarrass them....I do the same exact thing:)

Lloyd Danforth

I can't believe 'lovely breasts' isn't getting more votes



well, thanks for including MY breasts in the poll!   >:D


Considering my current residence is in The Land Of Milk And Silicone (Scottsdale, AZ), I just had to vote for "Lovely Breasts".  Boob jobs look to me like bad after-market parts, like a big racing spoiler on a big, old Ford Taurus.

During my visit in November, I liked both what I saw, and what I DIDN'T see.  God, I need to move!


Wait until the old Quebec ladies with the Saggie Maggies @ Hampton beach this summer.