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Hey PatK!

Started by Kat Kanning, July 04, 2005, 01:07 PM NHFT

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Pat K

Cold here too, but at least cold don't stick to the blade of your snow shovel. ;D

Lloyd Danforth

We woke up to a snow cover this morning

Kat Kanning

The rivers are already freezing over.  :o

Pat K


I'm sitting here listening to a local weatherman reporting "2 to 3 feet of snow in eastern Erie county with another 7 inches due tonight and tomorrow", thinking I have to get back to Grafton where the weather is tolerable.  8)

Lloyd Danforth


Keene's a little chilly, but that's about it so far. (knock on wood)


Yeah, no snow here in Manchvegas, hardly even any clouds to speak of. Just wind and lots of it.


Troops report a steady snowfall on the southern front!!   ;D   :_eatsnow__by_Conuyaku:


Hasn't been very windy in Keene. Just checked the weather and accidentally put Manch zip at first. Apparently Keene is technically a couple degrees colder than Manch right now but feels about four degrees warmer than Manch due to other factors.

Kat Kanning

The snow is starting up here  :o  :_eatsnow__by_Conuyaku:

Jim Johnson

Snowing steadily for about an hour, flakes and pelting ice.
The roads are iced over.  ;D

Pat K

Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on November 30, 2008, 03:04 PM NHFT
Snowing steadily for about an hour, flakes and pelting ice.
The roads are iced over.  ;D

He type's that statement and then puts
a big smiley face, the man is Fracking Nuts !

Kat Kanning

Fracking nuts....are those tasty?  Do you eat them raw?

Pat K

Hey do I look like the kind of guy
who goes around telling people
how to eat their nuts?