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Russell Arrested 3/17/08

Started by Becky Thatcher, March 17, 2008, 09:27 AM NHFT

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Quote from: d_goddard on March 19, 2008, 02:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: Ron Helwig on March 19, 2008, 02:06 PM NHFT
Quote from: srqrebel on March 19, 2008, 01:17 PM NHFT
The thing about ostracism databases, is that they will not have much effect until they come into widespread use.
That's why what we are working on is much more than a simple list of those to be ostracized. Think of it as a full blown reputation management system.
That still doesn't answer Menno's concern, or mine either.
Metcalfe's law applies to any relationship management system. The value is low unless/until lots of people use it.

I've seen some forays into this kind of database (http://www.dontdatehimgirl.com/), but in addition to the lack of user base, projects like this are loaded with spurious and vindictive information, which often has little relation to the real world.  Bad information rapidly reduces the value of any database.  How do you keep an ostracism database from becoming a big bitch-fest?

And Vaporware adds value at no point in the value chain.  Is someone working on such a project?  Back in the cypherpunk days there was a saying that "Cypherpunks Write Code".  Tools to create a working product are out there.  Is someone writing code, or just wishing?  Wishing isn't a strategy.

Ron Helwig

Quote from: malcolm on March 19, 2008, 02:40 PM NHFT
Quote from: d_goddard on March 19, 2008, 02:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: Ron Helwig on March 19, 2008, 02:06 PM NHFT
Quote from: srqrebel on March 19, 2008, 01:17 PM NHFT
The thing about ostracism databases, is that they will not have much effect until they come into widespread use.
That's why what we are working on is much more than a simple list of those to be ostracized. Think of it as a full blown reputation management system.
That still doesn't answer Menno's concern, or mine either.
Metcalfe's law applies to any relationship management system. The value is low unless/until lots of people use it.

I've seen some forays into this kind of database (http://www.dontdatehimgirl.com/), but in addition to the lack of user base, projects like this are loaded with spurious and vindictive information, which often has little relation to the real world.  Bad information rapidly reduces the value of any database.  How do you keep an ostracism database from becoming a big bitch-fest?

And Vaporware adds value at no point in the value chain.  Is someone working on such a project?  Back in the cypherpunk days there was a saying that "Cypherpunks Write Code".  Tools to create a working product are out there.  Is someone writing code, or just wishing?  Wishing isn't a strategy.

Yes, it is being worked on (specs have started being written). Yes, we are very concerned with data quality. Yes, we are aware that global coverage would take a long time, so we are working to ensure that it doesn't need to be global. Mr. Metcalfe need not apply, the system wouldn't require people to join to be rated. Etc.


Quote from: Ron Helwig on March 19, 2008, 03:05 PM NHFT
... Mr. Metcalfe need not apply, the system wouldn't require people to join to be rated. Etc.

Actually, the number of entries (the value of the DB) would be limited by the number of contributers, so Metcalfe's Law would bottleneck the domain side, although maybe not the range side (unless money from subscribers became an issue, as it usually does).


(Russell, as you know, is a Christian.  When he married, he really meant for life.  His wife kicked him out without just cause.  She got everything...kids, house, all of Russell's personal possessions (which she wouldn't give to him).  Last he saw her she was driving a brand new Escalade.  After she kicked him out, she got a restraining order claiming he was violent (Mr. Pacifist, violent  ).  She refused to let him see his children.  She refuses to let him even call his children.  He decided he was not going to be a slave to some woman who treated him like that - to pay for her to take his children away from him.   He's offered to take the children.  He wanted nothing more than to stay there and raise the kids, be a family.  She chose otherwise.  Now he's in jail for not paying child support.  The kids don't even know why he doesn't call or see them - the mother lets them think he just doesn't care.  He won't be mean enough to her to tell the kids what's happening.)

Kat, I am so stunned by all of this. I cannot believe how wrong this all is. I would like to defend myself, and find this incredibly awkward. It saddens me how the truth about Russell's past has been completely obliterated by people who don't care enough about those facts to actually check them out. I have long felt the irony that Russell is only now a "pacivist"?? This wasn't our experience at all. Personally, I think it is an overcompensation for the violence he displayed in our marriage and towards our children. He did make strides to change, but it was my opinion, and others around me, including his own parents at the time, that his being with the children was NOT wise, as his lack of self-control was in danger of seriously harming them. We lived it. You have only heard one side of the story...and though I am sorry when anyone is unjustly treated, it bears repeating that one must know first if the punishment is in fact, just. If it is...then justice must prevail. The fact that he still defends those wrong actions tells me that his 'rehabilitation' was not effective. And yes, he owes his children a lot of money....over $100,000. What would you do if it were YOUR children?

Kat, I would like to specifically address some of the untruths you posted...
I don't own an Escalade. I own a 1997 Blazer.
I worked 2 jobs for a while for my kids, as Russell wasn't contributing anything towards their LIFE...life he contributed to, and said he would be responsible for.
I never asked for alimony. I made a special request that the $1200 mo child support (mandated by the court, not me) would be reduced. He refused to cooperate at all. At one point, I asked him to give the 3 kids a total of $50 mo...he adamantly refused, on some higher moral ground?? What moral ground is higher than providing for your own kids? Or at least contributing, even if you hate your Ex wife?
I didn't get the house at all. As a matter of fact, it was my idea that he move back into it...no court documents, just a verbal agreement, and live there. (I couldn't afford it, and that was finewith me to move.) He agreed to do this. The deal was that he would make the house payments, and that one day, if we both agreed to sell, we'd split the proceeds. 5 mos later, I got a fluke call from the mortgage co, informing me the house was about to foreclose. I called him immediately. He laughed and said he hadn't paid a dime. In fact, some transients were living with him, and he was using their pmts to live off. The gas was shut off, and they were cooking over an open fire in the living room. I asked him if I could call the realtor and at least try to avoid foreclosure. He agreed. We were able to sell it immediately. 6 mos later I got $700. So, if that is getting 'everything'....
When you say "she kicked him out without just cause"??? The financial elements were what was least wrong about my situation. I got a restraining order because he was close to killing our oldest son, after he'd lied (He was 8). Russell kicked me in the stomach while I was pregnant, and on the ground, after he'd pushed me down. He did some awful things within 3 mo of being married. But it was when he started hurting the kids in drastic ways...not just a traditional spanking, that I began to be scared. I filed for a separation first, and we remained in that state for 2 years, until in my estimation, any hope of reconciliation was truly over.

I did make a lot of choices along the way...I stayed for many years, trying to work on a marriage with someone who was harming me. But in the end, I chose wisely to extricate myself from him. Initially, I did not want the children to spend time with him at all. They remembered some of the really bad times too. They never questioned my reasons....they knew!

Since the kids are older, I have encouraged letter writing and phone calls. They are not interested. (I know anyone reading this will believe that I have poisoned their minds...but truly, I didn't.) They just didn't want to. When I did make suggestions for some reconcilation with them, (letters/calls/visits) he has written them each once on their birthdays and Christmas. Period.

Russell is not innocent here. His past is finally catching up to him. Maybe if he had taken care of his prior responsibilities, at least in part, he wouldn't be where he is today. He is a fugitive by choice.


oh boy..here it goes.. 
then again there are 2 sides to every story.



Russell's arrest from another angle, and some interactions with some camera-hating bureaucrats:


Quote from: kola on March 19, 2008, 03:47 PM NHFT
oh boy..here it goes.. 
then again there are 2 sides to every story.

There always are.  This time both sides are posting, though.

firecracker joe

russells ex is the exact reason why i will never marry or share custody with anyone
i cant picture russell hitting anyone. its too bad the law has to be brought into every situation the only ones who make out are lawyers and the people who make stupid laws and jail our friends.
seems to me russell and his ex loved each other alot, enough to adopt children that weren't his at one point ,too bad you just cant get along now.
jailing non violent people is stupid  and i am on russells side if i have to choose a side.


interesting video Ian.

These servants have to answer to us.

Can charges be filed against them?


Quote from: kola on March 19, 2008, 04:08 PM NHFT
interesting video Ian.

These servants have to answer to us.

Can charges be filed against them?

I don't look to the system for solutions.  I think more activists with cameras would help.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on March 19, 2008, 04:13 PM NHFT
Quote from: kola on March 19, 2008, 04:08 PM NHFT
These servants have to answer to us.
Can charges be filed against them?
I don't look to the system for solutions.  I think more activists with cameras would help.
I agree, more activists with cameras can only be a Good Thing.
Stuff like this is why the CNHT (as an organization) is so passionate about RSA 91-A, the "right to know" law -- they want any public official to be "on the record" any time they are doing their jobs. The NHCLU, and the cops on the Criminal Justice committee,  do their best to torpedo that work  >:(

Anyway... I know Ian knows this, but so others do as well: if you audiorecord without permission, the "servants" can charge you with a Felony. BE CAREFUL.

It's a bad, bad, bad law.

Kat Kanning

What a complete bunch of lies.


Quote from: jose on March 19, 2008, 04:02 PM NHFT
russells ex is the exact reason why i will never marry or share custody with anyone
i cant picture russell hitting anyone. its too bad the law has to be brought into every situation the only ones who make out are lawyers and the people who make stupid laws and jail our friends.
seems to me russell and his ex loved each other alot, enough to adopt children that weren't his at one point ,too bad you just cant get along now.
jailing non violent people is stupid  and i am on russells side if i have to choose a side.

Word. If Russell had never married or lived with that woman, he'd still be walking around.


Is it a lie that he has children? Or is it a lie that he owes them something? Whatever Russell is or isn't now...he is not innocent. Please check the facts, as they are public record.

Kat Kanning

I'm sorry I said that.  I should learn more from people like Caleb, who is kind to people who've done them wrong.