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Russell Arrested 3/17/08

Started by Becky Thatcher, March 17, 2008, 09:27 AM NHFT

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John Galt

Quote from: planetaryjim on March 22, 2008, 06:39 PM NHFT
Quote from: RussellsEx on March 22, 2008, 06:15 PM NHFTIf Russell was to spend ten years in prison, I would have a problem with that.

Out of curiosity, I would like to know, please, what problem that would be, for you?  Perhaps you would also be so kind as to elaborate on the extent to which that problem might not crop up for you were Russell to spend only five years in prison, or two, or one, or six months?

Personally, I have a problem with the concept that Russell should spend any time in prison.  I don't see how his being a prisoner of the state puts food on your table, puts shelter over your children's heads, nor how it could possibly benefit you or them in any measure.  But, my opinion is of little consequence in this matter.  Yours, it seems, is of rather great pith and moment.

So, please tell us, how many years should Russell spend in prison to satisfy you?


Yes Mindy, inquiring minds want to know?

How long?

And if we could magically put you in his place after his sentence, how much time then?

John Galt

Quote from: Lex Berezhny on March 22, 2008, 07:01 PM NHFT
Quote from: SethCohn on March 22, 2008, 06:57 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lex Berezhny on March 22, 2008, 06:52 PM NHFT
A little Ayn Rand never hurt anyone.

Picturing a mini-me version of Ayn Rand going around chainsmoking and biting people on the kneecaps....

A lot of Ayn Rand is a bad thing... she needed a good editor to trim down her diatribes too...  Talk about long winded to the point of hurting her own arguments.

Just because the presentation sucks doesn't make the message invalid.


John Galt

Quote from: srqrebel on March 22, 2008, 07:36 PM NHFT
It was not the subject matter that I necessarily objected to, but the delivery.

There is absolutely no need to bash anyone. It accomplishes nothing of value, just the same as putting Russell in jail accomplishes nothing of value.

I have said this repeatedly, and will say it again: In order to accomplish anything, one must act in harmony with the nature of the medium one is working with, not against it.

Since the medium we work with is the human organism, it is important to act in harmony with human nature.  Vitriol goes directly against it -- and serves only to alienate the audience.

Although the portion of the audience that feels exactly the same way is ecstatic.

you are, however afforded your own opinion


Galt, I'm still trying to figure out what it is you're saying.  ::)  Could you say it another 37 times for me?


I like Johns comments.

I still don;t understnand why he gets negative karma crap and why russells ex continues to climb in the plus. LOL!

bring back romak.


John Galt

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 22, 2008, 08:30 PM NHFT
The cooperation of the parent is earned through love and tenderness and affection

Except when you have a baby...and they gently 'demand' everything from you...I think people see you for what you are....a person who didn't take marketing in college.  ;)

I am not surprised at your points raised 'against me', but the viciousness which fills you.

I have certainly tried to be reasonable here, in explaining myself. I do not think there are simple solutions. In fact, I have asked for help in that matter from anyone who can honestly help me. What would you have me do? (Other than rot in hell?;-)

Well, that's pretty simple.  You become a student and advocate of the Non-Aggression Principle like Russell and also advocate for people to be free of the aggression/force/fraud of the state.  That will be a great start!  We want Russell back right now.  You're thousands of miles away but we're here and enjoy Russell's company, friendship, and assistance immensely.  You wouldn't want Russell to take all your kids away from you...we don't want you or the state to take Russell away from Kat, Kira, and the rest of us.

It's that simple, really.  We fight the state(or should we say the illusion of some supposed state).  If you support the state and the looters then naturally we'll be fighting you along with the rest of the bureaucrats and looters.  If you're on our side you should act like it.

Honestly, the truth of the matter is if you had come here and related to us that you already held these beliefs dear to your heart and that you were teaching them to your children and others, there are those who may have already sent you a peace offering to enlist your personal help in freeing Russell from the beast.

John Galt

Quote from: SethCohn on March 22, 2008, 08:43 PM NHFT
Quote from: SethCohn on March 22, 2008, 06:46 PM NHFT
Jim, you can take your kneejerk diatribes and insults, print them out, and shove them deep enough into your mouth/throat/etc until your fingers stop typing them.  It's folks like you that are part of the problem, not part of the solution... you do no good to anyone else by posting them, so STFU.

To which Jim replied by private msg:
No.  I won't shut up.  I resent the idea that you have the authority to shut me up.  I despise your opinion that I should not be free to write just as I please.

Funny enough, I never said I had any authority to shut him up, I merely told him he should, and as for his despising my opinion 'that he shouldn't be free', it's clear he's just too stupid to understand why his writings hurt his own cause.

Congrats Jim, you've just made my ignore list, a rare rare 'honor', given that I've never ignored the likes of BillG,  or even John Richards.  I usually like to see what folks are writing, even when I disagree with them, but your writings aren't even entertaining to read.

Could you put John Galt on ignore also?



John Galt

Quote from: mackler on March 22, 2008, 08:49 PM NHFT
I don't know Russell too well, and I certainly don't know his ex nor his children.  And even if I did, it's his situation and not mine, so I hesitate to comment too much on it.

However, since this is such a public discussion (even of a family matter), I'll be so bold as to share my opinion that this sure is a whole lot of opinion-sharing on the matter of Russell's being in jail without any input whatsoever from the man who is in jail.  I would sure love to hear what (if anything) he has to publicly say before I be so presumptuous as to express (much less form) any opinion as to blame, justice, or possible and desirable outcomes.


Russell does NOT believe in caging other people and I'd venture a guess that he's not too happy to be caged himself.

This thread is more about the evil nature of the state and it's attempts to manipulate, torture, and destroy.

It's actually quite possible that we might enjoy Mindy's company very much, under different circumstances.

John Galt

Quote from: Tom Ploszaj on March 22, 2008, 09:46 PM NHFT
Quote from: srqrebel on March 22, 2008, 06:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: SethCohn on March 22, 2008, 06:46 PM NHFT
Quote from: planetaryjim on March 22, 2008, 06:30 PM NHFT
You can take your vile communitarian, communistic, socialistic views about the invalidity of self-ownership and self-determination... [blah blah blah and onward in the same vein....]

Jim, you can take your kneejerk diatribes and insults, print them out, and shove them deep enough into your mouth/throat/etc until your fingers stop typing them.  It's folks like you that are part of the problem, not part of the solution... you do no good to anyone else by posting them, so STFU.

A little taste of his own medicine? :D

I've already put him on ignore

P.S.-  Is he related to MaineShark? :P

I do not put anyone on ignore, everyone in their own way have good points that need to be heard.  Now at least I know there are reasons to put new borns in dumpsters and leave 1 year olds on door steps and police stations to transfer the responsibily onto another since it isn't a parents responsibility to be forced to care for them with their labors. Being the smallest minority on earth I expect to stand alone on a majority of issues. 

There is NEVER a reason to put a newborn in a dumpster, nor to just "leave" children anywhere.  There are plenty of good prospective parents who would love to have children.  Some might even be willing to raise your little free spirits outside the reach of the talons of the state vultures.

John Galt

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 22, 2008, 09:52 PM NHFT
Maybe you hadn't seen my prior posts, but I have tried many times to work with Russell, in a capacity outside of the court system. It is my guess, and I have not spoken with him yet, that he will make this a political issue. Russell has not seemed to want any sort of resolution at all. I don't think that will change now. But if he would consider mediation, I welcome that.

It's hard to tell what will happen but we'd like you on our side in our efforts to dis-empower the state and to get Russell back.  You understand that it is fully within their "power" to declare him an enemy of the state and make him disappear, perhaps forever, to be whisked away to some hidden torture chamber to be water boarded and have his testicles crushed in their attempts to learn where he hid his pitchfork and overalls.

John Galt

Quote from: d_goddard on March 22, 2008, 10:44 PM NHFT
Quote from: srqrebel on March 22, 2008, 07:36 PM NHFT
Vitriol goes directly against it -- and serves only to alienate the audience.
You could be effective in winning hearts and minds, should you ever decide to engage the people involved in the political process.

They are free to come here and get an education.

John Galt

Quote from: Bill Grennon on March 23, 2008, 01:15 PM NHFT
Wow!  And people think I'm a troll.  ;)

Just catching up on my economic rent.


Quote from: John Galt on March 23, 2008, 12:05 PM NHFT
Originally Seth responsed to someone's comment about "diplomacy".
IMHO an individual sovereign human being doesn't require "diplomacy" to be left alone...all aggression/force/fraud should be repelled, at the very least.

Your OPINION that anyone NEEDS "diplomacy" to repel aggression is very insulting to those who just want to be left alone.

Seth's reference to some contributors here as giving legitimacy to any negative stereotypical opinions that the uneducated might hold is also sad, and shows the apathetic and venomous looters for the philosophically immature monsters that they are.

Hey folks, for fun, let's lock John Galt and PlanetaryJim into a room together, and see how long before they invent 'diplomacy'.  Either that, or two men enter, one man leaves (except I'm not suggesting we let the survivor out, as it'll be clear he's unable to learn the lesson.  At that point, we plug the bunghole, to quote Heinlein out of context.


Quote from: kola on March 23, 2008, 01:27 PM NHFT
I like Johns comments.
I still don;t understnand why he gets negative karma crap and why russells ex continues to climb in the plus. LOL!

And Kola lines up to enter the 'diplomacy' ring as well... But it's clear Galt or Jim would easily best him, once the gloves were removed...

If you can't understand why "Russell's Ex" aka Mindy (she has a name, despite those wanting to dehumanize her), is getting positive karma (and I haven't given her any myself, so add a virtual few from me, since I don't usually play with karma buttons at all) perhaps it's time for some lessons in humanity and personal responsibility from someone OTHER than Ayn Rand.