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Started by Pat K, February 15, 2008, 01:19 AM NHFT

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Pat K

We were Discussing these at Jim and Laurens fine shindig.
Feisty SOB'S ain't they.  ;D

This is the Southern Cassowary, which can grow over 6 feet tall
and 180 lbs.

It also has a lethal dagger like toe that it will use to disembowel

So if you are in the Northeastern Australian  Jungle please do be careful. 


That's bot a bird--it's a Velociraptor!  Can we get some of them to set loose in D.C.?


Oh, ok.
I have seen those on nature shows. I don't recall the dagger claw though.
I want a guard bird.

Kat Kanning

Maybe you could teach it Christmas carols :)

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Pat K on February 15, 2008, 01:19 AM NHFT

We were Discussing these at Jim and Laurens fine shindig.
Feisty SOB'S ain't they.  ;D

This is the Southern Cassowary, which can grow over 6 feet tall
and 180 lbs.

It also has a lethal dagger like toe that it will use to disembowel

So if you are in the Northeastern Australian  Jungle please do be careful. 

Just canceled my trip


That would be cool if it got into a fight with Bigbird................ ::)


Quote from: Pat K on February 15, 2008, 01:19 AM NHFT

We were Discussing these at Jim and Laurens fine shindig.
Feisty SOB'S ain't they.  ;D

This is the Southern Cassowary, which can grow over 6 feet tall
and 180 lbs.

It also has a lethal dagger like toe that it will use to disembowel

So if you are in the Northeastern Australian  Jungle please do be careful. 

Damn! :o  I never even heard of this whatever it is, is it a bird, a plane, no it's a super duper vicious giant Ostrich looking thing!


You generally won't see these in zoos because they are such a dangerous animal.  People of the jungle fear them, for they hunt & kill people.  The native culture of Papau, New Guinea use cassowary body parts to adorn their body and show off how brave and accomplished they are as hunter/warriors.

Back when I had a septum piercing, I really wanted to get a hold of a cassowary quill to wear in there from time to time.  Supposedly cassoward quills were a bit longer than the african porcupine quills that I had for "special occasions".


Quote from: ancapagency on February 15, 2008, 05:07 AM NHFT
Can we get some of them to set loose in D.C.?

:biglaugh:  that would be hilarious to watch!


Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 15, 2008, 06:01 AM NHFT
Maybe you could teach it Christmas carols :)

I could teach it to attack carolers!   >:D


Could be another layer in the Ultimate Turducken... start with a sparrow, end up with an ostrich.

Cassowaries should fit between rhea and emu.


 Crikeys, I miss Steve Irvin  :'(