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"Organic" diets

Started by Bald Eagle, February 01, 2008, 06:47 PM NHFT

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Indeed.  Not only does it appear that he was way overfed at the hospital, but he suffered from a condition that caused fluid retention, so apparently the intravenous fare just accumulated within him. :o


Atkins ordered nurses to put twinkie creme in his IV. It said it would help him lose weight even faster.
It didn;t work.

He actually blew up.

Twnkie-shit everywhere.

the adkins diet is a fricken joke.



why is it a joke?

It helped Danny a tun, I mean he was huge back in his fat days.  He is healthier now than ever.  He changed his diet from a box of grapenuts and milk, to 2 eggs and 2 strips of bacon, instead of a few whoppers for lunch, now its a chefs salad, and instead of a few whole pizzas, its roasted chicken, salad, and broccoli.  He is at a normal weight, rather than being 100 lbs heavier, his bp is normal, and cholestrol is perfect, despite the scarey bacon and egg breakfast.  His doctor was so impressed, that he went on the diet, and we went in for a check, and they said dont waste our time, come in if you get sick.  Because you go into ketoses, you do need lots of water, to flush the kidneys, and a daily good vitamin, because you cant live purely on meat, and the diet is NOT pure meat, it is forms of protein, and complex carbohydrates.  You must eat every few hours because there is minimal carbs, and they get burned up fast, so what you eat is your energy that goes to burning fat, rather than simple carbs, like sugar.  He claims he has more energy because he is eating well at lunch, rather than getting sleepy during the day from a high carb pasta lunch.  Under 20 carbs a day is weight loss, so we work his diet around that.  Peanutbutter and diabetic jelly on a low carb, high fiber wrap is a great snack!

I guess any diet can be bad if you dont do it correct, and you should be under a care of a doctor, like Dan did, monitering his blood, making sure things were all normal.  He tried weight watchers, and other diets, but nothing worked, he had very high blood pressure. 

I mostly eat atkins, but eat high carbs in moderation, i think i need to hit the gym for my pot belly! 


Quote from: kola on February 04, 2008, 03:03 PM NHFT
Atkins ordered nurses to put twinkie creme in his IV. It said it would help him lose weight even faster.
It didn;t work.
He actually blew up.
Twnkie-shit everywhere.
the adkins diet is a fricken joke.

I dont know where you got your twisted twinkie info from, i searched high and low for that one.  He was in a coma when he died, s I cant image how he ordered a nurse to put twinkies in his IV.  No hospital would do that, so I am going to assume that you are joking.  Plus, that makes for one kick ass last wish if it was true!  If i knew I was going to die, bring on the twinkies!!

BTW Its undetermined if he had a heart condition, but the slip and fall is correct.

Lloyd Danforth

Everything I know about Twinkies I learned from watching 'Family Guy'


he slipped and fell on a twinkie.


i thought it was ice he fell on. 

So, you were joking about the twinkie IV and exploding, and he slipped on one??


Atkins is the only diet with which I've had success. I lost about thirty pounds last fall and felt better than I have in a long while. I got off the diet and have gained back most of the weight, but that is my fault for indulging from Thanksgiving into the new year. :-\ I admired Dr. Atkins for railing against the government's low-fat diet propaganda and more so for popularizing a diet that has helped me.


he slipped and fell on a twinkie...ummm.. that was on the ice.

a frozen twinkie.

the twinkie survived.


i dont get your humor at all. 


I've never understood why so many people have made fun of Dr. Atkins' death and/or claimed his death was caused by his diet or his failure to practice his own methods. :(


because he was a commie.

him and Lee Harvey Oswald were both commies and twinkie addicts.


Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Hollywood on February 04, 2008, 08:42 PM NHFT
I've never understood why so many people have made fun of Dr. Atkins' death and/or claimed his death was caused by his diet or his failure to practice his own methods. :(
I think the word is 'anti-intuitive'. Some folks just can't wrap their minds around it, because it flies in the face of everything they have ever heard about eating. Ilost about 50 lbs since a year ago January starting with Atkins and morphing it into a little South Park South Beach and a little Mediterranean. I lost a little ground from spending too much time in CT over the Holidays, but, not much.
Hey when someone bakes you a birthday cake, you have to eat some ;D


Quote from: Hollywood on February 04, 2008, 08:42 PM NHFT
I've never understood why so many people have made fun of Dr. Atkins' death and/or claimed his death was caused by his diet or his failure to practice his own methods. :(

I dont understand either. 


It is difficult for a person to understand when that same person has no interest in understanding.

