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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Southern Arizona Homeland Security Checkpoint

Started by Checkpoint, February 08, 2008, 01:20 AM NHFT

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Thanks for posting the story link KBCraig. I meant to post here earlier regarding the ruling but I've been swamped lately.

There's more information regarding the ruling and additional news links on my blog at:



An audio file of oral argument in front of the 3-judge panel in the 9th circuit in San Francisco from last November is available here (that was a fun road trip and no roadblocks!):


The case is quite convoluted with all the jurisdictional issues involved but we won the appeal on the most important issues and have set good legal precedent to boot. The court ignored several factual disputes in the case but we still have plenty to go on with regards to the constitutional claims.

I'll be writing a more in-depth analysis of the ruling on my blog once I have a chance to do so.


I am so glad you're doing this Checkpoint. 

I'm going to suggest you for the Brass Balls award.


Leave it to the injustice system to settle a inequity between indian and federal police by putting more restrictions on the indians.

"You tribal autorities are right out of hand with your suspicion-less pullin' over and demandin' of IDs of victims... I mean citizens of the federal government.  You just harrass your own people, y'hear, and leave the white men alone."

Pat McCotter

Move the road off the reservation or move the reservation off the road...hmm...What's easier?

Keyser Soce

Keep up the good work Checkpoint. I've been detained myself at that border crossing south of Ajo. Here's some news from the other border.

