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School shootings and pharmaceuticals

Started by Kat Kanning, February 19, 2008, 03:29 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Illinois Shooter was Treated with Psych Meds Prior to Shooting Rampage
Sunday, February 17, 2008 by: Mike Adams | Key concepts: medication, medications and violence


(NaturalNews) It comes as no surprise to anyone who's been following school shootings all the way back to the Colombine High massacre in Colorado: Every young, male shooter that has gone on a killing spree in the United States also has a history of treatment with psychotropic drugs -- typically SSRI antidepressants. These shootings have three things in common: 1) The shooters are young males. 2) The shooters exhibit a mind-numbed disconnect with reality. 3) The shooters have a history of taking psychiatric medications.

This latest shooting by 27-year-old Stephen Kazmierczak shares the same three factors. Stephen was considered a "normal, undistressed person," according to press reports. He was considered "an outstanding student" and even received a Dean's Award for outstanding work in sociology. So what happened to Stephen's brain that caused him to snap and open fire on students in a college classroom?

Psych meds make good people do bad things
Psychiatric medications, of course, are well known to cause extremely violent thoughts and behavior in young males. This is actually acknowledged by the FDA and is found in the black-box warnings printed on the packaging for such drugs. In Europe, the prescribing of many such drugs to children and teens is actually illegal. But in the United States, where psychiatric medications have become the "new medicine" for American youth, nobody seems to pay attention to the simple fact that every school shooting we've seen in the last decade has been committed by a young male with a history of treatment with psychiatric medications.

The mainstream media, of course, is trying to spin the story by claiming Stephen snapped because he stopped taking his medications. MSM headlines proclaim, "Illinois Shooter Stopped Taking His Medications." What these headlines fail to communicate is the fact that psychiatric drugs cause long-term disruptions in the brain which lead to a strong dissociation with reality. These young, male shooters hardly even know they're in the real world anymore. They no longer see their fellow classmates as human beings, but rather as lifeless objects to be used for target practice. For those people taking psychiatric medications, there's even a strong dissociation with one's own life, as evidenced by the repeated willingness of these shooters to ultimately turn their guns on themselves.

These are precisely the kinds of things acted out by people who take psych medications: Disconnection with reality, disconnection with self, and disconnection with others. Modern psychiatric medicine is in the business of taking people who feel depressed and chemically lobotomizing their brains so they feel nothing. Once they feel nothing, there's nothing stopping them from unloading on fellow human beings with firearms. They no longer feel empathy or compassion. Nothing matters anymore. This is strongly characteristic of the well-documented side effects of psychiatric medications.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Illinois shooter's history of taking psychiatric medications was the primary cause of his violent behavior. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if every single shooter in recent memory was treated with psych meds, and if those same psych meds are well known to cause violent thoughts and suicidal behavior, it's fairly obvious that the chemicals are the most likely cause of the behavioral problems. It's also worth noting that before children were prescribed such medications in America, school shootings were virtually unheard of. It was only after psychiatric medicine started targeting young people with mind-altering medications that we witnessed this explosion in violence.

Pharmaceutical-induced violence
Until we stop medication young people with mind-altering psychotropic drugs, we will simply not see an end to this pharmaceutical-induced violence. Even if you somehow manage to take away all the guns, similar atrocities can be carried out with machetes, swords, knives or explosives. The problem here is not simply the weapon, but rather the mind behind the trigger. When minds are disturbed through psychiatric medications and young men are trapped in a chemically-induced state of sub-consciousness with no connection to reality, outbursts of mindless violence are exactly what you're going to get.

In fact, I publicly predicted this school shooting in a December 7, 2007 article about the mall shooter in Omaha, where I said:

There will be more. I hate to be accurate about this grisly prediction, because I grieve for the families of those lost to pharmaceutically-induced violence, but the truth is that until we stop drugging our children with psychotropic drugs, the shootings are not going to stop.

And as sad as this tragedy is for all those affected by this medication-induced violence, the truly sad part is that America still hasn't learned this lesson. If you drug the children with chemicals that cause violence, you're going to see more shootings. It's as simple as that. And if you take away the guns, you'll see bombs, knives or machetes used in these attacks. When disturbed young boys are doped up on psychotropic drugs that promote violence -- and they're drugged by the hundreds of thousands -- it's like playing a national game of Russian roulette (with apologies to Russia). Sooner or later, another kid whose mind has been altered by Ritalin, Prozac or some other drug is going to walk into yet another school or mall and start killing people. This kind of behavior is a direct product of chemical-based psychiatric "treatment."

Let me now continue that prediction by stating that the Illinois shooting won't be the last one, either. As long as the psychiatric industry -- which is now run by Big Pharma -- is allowed to run amok and "play doctor" with the chemicals in children's brains, we're going to continue to see school shootings, bombings, stabbings and other outbursts of violence. While ignorant psych docs will say the population needs more drugs, and while silly voters will call for bans on guns, nothing will actually prevent this kind of violence in America until we stop drugging our children with mind-altering drugs and stop exposing them to extremely violent video games and television shows. In fact, I believe it is the combination of violent TV programming and mind-altering psych meds that ultimately leads to the kind of violence that took place in Illinois.

Modern psychiatry kills
In Illinois, Omaha, Colombine, Virginia Tech and other places, the real murderers are not simply the young men who pulled the triggers but rather the criminal minds running modern psychiatry -- an industry that preys upon young men and boys, enslaving them in a regimen of mind-altering chemicals that create disturbed behaviors, all while calling it "treatment."

While the MSM will, of course, sensationalize this story and blame the lone shooter, the real culprits behind this latest massacre are the psychiatric doctors and drug companies who continue to push these dangerous, mind-altering drugs onto young men, knowing full well that a certain percentage of them will exhibit extremely violent behavior. Of course, in order to protect its revenues and power over people, modern psychiatry has selectively decided to deny the existence of any link between mind-altering drugs and mindless violence, insisting that these young men actually need more chemical treatment, not less. The only reason Stephen Kazmierczak went on a shooting spree, if you ask the psychiatrists, is because he didn't have enough synthetic chemicals in his brain! America needs more drugs, didn't you know?

Of course, that reasoning is absurd from the outset. What Stephen needed was mental clarity, not chemical obfuscation. Do mind-altering drugs provide mental clarity? Of course not. They suppress clarity, causing mental confusion and dissociation. In some people, they can cause extremely violent outbursts of behavior. Mental clarity (and balanced behavior) is only achieved through a chemical-free diet and lifestyle... one that's based on fresh produce, plant-based diets, superfoods and natural, chemical-free products. What Stephen needed, in summary, was green living. Had he been on a plant-based diet, he never would have gone on that shooting rampage.

Natural health consumers are far more mentally balanced
Tet me finish this story with yet another prediction: You will never see a shooting rampage conducted by a raw foods advocate who practices green living, who eats no animal products, who uses no drugs and who takes no pharmaceuticals. Those people are the most emotionally balanced, compassionate and healthy individuals you'll ever find. The chances of a green living person ever "snapping" and going on a shooting rampage are zero. Search all the news archives you want: You'll never find a single case of someone on a plant-based diet with no chemicals in their bodies going off and killing people.

It's only people who eat animal products and who take mind-altering medications that end up committing these violent acts.

Too bad most of the journalists who work for the mainstream media are too doped up themselves to notice these fairly obvious correlations. Most of those folks are on psych meds, too, and you see it in their writing, which exhibits an astounding disconnect with reality. The mass medication of people in America has become so "normal" that journalists no longer think medications could possibly have any role in aberrant behavior. And so we're left with the blind reporting to the blind about events caused by the blind. (In this case, "blind" meaning a lack of awareness / consciousness.)

It's a sad, sad state of affairs, and when future historians look back on why America failed as a nation, they will probably shake their heads in disbelief (or laugh their heads off) over the mass medication of an entire population. Seriously, our present-day practices of medicating everybody will someday seem just as stupid as doctors' use of radiation in the early 20th century to give people "more energy." It's true: Doctors often prescribed irradiated pills, irradiated water and other radioactive substances to their patients, claiming they would give them energy. Today, we know the radiation was poisonous and the practice was stupid, but one thing I've noticed about the history of medicine is that doctors always manage to find a new scam that keeps them rich while poisoning the people. A hundred years ago, it was radiation pills. Today, it's depression pills. Same scam, different era. Same stupid doctors. Same gullible population.

There truly is nothing new under the sun.

How Big Pharma recruits mindless soldiers for the Pentagon
Oh, and by the way, on the conspiracy side of things, did you ever wonder why it's primarily young boys who are drugged with violence-inducing chemicals? Notice that violent young men also make highly effective soldiers who can mindlessly commit violent atrocities against prisoners in secret U.S. military bases like, say, Gitmo. The more the U.S. government can drug young men and cause them to feel nothing, the more easily they can sign them up to go murder innocents in whatever country is being targeted next by the imperialist Bush was machine.

Pharmaceuticals and war go hand in hand, and the more minds that can be nullified by pharmaceuticals, the more mindless bodies are made available for the Pentagon's war machine. And that, of course, is exactly what makes a good soldier these days: A mindless body that follows orders, commits violence and feels nothing. Funny how Big Pharma just happens to manufacture chemicals that accomplish the same thing, huh? You could call it "chemical recruitment" for the U.S. military. The kid gets put on SSRIs today, and in a few years his mind will be warped enough to sign up for military service and be told who to shoot, torture or kill. And he'll do it without question, because he's been chemically prepped for the whole experience thanks to modern psychiatry -- a murderous, evil cabal of Frankenbrain doctors whose arrogance is only exceeded by their own lust for power over the minds of the masses.

Care to guess where this is all leading the United States of America? Stay tuned, and I'll bring you more predictions of the downfall of America in future articles. Don't be the last to learn what's really coming in this country. The mass drugging of the population is only a small piece of the big picture. For now, stay alert and mindful. Avoid all chemicals. Live green, and stay connected with the real world around you (the real world being nature). Invest in your own education and health, and you'll be better prepared for the tidal wave of global changes yet to come -- changes that will shatter the illusions under which most people live today, and may eventually lead to the birth of a new civilization no longer based on predatory instincts.


QuoteThe mass drugging of the population is only a small piece of the big picture. For now, stay alert and mindful. Avoid all chemicals. Live green, and stay connected with the real world around you (the real world being nature). Invest in your own education and health, and you'll be better prepared for the tidal wave of global changes yet to come -- changes that will shatter the illusions under which most people live today, and may eventually lead to the birth of a new civilization no longer based on predatory instincts

hhhmmm..sounds similar to my "preachings".




I guess this article wasn't about the schools rifle team shooting pills with a .22 rifle.   >:D

Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 19, 2008, 03:29 AM NHFT

Tet me finish this story with yet another prediction: You will never see a shooting rampage conducted by a raw foods advocate who practices green living, who eats no animal products, who uses no drugs and who takes no pharmaceuticals. Those people are the most emotionally balanced, compassionate and healthy individuals you'll ever find. The chances of a green living person ever "snapping" and going on a shooting rampage are zero. Search all the news archives you want: You'll never find a single case of someone on a plant-based diet with no chemicals in their bodies going off and killing people.

It's only people who eat animal products and who take mind-altering medications that end up committing these violent acts.
If I had to guess I'd say the author had this backwards. The people who are likely to go to an organic vegan diet are not the people who would likely do something like this.  I'm not so sure that putting people on all those drugs are going to help them cope with reality though, especially in the long run.

Bald Eagle

Not to mention the fact that he's one of the morons who thinks a "plant-based diet" gives you "a body free of chemicals."  You'd have NO body if it was free of chemicals.   ::)

Hmmmmm - how many plant-based psychoactive drugs are there....
The cannabinoids (THC, etc)
the opiates (morphine, codeine...) 
atropine, scopalamine, hyoscyamine
muscarine and ibotenic acid
dimethyltryptamine, harmala alkaloids
lysergic acid amides

Not to mention that your own body manufactures its own drugs like ... morphine.
and endorphins

What is an "animal product?"  Do babies who breast feed go on stabbing sprees on the pre-school playground?  Will that slice of cheese turn them into a recombinant bovine growth hormone-rage-driven homocidal maniac?  Is Bill Cosby a merchant of Death for peddling flavored gelatin desserts?  Is there a correlation between people who bite their fingernails and dissociative mental states?

41 Mag has it right about the guy having it ass backwards.  Correlation does not imply causation.

Though that doesn't mean that a cause/effect relationship DOESN'T exist. The number of loonies shooting up crowds who are also on SSRI's is downright spooky.  Though it makes one wonder whether or not the SSRI's are just an enabling device, and if the real programming comes from the therapist and the media.

Tom Sawyer

B E  ;D man your irreverent style cracks me up sometimes. You need to do stand up comedy... anger and frustration vented through comedy is good stuff.

I think the violent outbursts we see are a symptom of the way our culture has tried to neuter young males. If you don't have a positive outlet for the natural male aggressive trait it can lead to terrible results.

Lloyd Danforth

I believe everything BE says about science. I was surprised to find out that victims of these shooters were also on SSRI's


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on February 19, 2008, 10:04 AM NHFT
B E  ;D man your irreverent style cracks me up sometimes. You need to do stand up comedy... anger and frustration vented through comedy is good stuff.

The Doug Stanhope of science.  8)


 ;D  Hey, heading to Jr's tonight...  now......  were are my pills................. ;D


Pharmaceuticals are to health what socialism is to public policy.  It ignores the cause of the problem that it's supposedly addressing, tries to suppress the symptoms, and in the process causes unwanted side-effects that are used by the pushers as justification for more meds/bad-policy.

John Edward Mercier

Kat Kanning

Was MobilDigit on these fucked up drugs?  :(


Quote from: Kat Kanning on February 27, 2008, 04:21 AM NHFT
Was MobilDigit on these fucked up drugs?  :(

I don't know, but I wound up having to ignore him. It was unpleasant.

Kat Kanning


Canadian judge rules SSRI antidepressants like Prozac can cause children to commit murder

Sunday, December 18, 2011 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
(NaturalNews) The use of antidepressant and psychiatric drugs, particularly among children, is an extremely risky activity that could have fatal consequences for both the individuals that use them, as well as their friends and family. According to the National Post, a Canadian judge recently ruled that the extreme mind-altering effects of the antidepressant drug Prozac were in large part responsible for causing a 15-year-old boy to thrust a nine-inch kitchen knife into one of his closest friends.

Though the Winnipeg boy that committed the heinous crime had allegedly abused prescription drugs and "experimented" with cocaine long prior to the incident, he had never had a violent or aggressive personality about him, according to reports. It was only when he began taking Prozac, the very thing doctors had given him as a so-called "solution" to his previous illicit drug problems, that he began to rapidly go off the deep end.

"He had become irritable, restless, agitated, aggressive and unclear in his thinking," said Justice Robert Heinrichs of the Manitoba Justice Department, who ruled on the case. "It was while in that state he overreacted in an impulsive, explosive and violent way. Now that his body and mind are free and clear of any effects of Prozac, he is simply not the same youth in behavior or character."

What the judge appears to be implying here is that Prozac is directly responsible for altering the brain of a user and causing them to think irrationally, which in turn can cause them to harm themselves or others. In other words, if it were not for the use of this mind-warping drug, the murderer in this case most likely would never have dreamed of slaughtering one of his best friends.

Judge Heinrichs ultimately determined that, because of the drug's involvement, the boy who murdered his friend would not be tried in an adult court. Even though the boy pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, the judge only added a ten-month sentence on top of the two years that the boy had already spent in jail pending the trial -- and there will apparently be no appeal, which is a first in any North American court.

In a similar outcome back in 2001, a Wyoming jury ruled that the antidepressant drug Paxil had caused a man to murder his wife, daughter, and granddaughter, after which he killed himself. And one of the mass-murderers in the infamous Columbine High School shooting, Eric Harris, had allegedly been taking the antidepressant drug Luvox at the time that he participated in the tragedy (http://www.naturalnews.com/019342.html).

Kat Kanning

I happened to be reading a story about a pastor murdered while preaching.  The story left you wondering, why in the world did the guy just walk in and shoot this pastor he'd never even met.  I got online and started reading some of the news stories about it


and one mentioned the guy had been hospitalized just before the shooting.  That got me thinking aha, it was the drugs and sure enough, the pastor's murder was listed on this SSRI website
