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Government, and all bad ideas, are now primed and set to end.

Started by MobileDigit, February 16, 2008, 08:18 AM NHFT

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It will disappear before the end of this month. There will be more than 5 million singularities within 2 weeks, more if you can help me figure out how to better convince you.

Oh yeah, and everything you could possibly want. If stick with me, I can make it happen:





Great website.

Went there, saw nothing.

Must've bypassed me and went directly to my subconscious :o


Quote from: MobileDigit on February 16, 2008, 08:18 AM NHFT
It will disappear before the end of this month. There will be more than 5 million singularities within 2 weeks, more if you can help me figure out how to better convince you.

Oh yeah, and everything you could possibly want. If stick with me, I can make it happen

It actually sounds eerily like the part of my strategy that I thought I had kept to myself.

The projected time frame is just a wee bit more optimistic than I had in mind, though :D

8) :-X


Quote from: srqrebel on February 16, 2008, 07:58 PM NHFT
Must've bypassed me and went directly to my subconscious :o
Merely by clicking on the URL, you have initiated a singularity.
It's all your fault now.

Jim Johnson

Be careful, Romulens tried running their Starships on singularities but aligns needed singularities to maturate their young and that caused a time rift that almost killed Geordie.   :ahoy:


Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on February 18, 2008, 12:04 AM NHFT
Be careful, Romulens tried running their Starships on singularities but aligns needed singularities to maturate their young and that caused a time rift that almost killed Geordie.   :ahoy:

This is precisely what I was saying just the other day...  ;D

Jim Johnson

How come there's more than one singularity?

If all bad ideas are going to end, will people stop pissing into the wind?

"...and everything you could possibly want."?   Possibly I could want everything.  But since I don't know what I want, could you just give me everything?

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on February 18, 2008, 09:26 AM NHFT
Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on February 18, 2008, 12:04 AM NHFT
Be careful, Romulens tried running their Starships on singularities but aligns needed singularities to maturate their young and that caused a time rift that almost killed Geordie.   :ahoy:

This is precisely what I was saying just the other day...  ;D

Ya I know, that's how I know.   :D


Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on February 18, 2008, 01:06 PM NHFT
How come there's more than one singularity?

Wouldn't that make them dualities? Pluralities? Oooooh, my head... maybe the Digital One will be back to explain...


While I still fail to see the validity of the wildly optimistic claim that "it [ostensibly government as we know it] will disappear before the end of this month [February 2008]", I suppose it will not take long to find out ;D 8)

Imagine how confounding it will be if that assertion turns out to be correct! :o


Just because they may strike you as weirder than weird, does not preclude the identifications from being valid.

Conversely, just because they are weirder than weird, does not indicate a greater perspective on truth.  I've met schizophrenics convinced of that they saw into other planes of existence too.  Entertaining, but not enlightening.

MobileDigit is either conducting an extended troll... or took one too many bong-hits of "cerebral cannabis".


Quote from: picaro on February 19, 2008, 11:02 AM NHFT
Conversely, just because they are weirder than weird, does not indicate a greater perspective on truth.  I've met schizophrenics convinced of that they saw into other planes of existence too.  Entertaining, but not enlightening.


That is why you have a mind of your own.  Be grateful you are not dependent on schizophrenics to do your thinking for you.

That said, you owe it to yourself to give careful consideration to that which is presented as new, integrated knowledge.  Rejecting it outright because it takes your mind places it has never been before, amounts to willful ignorance combined with arrogance -- perhaps the most dangerous combination on the face of the Earth.  One is better off being schizophrenic -- at least one would have far less capacity to cause damage.