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Conspiracy at Hampton Beach?

Started by hamptoninsider, July 04, 2005, 06:19 AM NHFT

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Exposing the Eminent Domain wrecking crew.  Culmination of three year effort to stop the  Eminent Domain Boys.  Racketeer your asses somewhere else like Baghdad.

We have watched people empower themselves and it is a beautiful thing for democracy in New Hampshire.   The property owners are taking back their town.


Here's the Atlantic News version of the rowdy meeting at Hampton Beach last week:

Hampton Beach decision put off


As predicted by Hampton Selectman Ben Moore last week, the board pushed back any
decision-making about the concerns that beach area business owners have with the town?s infrastructure
improvement project.

The board will visit the issue again on July 25, allowing time for those in the area to complete surveys about the plans. The issue came to a head in a heated meeting between the board and beach-area business owners at the beach fire station.

The board discussed the issue briefly, stating that the plan to turn Ashworth Avenue into a two-way road with a turning lane in the center needs to be looked at. Work on the project is set to resume when tourist season is over this fall.

At the meeting, some apparently fired-up business-owners said that the plan, as it stands, would eliminate more than 500 parking spaces and severely limit the number of loading zones on the lettered streets.

One speaker went so far as to suggest that the village district ? that is, the beach area ? should secede from the town, though few think that is much of a possibility.

Some at last week?s meeting expressed frustration that land they thought they owned is actually town-owned, and is being taken from them.

Many were also upset that they?ll have to pay to connect to the new sewer system.

Selectman Rick Griffin noted that there are many in town who support the infrastructure improvement project.