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Questions about Jury Duty

Started by Kat Kanning, January 14, 2005, 06:28 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

How does it work here?  Do they call you from the voter lists?  Has anyone done jury duty in Keene?


I have been a registered voter for 35 years, and never been called for jury duty. They use the voter list, but I know lots of other people who have never been called, so I don't know what the method really is.

Kat Kanning

Maybe you have to be on some politically correct list to get called :)


I just got finished with Jury Duty for Strafford County. I live in Gonic NH. I had to go for 3 consecutive mondays. I got picked for 2 out of 3 juries. The first trial was civil and lasted 5 days. The next was a criminal trial that lasted 3 days. You get paid 10 dollars for a half day and 20 dollars for a full day plus 20 cents a mile if you live outside the town the court is in. In this case it was Dover which is a 5 mile drive from my house. I've lived in NH for all of my life and this is my second time being picked for jury duty. The first time was in a different town and I was excused because I was going to Texas.
I moved to strafford county only last fall and think I was chosen because of voter registration.

Russell Kanning


I hope you nullified that criminal trial :)  what was the person charged with anyway


If it really was a crime (there can't be a _legitimate_ criminal, can there?) like assault, why would you want to nullify?



one was a civil trial. Frisbee hospital was charged with negligence which resulted in the death of an elderly man. After listening to all the evidence, we quickly agreed that the hospital wasn't liable.

The criminal trial was a man accused of DWI. He caused a collision on route 16. We found him guilty. The civil case was more difficult to find for but we did what we felt was the right thing to do.


Ive lived her since 79 , been called three times. served on four trials, all civil, and one criminal. They use many methods for picking. The pay is excellant if your retired or disabled. But if you work, expecially for yourself, look out. Your going to lose money.
Its the best system, but flawed in many ways. One of which, that they have you for a month, however you wont serve all of it but you never know what to expect.
Its our chance as citizens to see to it that the system at least functions in some for of order.We are however at a disadvantage tho, as we are spoon fed the facts. Not knowing the past etc. that a Judge would know.
My time serving was very forfilling tho. I felt good to have not only been picked, but to also survive the Lawyers power to dismiss me.


You've lived here since 79 and been called 3 times. I've lived here all my life (born 1951) and never been called. Go figure.  ???

Amos Keag

I moved to NH in '79 as well...I was 10.  Early-FSP.

Been called for JD twice, in Manch.  Wrongful death, civil, 3 days.  Wife beater, criminal, thrown out.

It was pretty informative, and I'd recommend it.  Nullify if possible.


After careful review of my CC of the social contract that doesn't exist, I can't find jury duty listed as one of my citizen's duties.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on January 14, 2005, 06:28 AM NHFT
How does it work here?  Do they call you from the voter lists?  Has anyone done jury duty in Keene?

The NH Judiciary has a page dedicated to jury service FAQs: http://www.courts.state.nh.us/jury/juror_faq.htm

For those of you who'd rather not read the whole thing, here's some choice morsels:

QuoteQ. How was my name selected?
A. New Hampshire combines the list of licensed drivers provided by the Department of Motor Vehicles and the lists of registered voters provided by cities and towns to create a master list of jurors.  Names are randomly selected for jurors in each county.

QuoteQ. What are the qualifications to be a juror?
A. You must be 18 years old or older, a resident of the county where you have been summoned, a citizen of the United States and be able to read, speak and understand English.

QuoteQ. Is anyone totally exempt from jury service?
A. By law, very few people are totally exempt from serving on a jury.  If you are 70 years old or older, you do not have to serve but you can if you want to.

If you have been convicted of a felony that has not been annulled, you are exempt from serving.  You are exempt from serving if you currently have a case pending in the county where you have been summoned and that case could be heard by the same jury panel.  Finally, if you are a member of the legislature, and the General Court is in session, you can ask to be excused.

QuoteQ. What if I have served on a jury before?
A. If you have served on a state court jury within the past three years, let the court know as soon as possible and you will not be required to serve again within the three years.

BTW, the juror questionnaire that everyone who is summoned must fill out and mail in is fairly intrusive, including such questions as "maiden name" and SSN (in the extra-confidential portion so that they can pay you): http://www.courts.state.nh.us/forms/nhjb-2103-s.pdf


By coincidence, I went to jury duty in Texas today. I wound up on the panel, but didn't serve.

I didn't bother to stop by and pick up my six bucks on the way out.


Jury Duty is like a mini draft!  It does provide the chance to nullify unjust law, so it's worth the temporary enslavement.