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Vaccines/Mercury/ Autism

Started by kola, March 03, 2008, 11:22 PM NHFT

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J’raxis 270145

Quote from: kola on May 15, 2008, 10:42 AM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on May 14, 2008, 10:26 PM NHFT
Kola, did you see this one?

Life-threatening Pneumonia Caused by Pneumonia Vaccine

Prevnar, an anti-pneumonia vaccination given in the United Kingdom, likely causes a significantly worse form of pneumonia to develop. This life-threatening lung disease, called Serotype 1, has become ten times more prevalent in ten years.

Serotype 1 pneumonia causes the pleura, the lining of the lungs, to become infected. The disease is suffered primarily by children, who experience fear from difficulty breathing and severe pain. Treatment consists of surgical debridement, that is, scraping, of the pleura to remove the noxious material.

In the UK, where the Prevnar vaccine has been aggressively and widely disseminated, pediatrician David Spencer has said, "It looks as if the Serotype one is becoming more virulent."

Yeah Jack, the Prevnar vax is 7 or 8 diseases mixed into one "cocktail". This is insane. Once again, another example of man inteferring, breaking the natural laws thus creating new and more deadly strains of disease. It is really sad that billions of kids are subjected to these experiements. Some days it really gets me depressed.


If you read the whole article, this is a perfect example of what I mean about corruption and profit-seeking behavior being at the root of the problem:—

QuoteIt looks like a pharmaceutical firm has created the perfect vaccine, at least from their point of view. They make millions of dollars by convincing governments and doctors that it's going to save lives. Then, the vaccine creates an even worse disease. Of course – from their point of view – this "requires" the creation of yet another vaccine, from which they can make even more millions. It sounds like the perfect endless money-making by disease-creation loop – at least, from the point of view of the drug companies.

John Edward Mercier

The word your looking for Kola is natural order. That which exists without conscious intervention.

Jeremy, profit seeking is evil?

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: John Edward Mercier on May 16, 2008, 07:34 AM NHFT
The word your looking for Kola is natural order. That which exists without conscious intervention.

Jeremy, profit seeking is evil?

No, but without competition, it quickly becomes a problem. Proper market competition, which is what's missing from the pharmaceutical field mostly as a result of government intervention, is what keeps companies in check: For example, a company could decide it's more profitable to sell treatments than cures (i.e., a steady income from each customer vs. a one-time purchase), but they'd quickly be out-competed by a company selling a less-profitable, but more desirable to the consumer, product.

John Edward Mercier

I think that's sort of the direction the Mackler and Kola were going with.
But I would guess that most of their suggestions would be remedies.


Kola, there's a new book, Saying No to Vaccines - just heard about it from the local health freedom group



dang it Jack, I must have missed your post.

thanks, and yes that is good info. I attended Dr Sherri Tenpenny's weekend seminar, have her books, tapes and I use a lot of her research and information to present to others.

she is one of the topdogs in vaccine awareness issues and she is a DO. (Doctor of Osteopathy)

she has very interesting data in regards to early vaccines even before smallpox. when you trace back to the origins you can easily see that vaccines was nothing but bullshit from day one. 



mercury toxicity:

FDA losing ground on mercury danger coverup:


Kola, you probly know these people, right? http://www.nvic.org/

saw this newsletter article from them, but don't have the link:  A Day of Remembrance: Vaccine Injured March on Capitol Hill, by Barbara Loe Fisher


I have met Barbara Loe Fisher and Kathy Willliams who both started NVIC many years ago. I often use their webpage 909shot as a great reference and I steer interested parents to their site. Barbara USED to be a nurse. When I met with her she explained to me how she had thought vaccines were the greatest thing since sliced bread until her son developed autism from vaccines. Believe it or not I had once thought vaccines were a godsend too and I actually argued on the other side of the controversy.

My opinion took a turnabout when I debated in college with another group. I was pro vaccine and they were against. They blew me away with the info they presented....and down the rabbit hole I went.




Amigo, I wish you could come to the Alternatives Expo at PorcFest next week and give a talk on it!


Jack, I love talking about vaccine awareness issues. But I must admit I am very poor at it because it is hard to keep my opinions out of it. I am so passionate about my beliefs that I have a hard time just sticking to the facts. Believe it or not I have actually toned it down  (over the years) but I still am very vocal about my choice and personal viewpoints. I refuse to tame it down and make it politically correct. If I do, I will sell my soul out and that I will never do. There are plenty of other polished and more pleasant speakers than I.

I have lectured, debated and done seminars to all types of folks from commoners to chiropractors to the the medical professionals. I can honestly say I have created more enemies than I have friends. I even created some bad feelings here. But with the terrority comes those risks. I have been threatened on a few occasions, ex-communicated from many of the local MD's here in town and I once had a prank telephone call saying they were going to blow up my chiro office, all because I spoke out against vaccines. I have stirred up more controversy by printing articles in newspapers, paying for radio ads and I was interviewed on local radio denouncing vaccines. I put together a booklet entitled "Vaccines, The Truth" and distributed it to many folks including many medical professionals. It is my estimation that for every ONE person who sees the light and "gets it,"  I earn 200 new enemies. I think its worth it, although I am getting older and greyer.  :) 

I can only hope that in another 5-7 years more people will awake and realize that vaccines are the number one cause of sickness and disease in the human and animal populations. The way the world is today, it is a far-fetched dream but it is still a possibility.



y'all getting yer flu shot???   ;D

BEWARE!!!!!  >:D

you have been warned,
Ol' Kola


Resurrecting a necro-thread:

The Lancet has officially retracted the study that linked MMR vaccinations to autism, after the authors were exposed for faking the data.


