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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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My Latest With the Tax-Supported Thugs

Started by Coconut, March 08, 2008, 10:57 PM NHFT

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I was in Fitchburg, MA. Near the college. My girlfriend and I have parked in one of the empty campus lots like a couple of teenagers. She's a student there; I may be soon. Anyway... I've had my share of experiences in the past year with 4 stops. 3 speeding 1 for driving lazy over the yellow.

Nothing too exciting happened, but I'm getting sick of it and just want to get it out.
So There I'm lying with her on the passenger seat. And here come the spotlights. Two officers get out of the vehicle and come to my passenger side.
-"What you guys doing"
"Just hanging out"
-"Not here you're not. State property."
"I'm sorry. Was there a sign?" (they hate questions)
-"Please step out for me. And finish dressing." *I do*
-"Any drugs, alcohol, weapons." (Why they ask if I have knives in my car I don't know. If they aren't in reach what is the danger? And it isn't illegal to have a knife.)
-"License please" (I wasn't driving when they found me, but I just want to leave as easily as possible.)
*They go through the whole thing "we're here for you" "We cruise through a lot" while headquarters checks my license*
-"You're trespassing on State property." (Trespassing on public property? I trespassed the whole way home too I guess.)
"I'm sorry. Are you going to ticket me?"
-*5 second pause or so*"No, we're not going to ticket you."
"Okay, Thanks for the warning then."
*at this point I get pulled aside to be talked to about my "attitude"*
-"I've been nothing but nice to you right?" (Other than disrupting my night, harassing me, and treating me as guilty, yes.)
-"We're here for your safety. You asked if there was a sign, there doesn't have to be. State property code ### ordinance ### Just to answer your question." (Either this was complete bs, or he's told it to a lot of people, or do they just remember codes?)
*While I'm talked to on the side, the second officer is asking my girlfriend to open my altoid's tin, my center console, etc. Also asking her for a student ID, which she gave. I was ready for him to ask to search, which was not going to be allowed.*
*He goes back to check back with headquarters, and my license is still clean. They let me go after another lecture about how the place is unsafe and they are doing their part to check up on people* (And I was certainly adding the the sliminess of the neighborhood by parking in and empty lot.)

These experiences always leave a bad taste. I want so bad to argue about public property and what good they are doing, but I treat them like I'd treat any thug, and if I can get out with the fewest possible problems I will. The one thing I'd forgotten to say is ask the question "Is that a request or a lawful order?"

I'm tired of this. I have to be afraid to go out because I might step on public property. I have to drive with my eyes on the sides of the road and behind me rather than focusing on driving well. Every flash of a streetlight or blue Christmas light makes my eyes dart around. I'm going to begin carrying a camera, and have 3/4ths a mind to stop whenever I see anyone in a situation I was in and start to record it, or at least watch. Good idea? Bad idea?


If you're going to argue with the government, better to do it during the day in a courtroom to a judge with a court reporter present, than at night in a deserted parking lot with armed cops and no record of what happened except their word against yours.  IMHO.


Quote from: mackler on March 09, 2008, 05:44 AM NHFT
If you're going to argue with the government, better to do it during the day in a courtroom to a judge with a court reporter present, than at night in a deserted parking lot with armed cops and no record of what happened except their word against yours.  IMHO.

Yeah, unfortunately I agree.  They could kill you and make up any story they want. :-\  I think your camera idea is good just be careful when you decide to use it, like the night you got harassed probably wouldn't have been the right time. :-\

Russell Kanning

they can do that in a courtroom too ... they can haul you away from the cameras and waterboard you

good job man .... those parking lots are unsafe ... full of government thugs
you will have to neck on "private property" I guess


Quote from: raineyrocks on March 09, 2008, 08:19 AM NHFT

Yeah, unfortunately I agree.  They could kill you and make up any story they want. :-\  I think your camera idea is good just be careful when you decide to use it, like the night you got harassed probably wouldn't have been the right time. :-\

Had I had it with me, I probably would have turned it on and put it on top of my car pointed in some general direction and told them "This conversation is being audio and video recorded." And see what they do. I feel like I'd have more guts to ask certain things, such as the ever popular "Am I being detained?"

While the one officer was checking my license, the other one just had to thing of fun questions to ask me. "What is your name again?" "How old are you?" "What are you going to college for?" I wanted to answer then ask him back how old he was; I figure that wouldn't have gone over well, of course. I just keep getting more cynical with each encounter.

Russell Kanning

you can ask them if they want to go back to college and get a real job someday .... that works really well ;)


Quote from: Coconut on March 09, 2008, 09:55 AM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on March 09, 2008, 08:19 AM NHFT

Yeah, unfortunately I agree.  They could kill you and make up any story they want. :-\  I think your camera idea is good just be careful when you decide to use it, like the night you got harassed probably wouldn't have been the right time. :-\

Had I had it with me, I probably would have turned it on and put it on top of my car pointed in some general direction and told them "This conversation is being audio and video recorded." And see what they do. I feel like I'd have more guts to ask certain things, such as the ever popular "Am I being detained?"

While the one officer was checking my license, the other one just had to thing of fun questions to ask me. "What is your name again?" "How old are you?" "What are you going to college for?" I wanted to answer then ask him back how old he was; I figure that wouldn't have gone over well, of course. I just keep getting more cynical with each encounter.

I understand what you mean about feeling like you should have done things differently and then you'd feel like you had more guts but honestly it's got nothing to do with having guts.  It has to do with the reality of how creepy these "authority figures" are getting and what if you used the camera and said all of those things and they decided to hurt your girlfriend instead of you then you would probably be wishing you did exactly what you did.  Do you know what I mean?

Here's what I think personally there is probably going to come a day when we all are going need some guts and you'll know when it is but it will be something bigger than this even though what happened to you sucks.  Years ago me and my boyfriend had a run in with a plain clothes cop and he had a gun with his laser beam pointing at us, my boyfriend mouthed off to him and there were tons of people around.  My boyfriend said to the people, "can I get any witnesses here?", everyone ignored him.  The cop didn't identify himself as a cop for about 10 minutes while holding his gun in our faces but see, my boyfriend mouthing off did nothing.  My boyfriend went to court and got 1 or 2 years probation and the cop skated, he didn't even show up in court.

It's not fair and it is de-humanizing that's how they get their rocks off but I think if you saw a kid getting beat you would probably step in and help and that's when to use your guts, to try to help and save a little kid or something. :-\

In my opinion you did the right thing and I wouldn't second guess myself, you were in a deserted parking lot and you and your girlfriend got out of there safely! :)


Cameras are always good.

The good news is, the more you interact with them, the better you'll get at it.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on March 09, 2008, 10:47 AM NHFT
The good news is, the more you interact with them, the better you'll get at it.

The bad news is, in order to get better at it, you have to interact with them more.


Quote from: mackler on March 09, 2008, 11:49 AM NHFT

The bad news is, in order to get better at it, you have to interact with them more.

Back to the good news, us Shire activists are fearless :icon_pirat:


Quote from: mackler on March 09, 2008, 11:49 AM NHFT
Quote from: FTL_Ian on March 09, 2008, 10:47 AM NHFT
The good news is, the more you interact with them, the better you'll get at it.

The bad news is, in order to get better at it, you have to interact with them more.

Yes and Yes.  I was mentally ready to get arrested the last time I got pulled over.  Got lucky, didn't even get ticketed.   
I hear you about the feeling you get every time you see a blue light, or anything flashing.   :-\
My suggestion, be as tactful as possible when asking questions.  Good luck, move up soon.   :)  The closer you are to other activists the easier it will be. 


Quote from: David on March 09, 2008, 01:09 PM NHFT
Good luck, move up soon.   :)  The closer you are to other activists the easier it will be. 

I'm here actually. In Keene, if you were talking to me.


Quote from: Coconut on March 09, 2008, 01:34 PM NHFT
I'm here actually. In Keene, if you were talking to me.

Then stay the hell away from the socialist cesspool of Massachusetts -- whaddaya expect! >:D



The police state of Taxachusetts. Here in New Hampshire, you barely see the cops, you drive five minutes over the state line into Taxachusetts and there are cops EVERYWHERE. Yes, if you can help it, stay out of TA.

J’raxis 270145

Manchester actually has a lot of cops cruising around.