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Standing at airport with "Report TSA abuses here" sign?

Started by Dave Ridley, March 12, 2008, 02:44 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

I posted the ideas to 5 mainstream NH forums and reaction is...(drum roll)... SPLIT! 

Roughly 40 percent supportive 60 percent opposed.  in addition to that, the idea is clearly interesting to people, every thread got an unusually high amount of response.    Big response plus forty percent already sympathetic...indicates to me the idea has passed its second hurdle.  You guys liked it, around forty percent of the unscientifically sampled new hampshire public likes it...

So I'm looking into this more closely.

Russell Kanning

how can anyone not like the idea? you are not hurting anyone ... you might help someone ... you will help the overall mood :)

Dave Ridley

OK with Real ID disobedience looking impossible to perform this year, this "rate the TSA" project is looking more likely to happen.  It seems the best idea of the 30 we have vetted over on the "ideal act of civil dis" thread. 

There are a few things I would need help with.     The ones I can think of right now:    I'd need two or three videographers likely to be there, more if possible.  and ideally one person willing to risk arrest to take pictures of any arrests they make.    I'd also like someone to be available to make "live" broadcasts to Porcupine 411.    I will probably be tied up interacting with officials and/or interviewing passengers.   

Who thinks they could do this?   What do you think is the best day to do something like this?   Is it possible to do something that would better help get "NHFree.com" in the public eye during this event?   And before I move further forward is everyone sure they do not have a better idea for civil dis?


I think this is brilliant!

I sure hope you can have some very official looking forms, although of course individuals will be allowed to make the complaints anonymously.  Clipboard.  Scholarly. 

I mean, this is research, is it not?  As well as beautiful CivDis...



i think its a great idea dave but i dislike the idea of bringing someone in to be purposely arrested. Its a plant and a form of entrapment and the very thing we do not like being subjected to when the goons do it to us.



Quote from: DadaOrwell on April 01, 2008, 11:46 PM NHFT
OK , this "rate the TSA" project is looking more likely to happen. 
What do you think is the best day to do something like this?

How about Sunday May 11, Mothers Day?
Ask mothers if they've been groped by the TSA
Ask dutiful sons and daughters if they've been delayed or humiliated by the TSA.

I've got a camera, and can be on the scene.


Best setup would be to put a camera with a zoom lens in a van parked in the garage overlooking the terminal outside where you can protest.  Also connect a wireless mic to record in the van.  That way when they take all your stuff on the way to the hoosgow you will still have the record.  Even better if someone remains in the van to keep things going.   Public place, I doubt there can be any violation of taping/monitoring laws considering the hundreds of cameras in there.


Quote from: BaRbArIaN on April 02, 2008, 11:45 AM NHFT
Public place, I doubt there can be any violation of taping/monitoring laws considering the hundreds of cameras in there.
FWIW, in NH it does not matter whether it's a "public" place -- audio recording without all parties' consent is a felony  >:(


You consent by being within the vicinity of my video camera.   :P


Quote from: FTL_Ian on April 03, 2008, 01:51 PM NHFT
You consent by being within the vicinity of my video camera.   :P
I agree with you; but the real question is whether the judge will.


I don't consent to this government anyway, so the opinion of the "judge"' is irrelevant.   :icon_pirat:


Quote from: FTL_Ian on April 03, 2008, 02:30 PM NHFT
I don't consent to this government anyway, so the opinion of the "judge"' is irrelevant.   :icon_pirat:
I agree with you; but the real question is whether the cops will.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: d_goddard on April 02, 2008, 12:01 PM NHFT
Quote from: BaRbArIaN on April 02, 2008, 11:45 AM NHFT
Public place, I doubt there can be any violation of taping/monitoring laws considering the hundreds of cameras in there.
FWIW, in NH it does not matter whether it's a "public" place -- audio recording without all parties' consent is a felony  >:(

Watch Dave Ridley handle these kinds of situations.


Quote from: d_goddard on April 03, 2008, 02:38 PM NHFT
Quote from: FTL_Ian on April 03, 2008, 02:30 PM NHFT
I don't consent to this government anyway, so the opinion of the "judge"' is irrelevant.   :icon_pirat:
I agree with you; but the real question is whether the cops will.

Whatever.   8)

The question is, will you live free?


Quote from: FTL_Ian on April 04, 2008, 01:24 AM NHFT
The question is, will you live free?
I will take calculated actions that I judge to bring maximum real freedom to myself and my family in the timeframe of our expected lifetimes.

Can't help it. I'm an engineer by breeding and training.