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Russell Arrested 3/17/08

Started by Becky Thatcher, March 17, 2008, 09:27 AM NHFT

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at the risk of making sandy feel sick  :'(

when i was 4 my mom left dad and abducted me to hawaii. dad was foolish enough to send money. all this did was give mom enough resources to continue her abduction for a little while longer. now, don't get me wrong. life wasn't easy. i still have an aversion to split pea soup to this day, as that was pretty much all i had to eat. (that and avocado's and cherries because we had an avocado tree and a cherry tree. i still love avocados and cherries, because they were my respite from the pea soup.)

but for all that, dad had provided me with a home and clothes and good food. those good things were back in indiana with him. why should he have financed mom's departure from him? That was her choice. If she wanted to leave, she should have left me with him, and sent money to him to help raise us.

i have had to struggle with ill feelings toward my mom my whole life. recently, i've started to come to terms with that, because i realize she is just a person. she makes mistakes every once in awhile, and aside from that time, she has been nothing but supportive and wonderful.  divorce and separation really hurt the kids more than anything. and there aren't easy answers. but i don't think the state intervening and setting up objective standards is the answer. mom and dad both made choices at the time, and at some point, they have to answer to me and stacey and kelly. (Stephen wasn't born yet.) That's really the only viewpoint that matters.


I don't believe that RussellsEx is playing a very careful, legal chess game to maximize financial gain. If it was purely about money, she'd be making statements carefully bounced off a lawyer and filing documents, not gushing forth her version of the facts.  She needs something else from Russell and/or the community.  It seems like a good opportunity to demonstrate free market dispute resolution.  FTL Ian could do a radio piece on however it turns out, since Russell is one of the proclaimed super-activists.. higher than average profile for sure.

You are exactly right about my not playing a legal manipulative game...if I wanted to do that, I would have hired an attorney, and I would keep my mouth shut, as I have done for many years. This has never been purely about money. I just could not stand to see so many people making Russell out to be a hero, when in fact, he is anything but. He has been completely irresponsible here. I have been extremely open (ad nauseum) about specifics and details, with all of YOU, his 'cohorts'...quite risky for me on the one hand, but it should also prove that I am not that cagey....I just want what is fair.

And in answer to some comments about Russell being able to see his kids...(as this has much to do with the 'formula' for child support), there was a time initially, when I did not want Russell to see the kids, due to the circumstances of our divorce. But that changed. He could always call, write, and have supervised visits, and I,by law, could not prevent that.He rarely exercised those options. In time, he lost touch with the kids, and they weren't that interested in seeing him either. My parents were very adamant that I try to remain open on this matter (sometimes to my chagrin....if I'm honest) so that my children would not ever become bitter with ME down the road, for 'keeping them from him'. I have remained in California where we were married and lived. I live only 45 min from our 'hometown'. He, however, chose to remarry and move to the other side of the country, thereby, making it impossible to ever see them. I think its clear, that despite our struggles, he has always had choices. He has made his bed, and now he has to lie in it. Not that its easy telling your kids their dad is in jail....it just isn't.


Dada Orwell asked me a number of questions...

Do you support or oppose the arrest?

I have very mixed feelings on this...I do not see how arresting Russell will resolve the financial mess he's in. But how does one enforce the laws? Every other method I could think of had been tried....I support resolution. If Russell really is willing to dig his heels in still, he will not only be continuing to abdicate prior responsibilities, but forfeiting any present joy with his current family. Do his political views really take precedence over his family? Just think....once he clears this debt, he will be free and clear to earn real money again, and not live in a dirt house.

could i have your permission to interview you on tape? ( i would have started recording at this point if you'd said yes)

I would rather not, for now...but am not opposed to the idea....I just want to talk with Russell first.how much do authorities say you are entitled to receive?

Last I heard, it was $137,000.
are u planning on doing anything or contacting anyone to express any opposition to the arrest? None of this is easy for me, but I have no plans to oppose the arrest, as of yet...my plans are to try to talk with Russell directly, either by mail, or phone.

do you have the power to stop or discourage these activities by the government against russell?

If I have the power to stop these actions, I am unaware of it at this point.

Are you open to the idea of some sort of mediated settlement outside the government box, using an independent Dispute Resolution Organization?

I always have been open to this, as he knows.

Holding Russell costs uninvolved NH taxpayers 64 bucks a day.  Do you feel that taxypayers should be punished that way over this?

This is easy...taxpayer's money pays for people to remain imprisoned, people who are lawbreakers. This serves society well. Now, is Russell a dangerous criminal? I don't know anymore....but there are blue-collar criminals who 'cost' taxpayers lots of money...more than $64 day. The truth is, Russell has committed a crime. While sad, there are consequences, which he has always been aware of.

Did russell bequeath to you his house and most of his posessions?

Russell never bequeathed anything to me. We both agreed I would stay in the house, initially, with the kids. (His parents and mine were heavily involved at this stage, helping us to reach decisions amicably) After approximately 18 mos, I could no longer afford it, and 'gave' it back to him....(My idea...) with the verbal agreement that whenever we both agreed to sell it, we would split the proceeds. I told him I was happy moving into a smaller space, as it had never been about 'things' for me. I would have to look back at the exact timeframe, but it seems that it was about 1 year later (I think less....) that I got a call from the mortgage company, telling me they were about to foreclose on the property...this was news to me! I thought Russell had been making all his payments, and when I asked him about it...I'll never forget this, he laughed in the phone telling me had never paid. He thought it was so funny. Transients had been living with him, paying him small rental fees, and he had been living off these rental fees, meanwhile not taking care of the payments at all. Not one. I asked him then and there if it would be ok if I tried to sell it to avoid a foreclosure on our credit reports...he laughed and told me to go ahead. (At this point, he was already expressing serious bitterness towards me.) I called our realtor, listed it at a reduced price, and we sold it in approx 30 days. (I was the one made to clean it out...) We essentially broke even, as I received a check in the amount of $700 or so about 5 mos later from the escrow co. I did not share this check with Russell, again on the advice of parents....and because he was already very behind on his child support. As for cars, he ended up with 2 cars, and I ended up with the newest car, again with his agreement. Other than this, we didn't have any other assets.

Has russell offered you any type of direct aid , bypassing the state collections system?

Russell paid me in the first year, what the courts required, or less...but he was making attempts. So, though we have been separated/divorced for 8 years, I calculate it from 7 years back. Russell never offered anything outside of the court system...I offered it to HIM. You have to remember, I was trying to make this work...on at least some level. Our kids were in private school, and I thought it might be easier on him, since he liked the school where they were, if he could just pay the tuition every month. That way, he would know his money was going directly to their education. At one point, I was just begging for something...anything....that I could count on, something consistent. So, I asked him if he would be willing to give me $200 mo, which was approx our grocery bill at the time. Again, he laughed...and said he would never 'support my lifestyle.' I had begun dating...and I believe this was what he was referring to.

me privacy advocate and would prefer not to ask you a single question about family matters but child support arrests make these things public matters unfortunately...

did you leave russell or did he leave you?

I asked Russell to leave, again on the advice of many people. I refused to confront him alone, and was only confirmed in my intuition when he threatened to kill me and the kids. Whatever Russell is or isn't now...he was unpredictable when he got mad. (Frankly, I think the pendulum has swung the other way with him..he is overcompensating in his current lifestyle...and to be honest, many of us who knew him then, fear the reprisal for others in the future. I do pray I am wrong here.)


So you want money and for us to think Russell is evil.

Somehow I think you will fail on both of your goals.

Russell may have done some bad things in his past but he is a better person now and I don't see any benefit to anyone in trying to destroy his life now.

Russell spending 10 years in prison isn't fair to him or the children.

As the kids get older they may decide to see their father, they would have to go through metal detectors and talk through a microphone because their mother decided what was fair.

I thought Christians were about compassion and forgiveness. This looks more like revenge to me.

So, please tell me, how would Russell spending a decade in prison benefit the kids in anyway? How would it be fair to them?

How would the kids benefit if you convince Russells 'cohorts' that Russell is evil?

None of the outcomes of your goals have any benefit to the kids.


Quote from: RussellsEx on March 22, 2008, 02:35 PM NHFT
Do his political views really take precedence over his family?

But you are not his family! That's the whole point of getting divorced - to stop being a family. All of the things you promise to each other when you get married are nullified when you get divorced.


Quote from: raineyrocks on March 22, 2008, 01:31 PM NHFT
My son's girlfriend is pregnant right now and I feel that my son has an obligation to help raise the child monetarily and personally.

Your son's girlfriend can abort, can give birth and the put the child up for adoption, raise the child on her own, or raise the child with another man.  If she chooses to, she can give birth, change her mind about raising the child, and leave it at the police or fire station.  Your son has no right to decide any of these matters.

Many paths are open for her.

Your son has only one path: TO PAY.

Why should men and women not have the same rights?

If he were my son, I'd have him on the first flight out of the country that wasn't going to any of the following places:

  • Australia
  • Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Branswick, Newfoundland/Labrador, Nova Scotia, or Ontario
  • Czech Republic
  • Ireland
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Slovak Republic

Each of the preceding places have reciprocal agreements with the United States to extradite those fleeing child support decrees.  There are many places NOT on that list that one could live comfortable, and have a productive life: Quebec, France, Hong Kong, Singapore, Germany, Brazil, etc.

More info here: Public Notice in the Federal Register (Vol. 65, Number 98, Page 31953)

PattyLee loves dogs

QuoteAll of the things you promise to each other when you get married are nullified when you get divorced.

Except the financial obligations, plus any others you agree to in order to get the divorce.


Quote from: telomerase on March 22, 2008, 03:09 PM NHFT
QuoteAll of the things you promise to each other when you get married are nullified when you get divorced.

Except the financial obligations, plus any others you agree to in order to get the divorce.

Sorry, I was referring to the vows.


Well, my 'goal' is to stand up for my kids, who have rights too.

Also, I have heard you all throw around 10 years in prison.... I have never seen that number in any official sort of way, so is that arbitrary, or are you privy to different information? It was my understanding, we were talking about 2 years...now, if you add on other charges, of which I am not aware of, that may be the '10'.

You are right that so little is served by his being in jail...this is what's sad. Why didn't he prevent this?

Russell is a Christian. He has such little compassion for his children? Christians do believe in being compassionate and just, as that is closer to the character of God. I have compassionately, and patiently been waiting for some resolution to this crime for many years.

Your arguments just don't stick.


Oh, and in reference to 'precedence over his family', I meant the current family....how sad that he chooses his 'position' over them.


Quote from: RussellsEx on March 22, 2008, 03:31 PM NHFT
Well, my 'goal' is to stand up for my kids, who have rights too.

Also, I have heard you all throw around 10 years in prison.... I have never seen that number in any official sort of way, so is that arbitrary, or are you privy to different information? It was my understanding, we were talking about 2 years...now, if you add on other charges, of which I am not aware of, that may be the '10'.

You are right that so little is served by his being in jail...this is what's sad. Why didn't he prevent this?

Russell is a Christian. He has such little compassion for his children? Christians do believe in being compassionate and just, as that is closer to the character of God. I have compassionately, and patiently been waiting for some resolution to this crime for many years.

Your arguments just don't stick.

I see, so only Russell has to be a Christian. And if he isn't then you don't have to be either.

Ten years is referring to how long it may take his prison time to equate his debt. My understanding is that for every day he spends in prison a certain amount of money is removed from the debt, so that it would take 10 years in prison for the debt to be removed.


I have compassionately, and patiently been waiting for some resolution to this crime for many years.

This is not vindictive..it is merely that Russell's time of grace...ran out, according to the law.


Quote from: RussellsEx on March 22, 2008, 03:46 PM NHFT
I have compassionately, and patiently been waiting for some resolution to this crime for many years.

This is not vindictive..it is merely that Russell's time of grace...ran out, according to the law.

How will him spending time in prison resolve the issue? That's what we are all trying to figure out.


Quote from: Tom Ploszaj on March 22, 2008, 08:26 AM NHFT
(Tongue in cheeK) I wish I knew about Libertarian principals

Principles.  :P

There aren't too many Libertarian principals, running schools around the country.  Might be a few... but not many for sure.   ::)

That mispelling is one of my pet peeves, btw.  :icon_pirat:


Quote from: Friday on March 22, 2008, 09:04 AM NHFT
I agree; this group IS losing credibility.  I feel I must respond, even if it costs me some friends.

+1 to Sandy, for speaking the truth as she (and I, too) see it... anyone who is 'cost' as a friend as a result of speaking your truth wasn't really a friend in the first place...