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Russell Arrested 3/17/08

Started by Becky Thatcher, March 17, 2008, 09:27 AM NHFT

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Quote from: John Galt on March 22, 2008, 08:08 AM NHFT
Are you saying that people who just want to be left alone(Clint Eastwood is the most known libertarian who has been quoted several times in print and on video as saying "everyone leaves everyone else alone") somehow don't deserve that simple courtesy and the respect of the most fundamental basic human right?

Perhaps others would like a further explanation of your remarks also.

Quote from: Powerchuter
Hi Rochelle, individual sovereign human beings have a basic human right to be left alone and to ignore others.  Hey, as Clint Eastwood said, "A man's got to know his limitations."  I am happy you recognize that and I encourage you to demand that everyone leave you alone and that you ignore any and all that you freely choose to ignore.  I'm sure everyone would like to know how ignoring those bureaucrats and immigration officials goes, we'll be looking forward to your results.

As far as annoying and bizarre goes...I'd have to say that I recognize that some find my unceasing advocacy of the Non-Aggression Principle to be above their current level of philosophical maturity, but that will never deter me in my quest to continue advocating everyone's basic human right to be left alone.

I am firmly convinced that my advocacy has had a positive and enlightening effect on some individual sovereign human beings.  They may be so embarrassed of their prior convictions and/or actions that they may have a very hard time re-adjusting to their newfound path of enlightenment.  This might also lead them to deny, perhaps both publicly and privately, that they have re-engaged their cognitive capacities in a sincere effort towards the desired ultimate goal of their own, and mankind's, philosophical maturity.

I firmly believe that some of the many bureaucrats, and others, who follow these forums, blogs, websites, and movements are not zombies and that they have some capacity to re-evaluate their present employment and career choices, and to make much wiser operational choices in the short-term and to strive for policy changes in the near future to benefit all of mankind.

One other thing that happens when someone expresses displeasure with my advocacy...

It makes it much easier for me to decide, at that moment, whether I want to attempt to rescue you from a dark alley and a brutal rape...or not...


While it's entirely possible that John Galt is not Powerchuter, I think the odds are far more likely they are one at the same...


Quote from: Caleb on March 23, 2008, 01:34 PM NHFT
Powerchuter, I presume?

Exactly.  I didn't see you also noticed till I posted the above... so kudos to you for seeing it first.


Quote from: SethCohn on March 23, 2008, 03:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: Caleb on March 23, 2008, 01:34 PM NHFT
Powerchuter, I presume?

Exactly.  I didn't see you also noticed till I posted the above... so kudos to you for seeing it first.

Was there ever any question about that?  Wait till he starts talking about "repelling or destroying" people.  Thats always a hoot.


Quote from: John Galt on March 23, 2008, 01:33 PM NHFT
Could you put John Galt on ignore also?

I have no idea whether I agreed with Galt or not -- hey, I'm a Rand fan -- but anyone that posts that many times in a row doesn't respect my time enough for me to give a fuck what they have to say.


QuoteAnd Kola lines up to enter the 'diplomacy' ring as well... But it's clear Galt or Jim would easily best him, once the gloves were removed...

If you can't understand why "Russell's Ex" aka Mindy (she has a name, despite those wanting to dehumanize her), is getting positive karma (and I haven't given her any myself, so add a virtual few from me, since I don't usually play with karma buttons at all) perhaps it's time for some lessons in humanity and personal responsibility from someone OTHER than Ayn Rand.

Dont you like opinions others than yours seth?

Are you self knowing and rightous.

I didn;t know that was ONE speciic definition for "lessons in humanity" and "personal responsibility"

it sounds "personal" and just might have more than one interpetation, dontyathink?


John Galt

Quote from: d_goddard on March 23, 2008, 03:42 PM NHFT
Quote from: John Galt on March 23, 2008, 01:33 PM NHFT
Could you put John Galt on ignore also?

I have no idea whether I agreed with Galt or not -- hey, I'm a Rand fan -- but anyone that posts that many times in a row doesn't respect my time enough for me to give a fuck what they have to say.

Quote from: John Galt on March 23, 2008, 01:33 PM NHFT
Quote from: SethCohn on March 22, 2008, 08:43 PM NHFT
Quote from: SethCohn on March 22, 2008, 06:46 PM NHFT
Jim, you can take your kneejerk diatribes and insults, print them out, and shove them deep enough into your mouth/throat/etc until your fingers stop typing them.  It's folks like you that are part of the problem, not part of the solution... you do no good to anyone else by posting them, so STFU.

To which Jim replied by private msg:
No.  I won't shut up.  I resent the idea that you have the authority to shut me up.  I despise your opinion that I should not be free to write just as I please.

Funny enough, I never said I had any authority to shut him up, I merely told him he should, and as for his despising my opinion 'that he shouldn't be free', it's clear he's just too stupid to understand why his writings hurt his own cause.

Congrats Jim, you've just made my ignore list, a rare rare 'honor', given that I've never ignored the likes of BillG,  or even John Richards.  I usually like to see what folks are writing, even when I disagree with them, but your writings aren't even entertaining to read.

Could you put John Galt on ignore also?


You're right...I don't have an opinion about your time...it is yours to do with as you so desire...

Ideas don't need respect, they are able to stand on their own merits...

And I apologize for not adding you to the list before...

Denis, please put John Galt on ignore...



Quote from: srqrebel on March 18, 2008, 01:13 PM NHFT...she is on track to be a prime candidate for charter inductee into the coming network of ostracism databases.
Godot may arrive first.  I just Googled the term "ostracism database", which I had never heard of before, and it found only five pages that it determined included that term.  One page was found in error, as that page only included the terms "ostracism" and "database" in unrelated paragraphs; two  others were actually for the same article, a 2006 entry in something called www.honestyloc.com; and two were in a 2001 thread at The Free Republic.


Quote from: John Galt on March 23, 2008, 01:40 PM NHFT

Russell does NOT believe in caging other people and I'd venture a guess that he's not too happy to be caged himself.

So let me see if I'm following your logic here: You're hypothesizing that Russell may not like being in jail?

Are you, like, a psychologist or something?


Quote from: John Galt link=topic=13365.msg231355#msg231355
There is NEVER a reason to put a newborn in a dumpster, nor to just "leave" children anywhere.

No kidding.  Have you been watching the markets?  Those organs are valuable!


I don't follow the boards here religiously, but I'd like to keep up on news regarding this situation, especially if the news is about an action I can take to help.  The freerussellkanning.com site doesn't have an email register function.  Is anyone keeping a list of supporters, or taking responsibility for keeping everyone updated?

PattyLee loves dogs

Isn't it amazing how 90% of this discussion is from posters who didn't exist before Russell was arrested? And how most of the "new posters" seem very adamant that people shouldn't take care of their children, shouldn't keep their contracts, etc.?

With this sort of "help" Russell may be the first guy in history to get the death penalty for a child support dispute.

J’raxis 270145

Can't speak to the others, but OferNave is an actual freestater, not a random newbie, or someone's sockpuppet account.


Quote from: telomerase on March 24, 2008, 07:56 AM NHFT
Isn't it amazing how 90% of this discussion is from posters who didn't exist before Russell was arrested? And how most of the "new posters" seem very adamant that people shouldn't take care of their children, shouldn't keep their contracts, etc.?

Andy Warhol and the 15 minutes of fame.

QuoteWith this sort of "help" Russell may be the first guy in history to get the death penalty for a child support dispute.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry but either you may be right.


Quote from: John Galt on March 23, 2008, 12:47 PM NHFT
Quote from: RussellsEx on March 22, 2008, 04:26 PM NHFT
Well, a I understand it, the goal is to apply pressure to the criminal, by making them sign financial statements, etc. ensuring that their failure to pay will no longer continue. The jailtime itself serves very little purpose....but as I have said all along, Russell could have avoided jailtime. He knew it was coming, and chose not to. Sounds like a person who rather likes prison...If I was you, I would not waste one precious dime trying to 'Free Russell'. If he wanted to be free, he would be.

How can he be free with other individual sovereign human beings pursuing him, demanding something from him against his free and voluntary consent?

You are just as guilty as the kidnappers, the torturers, and the murderers.

I'd ask you to put yourself in your victim's shoes but I don't expect the perpetrator and accomplices to be able to see and empathize with their victims.  That's how they become and continue to be terrorists, thugs, takers, and looters.

You couldn't be more wrong...I do empathize with Russell's plight. But it does not negate his responsibility. Russell has done this to himself. The state is not the perpetrator, but the enforcer of already established laws. Laws which I might add, were voted on by the people of this country. Where do you possibly get the idea that he shouldn't be at least partially responsible for his children's livelihood..children he helped create/adopt? He could have used the same 'enforcer' to see his kids...(had that even been necessary...), so is it ok for him to abandon them and not pay? This would be different if it was an agreement between 2 adults...but at the time, the children were 2, 7 and 8. Who stands up for them? Scratch that... thats been my job for a long time now.


Oh..and by the way, I am not a murderer.