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Pat McCotter

Started by d_goddard, February 29, 2008, 06:59 PM NHFT

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Pat McCotter

Now, if I can just write this without tears staining the ink.

We are home now and I was resting some more - just to get the hospital smell out of me. Ten days laying in bed with only ten hospital meals - because of rescheduling - really takes a toll on the human body.

As Jenn said: We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support. We thank each and every one of you.

For those interested in the gory details, first, a history report. In January 2000 I had an aneurysm clipped just above today's aneurysm. This resulted from "the worst headache of my life" in November 1999. The clipping involved entering behind my right ear and removing the inner ear to gain access to the area of the brainstem where this artery is. My body temperature was lowered to 18degC and my heart was stopped for 15 minutes while the surgeon placed seven clips - tiny clothespins - around the artery and voila - good as new!

Well, I was deaf, cross-eyed, had a droopy face and had to learn how to walk all over again. I had ten days in the hospital and 11 days in rehab plus 3 more months of outpatient rehab before I was able to return to work.

Now to today. I had another "worst headache" and went to the ER. A CT was done which found the aneurysm. A lumbar puncture was done and found that it was not bleeding. This resulted in me being able to drive with Gloria to Mass General on Thursday rather than being flown by helicopter that day.

Since I have the clips from the original surgery that are unknown to be MRI compatible I cannot have MRI's done. Therefore, low quality CT scans are all that can be used. The clips on the original aneurysm look like a sunburst to the scanner. Well, now, these folks have come up with a high resolution CT angiogram, non-invasive and everything! They were able to find the aneurysm and plan what to do. The only trouble is they would have to build up the arteries - yes, plural - 3 of them, to be able to work on it.

Friday, the doctor placed 3 stents into those arteries and sent me to ICU. Then he said I would be getting the coils on Monday. The coils are a material coated with a clotting agent that will clot off the aneurysm outside the stents.

Monday came and was just getting done when the doctor came up and said they would have to reschedule to Thursday. I could stay there or go home. If I went home I would be placed on a lower priority than the waiting list at the hospital - so I stayed. Tuesday I was told it would be Wednesday evening. Wednesday evening I was told it would be Thursday morning.

So, Thursday morning I go in, the coils are placed and I go to ICU. The doctor comes in later and says I will have to come back in 8 weeks and have more coils placed. It is a large aneurysm that would take too many coils to ensure that they would not migrate out and clot off the artery or cause a stroke in some other part of the brain.

Lloyd Danforth

Good to hear from you!

Russell Kanning

Tom Sawyer

Welcome back Mr McCotter  :)

Russell Kanning

with Pat's genius comes some pain

Pat K

Glad to hear from ya Pat.


Wow... you needed this like you needed a hole in the head, eh?

Welcome back, Pat! I'm glad you're not having to learn to walk again, again.

Kat Kanning

Dave Ridley


Oh my gosh, I totally missed this thread!  Pat I'm so glad your alright!  If there is anything I can do at all to help please let me know.  I'm not sure where you live but if you can think of anything let me know.

I'm so scared of aneurysms, there is this stuff called Heart and Body Extract, (Alex Jone's site I think, but I studied the ingredients and it seems decent), that's supposed to help stop any vascular problems.  I don't know if you would be allowed to take it but if you can and you get it don't take it straight under the tongue, put the drops in a tablespoon of water otherwise it burns your mouth for a long time.

:grouphug: Hugs to you and your family!

Pat K

From the NHLA forum

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Re: Pat McCotter back in hospital
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2008, 09:50:50 PM »
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Unfortunately Pat is back in Mass General.  He had a tough day and got to enjoy some family time and beef stew before needing to go back to the ER due to his symptoms getting worse. I will update with more information as we receive it.  Gloria is home for the night and was surprised to find fresh soup waiting when she came in from the hospital, it was a much needed and welcomed surprise. She told me it was  "Just what the doctor order"
She will be heading to Boston in the morning and plans to go back and forth rather than staying in a hotel this time.

Pat K

Update from NHLA forum.



Posts: 113

     Re: Pat McCotter back in hospital
« Reply #24 on: Today at 07:36:04 PM » Quote 

Pat is still in Mass General, he has pneumonia and is unable to eat right now as he can't swollow.  They are doing more test and talking about an inpatient rehab as a possibility.  The doctors believe some of the symptoms are from the clotting around the stents.  They are still planning more surgery for 4-8 weeks from now.  Gloria is doing well and going back and forth from Concord to Boston  


Pat is still in Mass General but out of the icu, he is able to eat but only food that is pureed and they are putting in a feeding tube to help, he is very weak.  The tube will be temporary.  He is feeling a little better which is good. They are planning a angiogram for Monday, hopefully that will tell more.

Tom Sawyer

Thanks for the update on Pat's condition.  :)

Get better Pat...


Anyone going to be in Concord tomorrow that can bring some rock salt over and spread it out for Gloria?