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Russell Arrested 3/17/08

Started by Becky Thatcher, March 17, 2008, 09:27 AM NHFT

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Whether your account of events is truthful is of small import now.  Like many others on this forum, I know Russell and am reluctant to believe that he is, or ever was, capable of doing such things as you say he has done.  Notwithstanding your opinion of Russell, please consider the magnitude of his predicament and your unique position perhaps to rectify it.

We here, including Russell, are not only enemies of the state but also the state's enemies: more to the point, I am convinced that Russell's captors will not release him a moment sooner than they find expedient.

I do not presume to know you, but I must nevertheless appeal to your sense of decency: if you possess any leverage at all in this matter, I urge you to apply it toward Russell's release.  Such a cathartic gesture would do much to heal old wounds, and would demonstrate great character on your part.


I did not expect to be well-received. However, I did hope to shed some light on the gravity of my/our situation...ALL these years. Russell crippled his children financially, by his choice. Whether you like it or not, he has consequences. Why is my not bailing him out the only way I can show kindness? He did not show kindness to his children for most of the last 8 years, with some unbelievably horrendous moments prior to that. I have been their only protector/provider. And I did show nummerous kindnesses to him along the way, begging for negotiation, providing other alternatives...giving him the house....etc. Do you all not see his UNkindness towards his children?

I take that back...a few of you have responded with the free-stater's characteristic 'open-mind' and genuine kindness. And for that, I thank you.


Russell knows how to make this better. He simply has run to New Hampshire to make it go away. But his 3 children (ages 10, 17, and 18) exist. And whether he attempts to settle out of court, or stay in jail, he does have choices, even still...


Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 06:19 PM NHFT
Russell knows how to make this better. He simply has run to New Hampshire to make it go away. But his 3 children (ages 10, 17, and 18) exist. And whether he attempts to settle out of court, or stay in jail, he does have choices, even still...

Three kids 10, 17 and 18. How long were you married to Russell?

Kat Kanning

I stand by my husband 100%.  In the ~4 years we've been married, he's been the best husband I can imagine existing.  He is kind to me, considerate, want to make me happy.  He's been a joy.  He's gotten angry at me once in that time, when he raised his voice at me.  There has never been any violence.  I've never known him to tell a lie either to me or to others.  I miss him terribly and wish I could be with him.  My family is now torn apart and we're in grief.

Dave Ridley

They say you should concentrate on what you see, not what you hear.  This principle should apply to both Russell and Mindy.  I can only speak of the former. 

Having lived with Russell and Kat off and on between 2004 and 2007, I would have to say what I saw was always consistent with Kat's representations above.   Russell is in my experience reliable and the funnest (non female!) person in New Hampshire to be around.  And my experience is domestic, not just social.  In my presence at least, he's never shown much of  a temper even when tortured by sleep deprivation and imprisonment.  I've noticed no inclination toward violence.   

He kept two pictures of his kids around the house.  He did not speak ill of his ex wife in my presence.

There might or might not be more to the story, but that's the part I've seen.


Don't know if it's been suggested or not, but have we considered a "Free Russell K. Fund"?  A hundred people plus a hundred dollars equals free Russell.  500 people times twenty bucks, same result.  Pick someone of impeccable character, known to lots of Porcs, to escrow the money.  I'd suggest someone not directly involved in the whole thing.  Gather support amongst NH people, FTL listeners, etc.


Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFT
...Last he saw her she was driving a brand new Escalade. 

....I don't own an Escalade. I own a 1997 Blazer.

The two statements are not in conflict.  One can drive an Escalade without owning it.

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFTPersonally, I think it is an overcompensation for the violence he displayed in our marriage and towards our children.

Many people believe that angry words and violence toward objects (e.g., breaking things) is threatening.  It is not necessarily so.  One would certainly like specifics and corroboration.  Who was injured?

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFThis lack of self-control was in danger of seriously harming them.

A belief that there is a danger of harm is not itself harm.  Were the children seriously harmed?  If so, what corroboration for this statement is offered?  If not, if there was no actual harm, then why whine about "danger of" harm which didn't happen?

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFTAnd yes, he owes his children a lot of money....over $100,000.

How is it possible that he owes this much money?  Did he have such a sum of money, ever?  Or is he expected to provide money that he does not have?

As I understand it, a court order for child support is not something one can dissolve in bankruptcy.  So, if he has no means of making these absurd payments, how is it just to say that he owes this money?  And if the state that demands these payments be made won't allow him to restructure his finances by declaring his insolvency, how is that just?

In fact, "deadbeat dads" are the new debtors for whom fashionable new debtors prisons have been made.

It seems to me that this ex-wife is an evil person who has fashioned manacles of debt for Russell.  Until she relents, he cannot be free.

Well, unless some persons unknown wish to break into jail, kill as many guards as resist, and break him loose.  I would be shocked by such behavior.

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFTI worked 2 jobs for a while for my kids, as Russell wasn't contributing anything towards their LIFE...

So, to suit her lifestyle, Russell has to get a job.  Or two.  Or do some work he's qualified to do but hates.  Interesting.  Do these children get jobs?  Did they work paper routes? Collect aluminium cans? Mow lawns? Babysit? Clean people's houses?  I did all those things before the age of ten. 

Quite frankly, screw this collectivist notion of obligation.  Children are responsible for themselves.

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFTI made a special request that the $1200 mo child support (mandated by the court, not me) would be reduced. He refused to cooperate at all.

Russell refused to cooperate with his own enslavement.  Yes, I can see that.  That part of the story rings true.

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFTWhat moral ground is higher than providing for your own kids?

Quite simply on the grounds that Russell is not your slave.  He is not the slave of your children.  He is not the slave of the state.  He is not a number.  He is a free man.

On the grounds of quid pro quo.  Does $50/month buy him visitation privileges?  Or is he denied any of his rights as a parent while being forced to pay these mystical, collectivist obligations?

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFTI didn't get the house at all.

By her own admission she got all of the proceeds from the sale of the house.

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFTI got a restraining order because he was close to killing our oldest son, after he'd lied (He was 8). Russell kicked me in the stomach while I was pregnant, and on the ground, after he'd pushed me down. He did some awful things within 3 mo of being married. But it was when he started hurting the kids in drastic ways...not just a traditional spanking, that I began to be scared.

These are claims of direct, physical injury.  There should, therefore, be some corroborating evidence.  Photos.  Witnesses.  Hospital reports.  Criminal charges.

Since there are no outstanding criminal charges of battery nor assault, I am extremely skeptical about these claims.

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFTHe is a fugitive by choice.

Russell is not a fugitive.  He is a prisoner.


Quote from: TheDUDE on March 20, 2008, 05:29 AM NHFT
Don't know if it's been suggested or not, but have we considered a "Free Russell K. Fund"?  A hundred people plus a hundred dollars equals free Russell.  500 people times twenty bucks, same result.  Pick someone of impeccable character, known to lots of Porcs, to escrow the money.  I'd suggest someone not directly involved in the whole thing.  Gather support amongst NH people, FTL listeners, etc.

Does that money go to the system, or to the debt he owes? If it goes to the state I'm sure he doesn't want us paying his ransom money.


Quote from: planetaryjim on March 20, 2008, 06:08 AM NHFT
Children are responsible for themselves.

This is the saddest thing I've read here. I hope you do not have children. How is a  3 or 4 or 5 or 6 ......year old child supposed to be responsible for their own-well being? 

Dave Ridley

<<How is a  3 or 4 or 5 or 6 ......year old child supposed to be responsible for their own-well being? >>



Quote from: TheDUDE on March 20, 2008, 05:29 AM NHFT
Don't know if it's been suggested or not, but have we considered a "Free Russell K. Fund"?  A hundred people plus a hundred dollars equals free Russell.  500 people times twenty bucks, same result.  Pick someone of impeccable character, known to lots of Porcs, to escrow the money.  I'd suggest someone not directly involved in the whole thing.  Gather support amongst NH people, FTL listeners, etc.

I would donate $100 to help Russell. Keep me posted if and when. :)



Quote from: Coconut on March 20, 2008, 09:14 AM NHFT
Does that money go to the system, or to the debt he owes? If it goes to the state I'm sure he doesn't want us paying his ransom money.

It would go to bail.  If he then misses his court date, it would be forfeit.  If he makes his court date, it would be levied to pay a portion of his outstanding debt.

Keep your money in your pocket, folks.


Quote from: malcolm on March 20, 2008, 11:33 AM NHFT
Keep your money in your pocket, folks.

Amen, bro.

That is how Russell would want it, I am sure.  I know I will not be voluntarily contributing to the livelihood of criminals, in order to secure the temporary release of a friend -- and I desire the same in return if I am ever held captive.


It is difficult to discern the facts of a case based on he said/she said, because so often one or both parties are skilled manipulators.  However, we here in NH who have an established track record of interaction with Russell Kanning have more than that to go on: We have personal, close up, moderately long-term experience with him.  While it is conceivable that an extremely manipulative individual could drastically modify his overall behavior in order to have the last laugh in an ongoing feud, such a charade cannot go on forever.  Only time can tell whether that is the case.  The bottom line is, there are a large number of honest, upstanding individuals who can vouch for Russell's good character, incuding his present wife, and myself.  The only voice of dissent is that of his ex, and based on her decision to hire agents of force to bludgeon her ex-husband into submitting to her will, one would not expect anything but vitriol from her, regardless of the facts.

Kat Kanning

I'm certain Russell would not want people to give thugs bail money for his release.