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Common Sense

Started by JJ, March 12, 2008, 06:00 PM NHFT

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Quote from: J'raxis 270145I seem to remember the last time we all argued about this, we got exactly nowhere. Denis was one of the people who was not, is not, and most likely will not, be convinced of that. Simply repeating statements only strengthens the accusations that they're just dogma.

Denis seems unable to avoid making "drive-by" comments, as he has demonstrated in this thread.  This practice annoys me, and my "dogmatic" response was meant to reflect my displeasure.

Quote from: J'raxis 270145"Agree to disagree" seems to me to be the best strategy.

Fine with me.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 14, 2008, 02:55 PM NHFT
Denis is the one who started this debate.
Very true. Please accept my apologies.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: d_goddard on March 14, 2008, 08:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 14, 2008, 02:55 PM NHFT
Denis is the one who started this debate.
Very true. Please accept my apologies.

Don't be a stranger Dennis.  We will disagree with the means, but hey, to each his own.


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on March 14, 2008, 03:04 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 14, 2008, 02:55 PM NHFT
Denis is the one who started this debate.  It's not like we go on the NHLA forum and say, "If you work within the system, you don't have a right to complain."

True. But if you did, I hope no one would delete the post.

::)  Maybe it's me missing something here, but I don't think anyone here deleted Denis' post. Denis deleted his own post.

For what it's worth, Denis, I think that the mj issue is probably one of the single issues where in the system activism *can* be successful. But one step forward will be accompanied by two steps back somewhere else.


Quote from: Vitruvian on March 14, 2008, 04:14 PM NHFT
Quote from: J'raxis 270145I seem to remember the last time we all argued about this, we got exactly nowhere. Denis was one of the people who was not, is not, and most likely will not, be convinced of that. Simply repeating statements only strengthens the accusations that they're just dogma.

Denis seems unable to avoid making "drive-by" comments, as he has demonstrated in this thread.  This practice annoys me, and my "dogmatic" response was meant to reflect my displeasure.

For what it's worth, I don't think this is being fair to Denis. The picture I have of Denis is a guy who goes back and forth to different forums posting on things that are important to him. I don't think he's trying to start any flame wars. He just sees things different than you do.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Caleb on March 14, 2008, 11:42 PM NHFT
Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on March 14, 2008, 03:04 PM NHFT
I hope no one would delete the post.

::)  Maybe it's me missing something here, but I don't think anyone here deleted Denis' post. Denis deleted his own post. I can't speak for the other admins or moderators, but I personally saw his post, rolled my eyes, and moved on. Nobody other than vitruvian even commented on it.

Oh, I think I read that wrong then. Sorry for the misplaced accusation.


Quote from: d_goddard on March 13, 2008, 12:00 PM NHFT
deleted my post.Thanks for reminding me why I don't post here much any more.


I think it was prolly just a case of the Kannings, after a long period of showing a great deal of patience and leeway, finally enforcing the policy of no political activism on NHFree. As far as I know, there's no policy against apolitical activism on NHLA so I wouldn't necessarily expect them to delete such a message, though whoever runs it certainly could implement such a policy if they believe such activism to be immoral or even just distasteful.

Ambassador of the Schism

Russell Kanning

Quote from: David on March 14, 2008, 11:36 PM NHFT
Don't be a stranger Dennis.
Denis doesn't act like a stranger ... and he doesn't gain an "n" with age. ;)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: dalebert on March 15, 2008, 06:21 AM NHFT
I think it was prolly just a case of the Kannings, after a long period of showing a great deal of patience and leeway, finally enforcing the policy of no political activism on NHFree.
we didn't delete his post


Quote from: CalebFor what it's worth, I don't think this is being fair to Denis. The picture I have of Denis is a guy who goes back and forth to different forums posting on things that are important to him. I don't think he's trying to start any flame wars. He just sees things different than you do.

I have the same impression, and I don't suspect Denis' motives, but when he posts, "If you don't do this, please, no complaining about the fact that NH has some of the worst MJ laws," I feel compelled to register my objection.


Quote from: Vitruvian on March 15, 2008, 01:55 PM NHFT
I have the same impression, and I don't suspect Denis' motives, but when he posts, "If you don't do this, please, no complaining about the fact that NH has some of the worst MJ laws," I feel compelled to register my objection.

If you're complaining about the laws, then you must be acknowledging that you're subject to them. If that's the case, then Denis is right that you shouldn't complain if you're unwilling to change them.

If you're living your life as a free person not subject to laws, you have no reason to complain, so Denis' post wouldn't apply to you.


Quote from: KBCraigIf you're complaining about the laws, then you must be acknowledging that you're subject to them. If that's the case, then Denis is right that you shouldn't complain if you're unwilling to change them.

If you're living your life as a free person not subject to laws, you have no reason to complain, so Denis' post wouldn't apply to you.

The so-called laws in question are naught but words on paper to me: changing those words fails to address the pathology that created them; the "laws" are symptoms of a systemic illness, superficial effects of an underlying cause.

I do not appreciate being chastised for preferring to "strike at the root," as it were.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: KBCraig on March 15, 2008, 07:02 PM NHFT
If you're complaining about the laws, then you must be acknowledging that you're subject to them. If that's the case, then Denis is right that you shouldn't complain if you're unwilling to change them.

KB that is nonsense.

Go and try to change the laws and see that the machine will just do as it pleases anyway. The system is broken, it is a river that over ran it's banks long ago.

I am not a moralist, I am a pragmatist...
The powers that be have more to gain and they get payed to work full time at their effort.