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Russell Arrested 3/17/08

Started by Becky Thatcher, March 17, 2008, 09:27 AM NHFT

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Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on March 21, 2008, 06:10 PM NHFT
Back to the topic of this marriage "contract," we have no idea what the terms were—we know what the State expects (child support, alimony, &c.)—but not what was actually in the agreement between Russell and Mindy. Nor should we really know, or care, that being an entirely private matter.

Quite right.  However, establishing the moral high ground is important to winning the propaganda war.  And more to the point, getting Russell out of jail.

(Apologies for side-tracking the thread... your quote from cyberdoo begged a response :p)


QuoteRussell had the same access to legal help (free legal help) to assist him as I did. He had visitation rights that he never exercised...So, in essence, he didn't do the things he could have done...It would have been against the law for me to 'keep the children from him.' Police would have had to have been called. The children could have been forced to have been taken from me for his scheduled visitations...this never happened, because he never tried! (Again...see the public records)

I don't think Russell believes he should use the force of the legal system and government to get what he wants.  If you cornered him into either using the legal system or not cooperating, then are you really surprised at his choice?  The fact that he DIDN'T use the legal system against you makes me think more of him.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: picaro on March 21, 2008, 06:17 PM NHFT
Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on March 21, 2008, 06:10 PM NHFT
Back to the topic of this marriage "contract," we have no idea what the terms were—we know what the State expects (child support, alimony, &c.)—but not what was actually in the agreement between Russell and Mindy. Nor should we really know, or care, that being an entirely private matter.

Quite right.  However, establishing the moral high ground is important to winning the propaganda war.  And more to the point, getting Russell out of jail.

True, but I don't think we'll ever move beyond the he said–she said stages of arguing over the marriage contract, history, &c.. With regards to the State involvement, at least among us freestaters, we already know where the moral high ground is.

If we expect facts of the case to help get Russell out of jail, that's also not something we can really deal with anyway—that's only pertinent to the legal maneuvering by the Adventures in Legal Land guy and perhaps lawyers if Russell (heh, right) decides to retain one.

Quote from: picaro on March 21, 2008, 06:17 PM NHFT
(Apologies for side-tracking the thread... your quote from cyberdoo begged a response :p)

This is NH Free. Nothing to worry about. Happens to everyone... ;)


Well, I didn't corner him. I am sorry if what I wrote sounded that way. To be honest, I was glad Russell was out of my life. He had caused a lot of pain. I wasn't going out of my way to invite him back in. But my point was that he wasn't ever really trying to see the kids either....

Dave Ridley

FreeRussellKanning.com has commissioned an ad to be run in perhaps two or three RidleyReports.

The ad appears in the latest upload:


Also with regard to decorum I seriously urge all of you , who are not already doing so...treat "RussellsEx" with civility, even if you think she is guilty of something hideous.  We ideally should even treat even government officials, even the worst of them that way.   Not with cooperation necessarily, but with civility.  I realize some folks aren't going to listen to me but this needs to be said.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on March 21, 2008, 07:05 PM NHFT
Also with regard to decorum I seriously urge all of you , who are not already doing so...treat "RussellsEx" with civility, even if you think she is guilty of something hideous.  We ideally should even treat even government officials, even the worst of them that way.   Not with cooperation necessarily, but with civility.  I realize some folks aren't going to listen to me but this needs to be said.

I think under the circumstances people have been surprisingly civil with RussellsEx. Even our favorite reporter, scoop, gets worse treatment ;)


But I love Scoop!

<insert lil' green guy vomiting>

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: planetaryjim on March 21, 2008, 08:13 PM NHFT
As to being civil towards you, I don't really think you deserve it.  What you have done is vile and disgusting, and you ought to be ashamed.  Courtesy is a reciprocal process, and market forces determine its allocation.

And if you hope to change her behavior, how is vitriol like this going to help?


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on March 21, 2008, 08:17 PM NHFT
Quote from: planetaryjim on March 21, 2008, 08:13 PM NHFT
As to being civil towards you, I don't really think you deserve it.  What you have done is vile and disgusting, and you ought to be ashamed.  Courtesy is a reciprocal process, and market forces determine its allocation.

And if you hope to change her behavior, how is vitriol like this going to help?

It won't but it probably makes him feel superior.


The fact that the kids and I are alive is only a real testimony to the wonderful kindness of others. It does not negate the fact that he was negligent.

According to one 'post'er.... Russell never spoke unkindly of me in his home...why do you? I have given him the same courtesy as much sa is possible. I have only tried to be respectful and courteous here, not mean, as you accuse. However, I do believe that speaking the truth kindly is what is right.

I know we will never agree on these things..but it is sad to me that the fact that Russell was negligent...and does owe something to his kids, is so overlooked. It truly costs your 'group' credibility....


QuoteThe fact that the kids and I are alive.....

yes heavens  :'(  ..without help I am sure you all would have perished either from starvation or cold.  ::)

::)  plaaaaa lease.  ::)



Do you support anyone other than yourself?

PattyLee loves dogs

+1 on cutting out the vitriol... if Russell's freedom depends on the diplomacy skills here, he'll be trundling those wheelbarrows of bean curd around for the rest of his life.


Quote from: RussellsEx on March 21, 2008, 08:37 PM NHFT
Do you support anyone other than yourself?

I grew up in a very poor family.

we MANAGED just fine withOUT government assistance. (and yes back then some dads ran off and mom got no money)

key word being "managed" = survived= made do=found a way.

we had no car, had just basic foods and had lots of used clothes and toys.

the standard of living today imo is a fricken joke... many people say they are "broke" yet have cellphones and x boxes, ipods, new bikes and all the while they suck off the system for heathcare, foodstamps and free housing. The so called "system" (gov assistance) makes people think they are owed something.. like getting all this free shit yet they do NOTHING to deserve it.

This makes people less responsible for everything they do because they know they can always crawl up uncle sams ass and get free shit. Have more kids= more free shit.

I would love to watch and see how creative the moochers could get if the free-money-faucet was shut off. Maybe they would actually have to get off their asses and seek employment or try shoveling snow, picking berries or doing anything for a buck in order to survive. And just maybe they would think before having 8 kids knowing that it was soley up to them (AND ONLY THEM) to feed and care for them.

I am tired of the whining moochers of the world who look everywhere for free handouts yet do nothing on their own to be productive and earn an honest income.



Quote from: kola on March 21, 2008, 09:05 PM NHFT
...words, words, words...
I would love to watch and see how creative the moochers could get if the free-money-faucet was shut off.
...words, words, words...
