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Russell Arrested 3/17/08

Started by Becky Thatcher, March 17, 2008, 09:27 AM NHFT

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The chip-in thing worked fine for me.  I'm in for $25.


I don't see Jacobus or my contributions showing on the chip-in meter.  How long do they take to show up?

PattyLee loves dogs

QuoteIf Mindy wanted to have Russell released what would be her options to do so?

I'm sure she could influence a judge at the least. The problem is getting her a financial motivation to do so.

Obviously it doesn't help her to have Russell imprisoned for life deep underground in a State Of California tofu mine, shoveling calcium sulfate and trying to read Martha Stewart Shivving in the eternal gloom cast by the "green" light bulbs. But if she doesn't think Russell will help the kids if he is let out, where's her motivation?

Mindy has to be convinced that she will benefit monetarily from his freedom.


Mindy has to be convinced that she will benefit monetarily from his freedom.

Perhaps the FSP could scrape together some ransom money... 


About time that widget thing started working  ::)

Somebody pick up the last 5 bucks.

Edit to add:  Thank you Sam, for setting that up.  I never did get a response directly from Marc.


Quote from: telomerase on March 21, 2008, 12:47 PM NHFT
QuoteIf Mindy wanted to have Russell released what would be her options to do so?

I'm sure she could influence a judge at the least. The problem is getting her a financial motivation to do so.

Obviously it doesn't help her to have Russell imprisoned for life deep underground in a State Of California tofu mine, shoveling calcium sulfate and trying to read Martha Stewart Shivving in the eternal gloom cast by the "green" light bulbs. But if she doesn't think Russell will help the kids if he is let out, where's her motivation?

Mindy has to be convinced that she will benefit monetarily from his freedom.

What is the point of getting her motivated if there is nothing she can do?

Think before you speak  ;)

Hence my original question: What can Mindy do to help Russell in the present situation? Is there anything she can do?

She is claiming that there is nothing she can do. So if we come up with things she can do, maybe she will do them so that she can stop losing sleep at night over this situation.

My impression is that she doesn't want Russell to sit in prison, so it really is just a matter of coming up with some action items that she could do.


If there is a list of things she can do to help Russell than she can no longer say that it is "out of my hands".

But I am also eager to see what Marc Stevens suggests to resolve this situation.


I have never 'pursued' Russell, other than to ask him nicely to pay child support. This is the court's doing...as it began many years ago. The problem here, as you will probably find once you have talked with Russell himself, is that he refuses to pay ANYTHING. This is not just someone who is impoverished who can't pay...he has now made it his lifelong goal to not pay. And this is where my sympathy stops. My children still have current needs that I cannot pay for. It is most likely that the D.A. in NH will encourage Russell to compromise with me, negotiating a much smaller amount to clear this debt. Let's say it goes from $137,000 down to $37,000 (I have no idea about what the true number would be....) Other people in the world have that much credit card debt...sadly, but they do. They work many years clearing their debts. Russell CAN do this. He just chooses not to. You all are right that I would need to be properly motivated to 'withdraw', if even I have such power. No longer is Russell's word good to me....It would have to come from his parents, whom I respect.


The more you speak Mindy, the more you lose my sympathy.

No matter how much you whine, moan and cry boo-hoo, I think it is safe to assume that Russell won't give you a dime. Although Russell and I are far from being friends, I am in 100% support of him and I think you are just after money. You managed all these years without his money so get used to it.

I have nothing more to say to you.



I came on here...with one purpose. To tell my side of the story. To proclaim in the only way I can, on a public forum, that Russell is not innocent of the these charges. I am not trying to be liked...I am not trying to convince you..but I will not go silently either. He is guilty. He may never pay...but it doesn't absolve him from the need to do so.


John Galt

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 21, 2008, 01:39 PM NHFT
I have never 'pursued' Russell, other than to ask him nicely to pay child support. This is the court's doing...as it began many years ago. The problem here, as you will probably find once you have talked with Russell himself, is that he refuses to pay ANYTHING. This is not just someone who is impoverished who can't pay...he has now made it his lifelong goal to not pay. And this is where my sympathy stops. My children still have current needs that I cannot pay for. It is most likely that the D.A. in NH will encourage Russell to compromise with me, negotiating a much smaller amount to clear this debt. Let's say it goes from $137,000 down to $37,000 (I have no idea about what the true number would be....) Other people in the world have that much credit card debt...sadly, but they do. They work many years clearing their debts. Russell CAN do this. He just chooses not to. You all are right that I would need to be properly motivated to 'withdraw', if even I have such power. No longer is Russell's word good to me....It would have to come from his parents, whom I respect.

I'm totally with Russell in this situation and I am in agreement with Russell that NOTHING should be paid if there is even just one speck of force involved.  Obviously, as long as he is safe and sound in the hospitable care, feeding, and attention of the global slave-masters, he won't freeze to death, starve to death, or get much of anything done either.  Although he has always had a positive effect on the guards and other prisoners even though most of them won't admit it.

So the system is shown, once again, for the fucked up looting thuggists that they really are.  They say Russell owes some payment and somehow society is burdened extra because this supposed debt to some part of society has not been paid.  So they lock the debtor up so that it COSTS even more and makes an even larger debt and burden on society than there would have been by just leaving Russell alone.

But this isn't really about support or alimony or custody, it's about control, people control.

I challenge you to look at the subject of wealth redistribution via the supposed income tax.  We have one group of producers who pay in an average of, say, $3K per year.  Then we have the looters who get that earned income credit of about $3K per year.  It's my opinion that the whole scam is probably mostly a wash.  Who the hell knows?  The thing may actually go to the negative.

Again, it's just a scam.  It's theft and robbery.  It's wealth redistribution.  And it will continue as long as there are people willing to contribute so they don't get murdered and as long as there are plenty of looters to vote to continue to support the criminals doing the looting.

This is John Galt speaking and I am asking that you quit, that you go on strike against the looters.  Don't feed them, don't clothe them, don't shelter them, and don't empower them with your approval.  Speak out against them as much as possible and gather as many fellow strikers as you can possibly get.  The time is near where the system will collapse and we will emerge victorious.



I don't know the details here. There are allegations that Russel is not allowed access to his children. My parents divorced, luckily my mother made sure we had as much access to our father as we wanted. The fact is, you involved a government court system to initiate force. There is story after story of the courts showing bias towards the mother. These disputes cost thousands of dollars for lawyers to draft letters to a judge who often ignores them (after all he has no incentive and it's not his money), and on and on.

The fact is, a gang of armed men have kidnapped Russell, they have locked him into a debtor's prison, and they are forcing the NH residents to pay for it. How can you truly obtain justice by creating such injustice in the process?

Hey guys,

we are 5 bucks away! If somebody would donate $20, it would cover the $10 paypal fees and part of the $10 domain registration. I would really appreciate it. The site can turn into a blog to follow the progress, court filings, etc. so we can all learn in the process.




In some posts you say that you do not want Russell to spend 10 years in prison and in others you say that he deserves it.

Can you please make up your mind? I think it's pretty clear, and you have admitted yourself that you realize this too, that you will not get a dime from Russell, so then the question again:

If you get nothing, will you allow the state to lock Russell up for 10 years and look the other way? Or will you try to have him released and just move on with your life without Russells wallet?