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Dr. Mercola: I Was Right About the Bird Flu Hoax

Started by srqrebel, February 15, 2008, 11:49 AM NHFT

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This reminds me of one my fav bumperstickers: I can't keep track of all the things I'm supposed to be afraid of! ;D


Last year, the number of human cases of avian flu dropped rather than rose for the first time -- from a paltry 115 in 2006 to an even more insignificant 86 in 2007. Frightening headlines warning of a pandemic that could kill 150 million people have all but vanished.

Although some "experts" still argue that preparations against bird flu must continue, many are finally beginning to realize what I said all along -- that this overhyped, oversold "pandemic" was never a threat in the first place. According to Dr. Paul A. Offit, a vaccine specialist at Children's Hospital in Philadelphia, "H5 viruses have been around for 100 years and never caused a pandemic and probably never will."

Still, according to this New York Times article, scientists and governments are congratulating themselves for averting a threat that never was by stockpiling worthless vaccines, pointlessly culling hundreds of millions of birds, and pouring money into preparation efforts.

I can only imagine that the flu vaccine manufacturers are laughing all the way to the bank.


yup I saw this:

fear FEARFEAR!!!!

and even though it didn't pan out, Big Pharm (and Bll gates) made a bunch of dough.

but the biggest scam ever is AIDS....and next they want to make it "mandatory" to "screen" all preganant moms for HIV.

but ya know I do actually believe the evildoers have and are still TRYING to create superviruses to sparke large epidemics. I am also believe the barium being released in the skies (via chemtrails) is weakening immune systems thus making their job easier to create and release a real knock-out punch.





Nothing happened!
The only logical conclusion is that the almighty government prevented yet another catastrophe.

Thank you government, where would we be without you?


J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Puke on February 15, 2008, 03:02 PM NHFT
Nothing happened!
The only logical conclusion is that the almighty government prevented yet another catastrophe.

If something bad happens—give the government more power to prevent it next time.
If something bad isn't happening—obviously the government is doing something right. Give them more power to do it better.


Quote from: kola on February 15, 2008, 12:41 PM NHFT
I am also believe the barium being released in the skies (via chemtrails) is weakening immune systems

"Barium"? Barium forms various compounds (mainly barium oxide) when exposed to air, so it's not barium itself you're referring to. There are a lot of commonly used barium compounds. If they're soluble you can get heavy metal poisoning from ingesting them, but aside from that the only notable "barium" health risks I could find online are about how various powdery barium compounds can be a respiratory irritant- just like any other fine powder or dust.

The only sources I could find claiming any immunodeficiency caused by "barium" (the exact compound varies from site to site, if it's given at all) were, not surprisingly, chemtrail conspiracy sites.

That took about 10 minutes with Google.


Off topic:

WHy would the Gov't use "chemtrails" to poison people when they have much easier access to nearly everyone's water supply?

Pat K

Quote from: Puke on February 16, 2008, 06:50 AM NHFT
Off topic:

WHy would the Gov't use "chemtrails" to poison people when they have much easier access to nearly everyone's water supply?

Maybe variety is the spice of death?



Quote from: Puke on February 16, 2008, 06:50 AM NHFT
Off topic:

WHy would the Gov't use "chemtrails" to poison people when they have much easier access to nearly everyone's water supply?

Because although the gooferment critters drink the same water as all the rest of us, they don't breathe the same air. (?!)

Or perhaps those gooferment critters are immunized against the effects of airborne barium compounds, but not those dissolved in water?  (again, ?!)

Probably Lizard People are immune to barium (or find it beneficial) in the air.

Just trying to play along  >:D


Quote from: Mr Mojo RisinI am the Lizard King
I can do anything
I can make the world stop in its tracks
I made the blue cars go away

So Jim Morrison invented AIDS, chemtrails, and the bird flu?


So from what I gather from the posts everyone believes the "smokey" trails in the sky are benign.

Show me a picture (or video) of the sky (pre 1986) that is filled with large expanding plumes of smoke that spread out for hours, some looking like dripping corkscrews and other fanning out  and eventually covering the blue sky. Show me pics of criss crosses and tic tac toe patterns and multiple parallel lines of pluming smoke that has come form aircraft. (exclude aerial show photos)

I have posted this challenge on several forums for several years and no one has showed me evidence.



I'm curious- do you also think the government is also using ships to spray chemtrails over the ocean?


I seen that pic. no good.


QuoteShow me a picture (or video) of the sky (pre 1986) that is filled with large expanding plumes of smoke that spread out for hours, some looking like dripping corkscrews and other fanning out  and eventually covering the blue sky. Show me pics of criss crosses and tic tac toe patterns and multiple parallel lines of pluming smoke that has come form aircraft.


Quote from: ThePug on February 16, 2008, 05:55 PM NHFT
I'm curious- do you also think the government is also using ships to spray chemtrails over the ocean?

Why use ships when aircraft dispersal is much easier? They are talking (or already doing it) about dumping iron ore into the ocean which would be devestating to the ecosystem.

Do you doubt weather modification? Its happening whether you acknowledge it or not. Its no secret. How do you think it is done? Patents are not registered just for the hell of it.
