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This is how rumors start

Started by YeahItsMeJP, July 03, 2005, 06:05 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

I thought I saw her hobnobbing with Tim Roberson yesterday.

Pat K

Pssssst hey you Psssst check this out J.P. wears Spider Man P.J.'s.




Democratic activist Dawn Lincoln seen with short guy in Spider Man PJs.

Film at eleven.


Kat Kanning

A Dawn Lincoln flash??  Guys will be lining up to see that!  :o


I hear she's bedbuddies with someone. (grin)

But then again, maybe that's just a rumor someone on this forum started.

Between the gay karaoke nights, the drunken spills, the arrests and the protests, we don't need any rumors here... real life is full of juicy stuff already.  Thank goodness we don't gossip (much).

Kat Kanning

OY!  Who told you about our karaoke?  That was special.

Lloyd Danforth

I'm surprised the commune wasn't mentioned in the Winchester thing.

Kat Kanning

I wish I could find that place.  It sounds fun.

Kat Kanning

Be sure and visit the Free State Commune in Lancaster during the next week.   ;D


TENTSITE 16 IS WHERE ALL THE &*(@#%*%)@@!)$*@& IS AT!!!

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