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Started by J’raxis 270145, March 01, 2008, 12:02 PM NHFT

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J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on March 01, 2008, 10:06 AM NHFT
The "brain trust".  ;D

Since you didn't answer me last time, I'll ask again:—

Is there something in particular that I did to piss you off that I've completely forgotten about, or are you just naturally an asshole? I guess this sort of behavior is that wisdom that comes with age that you were lecturing me about awhile back. ;D

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on March 01, 2008, 12:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: Tom Sawyer on March 01, 2008, 10:06 AM NHFT
The "brain trust".  ;D

Since you didn't answer me last time, I'll ask again:—

Is there something in particular that I did to piss you off that I've completely forgotten about, or are you just naturally an asshole? I guess this sort of behavior is that wisdom that comes with age that you were lecturing me about awhile back. ;D

The subject before was your lack of wisdom, although that would never prevent you from posting an opinion.

I make no claims as to my wisdom.

This lastest comment that referenced you is because the amount of time you spend posting on the forum is inversely proportional to your real world contributions.

Cyber geeks, masterdebaters, and other annoyances I let pass by most of the time.  ;D

I suggest you refrain from calling me any other vulgar names. Next time I see you I could teach you a physics lesson.  ;D

Kat Kanning

Wow, take it outside, boys.

Pat K

Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 01, 2008, 04:28 PM NHFT
Wow, take it outside, boys.

I blame it on the Snow. It's stressing them out.


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on March 01, 2008, 04:18 PM NHFT
This lastest comment that referenced you is because the amount of time you spend posting on the forum is inversely proportional to your real world contributions.

Cyber geeks, masterdebaters, and other annoyances I let pass by most of the time.  ;D

In other words, unless you have actually succeeded at getting rid of the State on our behalf, STFU! :D



err..fer some reason I don't trust those smiley faces from Tom... I think he's pissed.



It sucks when two truly effective activists that I respect and admire get into a cockfight.

Lloyd Danforth

You should live where I live

Pat K

Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on March 01, 2008, 06:16 PM NHFT
You should live where I live

Yeah but because you live there
you are home by now.


IMO jraxis appears to be on the warpath as of late.

Maybe someones buggin him and hes just venting..sometimes that what friends are for...sometimes.

Its like the old westerns movies where the two cowboy friends( or brothers) get drunk and end up in a brawl. Once they tire out and clean up the blood they shake hands and buy each other a drink.

Us men a still quite primitive.


Lloyd Danforth

I was in his presence yesterday.  He seemed alright to me.  I say we all take a hint from Rodney King

J’raxis 270145


Indeed, and I apologize for bringing this up. I try to get along with, or at least tolerate, all of the other liberty activists, including people with whom I have grave differences about means (e.g., the pacifists, the anti-voters) and ends (e.g., the minarchists). I've only lost my temper with three people on here, that I recall. That said, that's why I kept calling Roger out on this: I've barely talked to him on the forums, only twice in real life, and thus had no idea why he keeps posting snarky one-liners that seem to imply I'd offended him in some way.


Heh, no, all I did was try to get a straight answer out of you as to why you condemn entire technologies based on their irresponsible misuse. You freaked out and took off after I went down the same path MaineShark did. No hard feelings; I was trying to keep the debate civil even if it became a bit intense. :)


In an effort to keep this civil also, I'll ignore the implied threat to engage in aggression for merely calling you names.

Perhaps you haven't noticed I've actually stopped posting on this forum quite a bit. I usually come back every fews days, spend most of a day posting, then disappear again. That's because I'm busy on the various "real world contributions" that you are apparently unaware of, and all this forum seems good for is debating. Here's what I am doing, in rough order of effort spent and time devoted:—

  • CURSOR. This is probably what's taking up most of my time, as it's just me and two other people. I'm entirely responsible for the website content. I've been to at least half a dozen State House sessions and sat through five months of Manchester aldermanic committee meetings, in support of this project. I'm constantly in communication via email with the other activists, and our State reps, on this topic.

  • The NH Liberty Alliance. I've also spent some time reviewing bills, attending State House sessions, testifying before the Criminal Justice Committee, and so on. Much of this overlaps with the above, but there are a lot of additional efforts here, mostly for HB1623, the marijana decrim effort, and a few other bills in particular. I'm also writing a new application for their website, and when that's complete, I have more app plans in the works.

  • The Manchester Free Press. Yes, this project is still active. We've had a couple of major obstacles come up—myself making a serious mistake of trusting someone else to do some of the website coding for us, plus most of the writers we initially found didn't seem to stay particularly interested beyond writing a couple articles here and there. I also feel the need to point out that two of the three people involved in this project were driven off of this forum by the constant snarking and backbiting some people here engage in, which didn't help things.

  • Hosting business. Setting up and maintaining the server that Anarchy in your Head, the Manchester Free Press, and CURSOR run on. The initial VPS I leased was a piece of crap that required constant maintenance, which ate up a good chunk of my time on a daily basis, then wasted three days when I had to move everything over to a new dedicated server.

  • Moving in new freestaters. Ivy, Ivy again, a couple who just moved into Hudson, and next week Dan and Beth.

  • Protests. I attend whatever protests take place in Manchester, or elsewhere if I can get there (up until yesterday I didn't have a car). I was at most of the protests for Lauren outside the Valley St. Jail, and outside the courthouse with Dave Ridley recently. I spent three days at Murphy's with Rob, Ivy, and the other people involved, dealing with the blow-up when the feds came looking for Rob. I've been to a couple building projects, including Ron Helwig's gun range and Lauren's barnraising.

  • Politicians. I attended a handful of the Ron Paul signwaves and protests in Manchester, went out canvassing twice, &c.. I did much of the same for Phil Greazzo, who was running for Ward 10 alderman in Manchester. Now that these are over, I'm getting involved in the Manchester Republican Committee.

As you can see, most of my efforts have been spent doing in-the-system activism, so I'm not surprised you're not aware of it. (This is not a criticism, merely a statement of fact—most of what I'm actually doing is posted over on the NHLA forum now, not here.) Additionally, much of what I do in these projects is low-profile, behind-the-scenes work: coding websites, writing the material thereon, strategizing with the more forward people over email, and so on.

I'm not going to ask what your contributions are in an effort to prove whose is bigger. I know about your video work, which I think is great, and which is one of the reasons I kept insisting on finding out what your beef with me is: It's a little awkward to introduce people to the Free State Project by showing them your two "Finding Life and Liberty" videos while thinking to myself, but the guy acts like an asshole.

So, I apologize for misinterpreting your reasons for acting as you have. Since it started after the Rob/Ivy and JP situations worked out in the direction I had hoped for, and against what you seemed to be pushing for, I assumed you were just being a sore loser. I see I was mistaken about this, and I apologize.

Perhaps next time I see you, I can buy you a beer. :occasion14:


j'raxi, I am far from angry nor was I disturbed with you regarding the vaccine topic. I have dealt with your type a million times over. Do not (for a minute think) you seriously won anything over on me because you ( amd Mr Shark) do not even know what you are talking about.

This is why we cannot have a REAL discussion and I choose to spend my energy elsewhere. It is much easier for me to say goodbye and let you think you won the big game. But in reality, you are plain clueless.

BTW I do think you have been a bit more agressive than usual. Maybe its just a full moon or something you ate. Similar to PatK's little rave he had a few nights ago. Maybe its NH chemtrail air or cabin fever.



Tom Sawyer

J'raxis 270145

You are a bigger man than I gave you credit for. It was big of you to apologize.

I did not grow up in the cyber culture. The circles I ran in would consider publically calling someone an asshole an aggressive act. At least you didn't threaten to murder me like the Galactic Defender, of course you weren't around then. You told the group he was just misunderstood.

Then the next interaction I had with you involved someone taking credit for my work and not paying me. You felt the need to defend your friend, not an all together bad thing, but you don't have all the information and I am not obliged to make you understand my wife's and my decision. I thought I was pretty restrained in my posting about the matter.

I don't enjoy debating, I don't have time or energy to waste. I have lost over 20k due to my activism. I am not going to throw good money after bad. I told my wife 'this is important work and will be worth the investment'. I traded traveling to California and being treated like a minor celebrity with a much larger group. I realize now that was a mistake on my part. I played varsity in the political BS in DC and have short patience with the junior varsity wanna be's that think getting to talk to the mayor is a big deal.

This is the underground, I am only putting my efforts and faith in people I have come to trust over time.

I could go on, but I'm going to build a house. Really tangible efforts are the only thing I have time for.