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1000 words is worth a picture... perhaps more.

Started by SethCohn, February 09, 2008, 10:38 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning

holy smoley ... you can look at a digital version by google of his book from the stanford library


and then you can search :)



I'm finding this thread highly amusing. Thanks for posting this Seth.


Time for another clue, as nobody new has spoken up....

Hint: "Green Integer 41" has nothing to do with 'specialness' of this image. In fact, any photo of Thoreau could have been used.

Bald Eagle


I only figured this out because I used to play with +ma's reversing page.

Do one of The Land that Time Forgot with a picture of a steganosaurus on the cover! 



Quote from: sandm000 on February 25, 2008, 08:54 AM NHFT
Quote from: Bald Eagle on February 22, 2008, 09:07 PM NHFT


Actually, in this case, in a by the book reading of the definition, No, what is special about the image is not steganographic: the pixels of the image are NOT encoded with other information.  That said, you're getting warmer.

I've told a few people about this, at the recent LF debrief at Murphy's and the recent LP social, and everyone who heard the 'secret' thought this was pretty cool, and wanted to get in on it.

Porcupine Realtor


Quote from: Taxinator on February 25, 2008, 10:08 PM NHFT
Is it a sexual thing?

Nope, I said this was for computer geeks... if it was sexual, the images would be more explicit. (grin)


I thought I was a computer geek, but I just plain don't get it.

J’raxis 270145


You've hidden information in an image, but it isn't steganography?

From the link provided: The word steganography is of Greek origin and means "covered, or hidden writing".

So what we have to figure out is how you hid the message.

Can anyone get the original picture from amazon, and overlay the image provided to see if there are major differences?

Ron Helwig

Quote from: sandm000 on February 26, 2008, 08:39 AM NHFT
Can anyone get the original picture from amazon, and overlay the image provided to see if there are major differences?
There won't be.


I need help with this one.  First and second clues lead me to the RIAA and it's heavy-handed methods for dealing with music downloads.  There was a story about the RIAA hinting at putting malware on personal computers to catch copyright  pirates about the time of the original post.... I don't see any link to the Anthem cover.