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Gardner's Show

Started by MengerFan, February 13, 2008, 09:22 PM NHFT

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For those of you who listen to the Gard Dog, have you been listening recently with this new producer "Bulldog" Brian Tilton? I think the guy is completely destroying the show. He has the most annoying voice ever, doesn't know what he is talking about, and just rambles uninvited over the top of the guests and Gardner, entirely disrupting the flow of conversation.

I would like to launch Operation Leash the Bulldog. If you are of the same opinion, please send a nice e-mail to General Manager Jim Whedon, explaining how much you enjoy Gardner and how distraught you are with the turn the show is taking with this new fellow.



Bulldog is a PITA. He should have stayed in Seattle with Frasier.

Mail sent.


Wow, you guys listen too?  I listen to WRKO in Boston (from boston?)
   I have herd that goy drone on endlessly, he reminds me of that cartoon charicter that says "wowzy wowzy woo woo!  SOme sort of manic?


I think the conversation is good between them is good at the opening of the show, but am not happy with his interruptions during interviews & and Gardner's conversations with the callers. I do listen to at least half the show most days. I love hearing the local NH news & weather - it's prepping me for next year.

If the General Manager will listen to someone in Atlanta, I'll send off an email today. Sent.


If Mr. Whedon actually writes you back, consider dropping a mention of FTL...


What's up with Ann Arbor 1600 AM? Haven't heard ya live in a while. I love your show and I'll tell the station  that they should give you the props you deserve.


Really?  We are supposed to be live from nine to 10 at night.   >:(


Quote from: MengerFan on February 13, 2008, 09:22 PM NHFT
For those of you who listen to the Gard Dog, have you been listening recently with this new producer "Bulldog" Brian Tilton? I think the guy is completely destroying the show. He has the most annoying voice ever, doesn't know what he is talking about, and just rambles uninvited over the top of the guests and Gardner, entirely disrupting the flow of conversation.

Sounds like my mother! 8)


my only complaint is that more bulldog means less gardner. gard is the guy who got me into the ideas of liberty and freedom when he was doing his show in manchester. if it weren't for him, i might still be a neo-con  :o


Quote from: zaphar on February 15, 2008, 08:56 PM NHFT
I liked the other co-host he had better.

That's the thing. They aren't co-hosts, just producers that cue up music and such. The guy should get his own talk-show if he wants to talk so much.