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School in Arizona bans hugging for longer than 2 seconds

Started by Raineyrocks, March 03, 2008, 01:02 PM NHFT

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School Bans Hugs Over 2 Seconds
Students Don't Embrace 'Public Display Of Affection' Policy

POSTED: 8:00 pm MST February 29, 2008
UPDATED: 7:49 am MST March 2, 2008
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MESA, Ariz. -- A school policy banning student hugging prompted dozens of east Valley students to protest with a giant group hug across the street from campus.

# IMAGES: Students Protest School's Anti-Hugging Policy

"I think it's ridiculous," said Chelsea Branham, a 14-year-old student at Shepherd Junior High School in east Mesa.

Branham said she got detention this week for hugging her friend after school.
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"It's not like it's supposed to mean anything," she said. "It's not like I was making out with him or something."

Branham joined her classmates on Friday for a 20-minute, public hug-a-thon.

"She's taking a stand and I'm standing behind her to do it," said Stephanie Wiegold, her mother.

The "no-hugging" rule had previously been in the student handbook. After many students began expressing concern about public hugging and kissing in the hallways, the school began reinforcing the guideline by punishing huggers, which led to Friday's protest.

Prior to the demonstration, the district said the principal and students brokered an agreement to clarify the "no-hugging" rule. According to the guidelines, small hugs, less than two seconds, are permitted but longer ones and kissing are not.

"We can only hug two seconds? That's ridiculous," Branham said. "It's barely even a hug."

"What we're doing here is hoping to help kids understand what's happening," said Kathy Bareiss of Mesa public schools.

The district said a list of acceptable and non-acceptable behaviors will be handed out to students on Monday.



I think that is proper.  In fact, all hugging should be completely forbidden.  Students should not be allowed to smile for more than two seconds at a time, and only for good reason.


This is good training for their life in the workplace, where touching someone will earn them harassment charges.


Quote from: Porcupine_in_NH on March 03, 2008, 01:04 PM NHFT
So I guess oral sex in the hallways is out too..

This world is so screwy I bet oral sex in the hallways is just dandy and legal!


Quote from: srqrebel on March 03, 2008, 01:26 PM NHFT
I think that is proper.  In fact, all hugging should be completely forbidden.  Students should not be allowed to smile for more than two seconds at a time, and only for good reason.

Smile for 2 seconds, I think that's way too long!


Quote from: Scott Roth on March 03, 2008, 01:29 PM NHFT
Let's raise our children to be void of all emotions.  That way, they'll be easier to indoctrinate.  Oh brother... ::)

My exact thoughts when I read it! :(

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Porcupine_in_NH on March 03, 2008, 01:04 PM NHFT
So I guess oral sex in the hallways is out too..

Yeah!  School  sucks in all the wrong ways


Quote from: Scott Roth on March 03, 2008, 08:18 PM NHFT
Guess I would have been spending alot of time in detention... :D

Details or it never happened.