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1000 words is worth a picture... perhaps more.

Started by SethCohn, February 09, 2008, 10:38 PM NHFT

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Ok, this one is for the computer geeks in the crowd....  lord know we have enough of them. 
When I discovered this, I thought of the folks on this board...

What's "special" about this picture of Ayn Rand's Anthem?

If you figure it out, don't spoil it for the next person, just post that you figured it out.
I'll follow up with the answer in a few weeks... with hints/clues in the meantime if nobody (or few) get it.

First Hint: it's out of copyright

Lloyd Danforth


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on February 09, 2008, 11:28 PM NHFT
Hey Seth.
Where is the image of me and Brimley?

I'll dig out and post it.  It's the right (and tasty way) time to do that.

Hint #2: Since nobody has posted that they've figured it out yet... I figured they'd be rarring to go.

Lloyd Danforth

I just saw my new friend Wilfred on tv doing a commercial.  He was mouthing the words, but, I knew what he was thinking, "I wonder where that image of me and my new friend Lloyd is?"


On a side note, the copies of Anthem the ARI provided my 10th Grade English class included, I kid you not, inserts touting "rational romantic advice".

Further proof that there are three type of people who read Rand- libertarians, objectivists, and members of Pope Peikoff I's Church of Objectivism.


Quote from: ThePug on February 13, 2008, 04:34 PM NHFT
On a side note, the copies of Anthem the ARI provided my 10th Grade English class included, I kid you not, inserts touting "rational romantic advice".

Further proof that there are three type of people who read Rand- libertarians, objectivists, and members of Pope Peikoff I's Church of Objectivism.




Quote from: KJM on February 15, 2008, 02:36 AM NHFT
Your clues make it too obvious.

Ah, but you're the first to post that you figured it out.

Russell Kanning


Is it a requirement to have read the book to 'get' the specialness of the image?


Quote from: sandm000 on February 17, 2008, 10:13 AM NHFT
Is it a requirement to have read the book to 'get' the specialness of the image?

Hint #3: No, the specialness of the image will show up whether you have not yet read the book, or reread umpteen times.


Russell Kanning

what is the "search inside" thing from?

the funny thing with tolstoy books is that there are like 5 spellings of his name


Amazon offers a "search inside" the book search.   

Google Books does too.   

Both are helpful if you're attempting to source a quote.