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Russell Arrested 3/17/08

Started by Becky Thatcher, March 17, 2008, 09:27 AM NHFT

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Earlier today 4 of us went to the westmorland jail, to ask about Russell.  They said he was there, he has yet to be classified, ( I assume according to risk) before any visitations can begin.  I asked the guy to take care of him.   :-\

Quote Kat Kanning<While we were standing in the lobby of the courthouse for David, the police prosecutor walked by, apparently saw Russell, knew him from before, and knew there was a warrant.>
Forum encryption would not have helped Russell.  I am opposed to acting behind closed doors.  It is easier to maintain the moral high ground when everyone including the cops etc, know we are doing our stuff out in the open.  Secrecy generates distrust, which I think is counterproductive.  There may be a time and a place for privacy, but I don't think we are there yet, at least on NHFREE.  


Quote from: Puke on March 17, 2008, 03:00 PM NHFT
"We" are doing nothing wrong, "we" should not be hiding.
(I do not speak for everyone, it's just easier to write it that way.)

Having secrets just gives people crazy ideas about what is really going on. Look at the Build-a-burgers. It's just a secret club of rich assholes and people think they control the weather and stupid shit like that.

True, excessive secrecy does have that effect.  My point is that there's a balance to be had, and perhaps blended into this board.  Privacy is not an all-or-nothing switch.. everyone has some.. and knows they need it.. and that in a corrupt system, your innocence is no safeguard. You've got:

1) Perfectly legal things that are embarrassing or otherwise damaging to expose
2) Bullshit laws that should be broken and are broken, but you're not ready to pay ridiculous legal consequences.
3) Untrustworthy enforcement officers (evidence planters, charge drummer uppers) who should be flatly told that they don't have the right break the 4th and invade your privacy.

Balance. That's all.  I apologize for debating where debate does not belong, and will shut up now.


Quote from: kola on March 17, 2008, 03:07 PM NHFT
FTL is loaded with chumps and backstabbers and one asshole who wishes life threatening brain anurysms to others.

That sounds only marginally worse than wishing a sexually transmitted disease on someone.  Just a thought.


and that the bastards will demoralize him with their sick fukin ways.


Yeah, I confess to being pretty angry right now myself. I can only imagine what Kat is going through. You have to rearrange your life to avoid their constant intrusion, and even then you still can't sometimes escape their clutches because they are literally everywhere, constantly willing to impose themselves on you. and they are tireless. 20 years from now, they'll still be looking for you, if you're on their list. it's just about the most insane thing.

Dave Ridley

would help to have some action items:
who are the perpetrators to contact, where to send mail for russell, etc.


The events leading up to Russell's arrest, from my perspective:

I walked to the Keene City Hall building shortly before ten o'clock this morning to join in supporting David at his trial, and went inside with Lauren, Ian, and David, all of whom had arrived moments after I.  The four of us waited in the first floor lobby, after being told that the trial would begin at 10:30 a.m.  We were soon joined by Dale, Menno, Jim, Roger, Mark, Russell, and Kat. 

The group chatted comfortably, passing the time until we would enter the courtroom.  Kat noticed a thick binder, with Registered Voters printed on the cover, on a pedestal table in the center of the lobby.  Leafing through it, she was surprised to find her and Russell's names and address, as the two of them had asked to be removed from the voter rolls.  She and Russell then walked into (what I presume to be) the clerk's office, which adjoined the lobby, to ensure their names were removed.  The rest of the group and I continued to wait, never suspecting anything was amiss.

After about five minutes, Kat and Russell emerged from the office, this time accompanied by a uniformed NH state police officer.  As I stared in disbelief, the lady cop told Russell in a hushed tone that she would be taking him into custody.  Being a man of peace, Russell offered his wrists without a moment's hesitation, which were promptly cuffed.  Aside from a few tender words to Kat, Russell said only, "And people think this isn't a police state," as he was shackled and led away, to where we did not know.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on March 17, 2008, 04:24 PM NHFT
would help to have some action items:
who are the perpetrators to contact, where to send mail for russell, etc.

Get me some names and phone numbers, and I'll join the fun of calling the perps to remind them -- lots of us are keeping careful track of what they do with Russell.

Tom Sawyer

We were told that he was taken to the Superior Court, when we got there we saw the sow female sheriffs deputy who participated in his arrest and asked politely where Russell had been taken. She made it very clear that she would not tell us anything about where they had taken him.

I had to just leave the court after this incident. The court personnel and police have the power to yank you around and mislead or outright lie to you.
Daring to speak directly to the court dweeb got the cops called on me. Thugs, that don't have to face the fact that they do the dirty to people everyday.

I've been through this too often, the pattern is the same... if they were "just doing their job" they would not act in a vindictive/duplicitous manner. These people, who are supposed to work for us, have come to think of themselves as our masters.

Russell is ruining it for the rest of us again.

When I eat a nice home cooked meal, I'll be thinking about him eating a baloney sandwich.

When I hug my family I'll be thinking he can't do that.  :(

I can't articulate how agitated and unsettled I am.


Quote from: d_goddardGet me some names and phone numbers

Cheshire County Dept. of Corrections
160 River Road
Westmoreland, NH 03467
Phone: (603) 399-7794
Fax: (603) 399-8334

Richard N. Van Wickler, Superintendent
John Mousseau, Director of Safety and Security
Priscilla DeHotman, Director of Objective Jail Classification

Incidentally, Van Wickler is a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP).


A little off topic, but since it was brought up that Russell is Christian, Kat, does he have a church he regularly attends when not being held?

edit: 10 years? 365 days * 10 years * $50 per day = $182,500 ... he must have missed a lot of payments :)


Good Luck to Russell and all in these proceedings. Most likely he's going to be a slave for a very long time. :( Any mailing address for sending things like stamps and letter heads that he may use to keep contact with friends and his family (outside of his children)?


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on March 17, 2008, 06:12 PM NHFT

I can't articulate how agitated and unsettled I am.

Likewise.  I read this news at work and had a hard time concentrating after that.  This is a really, really bad situation.  :(


Quote from: ladyattis on March 17, 2008, 07:06 PM NHFT
Good Luck to Russell and all in these proceedings. Most likely he's going to be a slave for a very long time. :( Any mailing address for sending things like stamps and letter heads that he may use to keep contact with friends and his family (outside of his children)?

Your support is really appreciated, I'm sure. I believe jails are weird about mailing stamps. You can send money orders for them to buy stamps but not mail stamps. Maybe they're afraid they'll have LSD. It's best to get familiar with their bizarres rules on these things before sending anything. They have a lot. I'm sure something will be posted here soon about all that.

Dave Ridley

the addie where he's being held as of 5pm is

cheshire county jail (tho that may not be quite the proper name)
160 river rd.
westmoreland nh 03467