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Russell Arrested 3/17/08

Started by Becky Thatcher, March 17, 2008, 09:27 AM NHFT

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A "strong free and independent woman" would have sued his ass more,

- Seth Cohn

Seth...you have no idea how true this is....


You will get EXACTLY what you deserve.

Despite your use of thugs, it will not change the fact that Russell has the final say.

Corrupt courts and their mobsters can "award" you one million dollars.

Collecting it will be the real challenge   :)



Quote from: kola on March 25, 2008, 11:23 AM NHFT

Despite your use of thugs, it will not change the fact that Russell has the final say.

Do you not listen every time she says she doesn't want Russell in jail? She's as much a victim of this system that helps nobody as you are. Maybe she didn't know what would happen when the courts first got involved, but she clearly does not support the force of jail now, but there is nothing she can do about it.


I disagree. Go back and read her comments.

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

I can think of much better reasons to lock people up. Sorry to read of this.


I don't know where the last quote came from but if "RussellsEx" is a "middle-aged man who lives with his mother." this would be truly epic in the annals of trolldom.  I suspect not but the quote made me want the last hour of my life back.

Given this, I might as well chip in a few thoughts of mine.  My first thought is that people need to realize that marriage is a contract not between two people but two people and the state.  It also is probably the most important contract that one will ever enter into so a bit of due diligence is in order.  Consequently, one should be aware of what is likely to happen should the marriage be dissolved and how this can happen without one's consent.  One should also be aware that the contract you voluntarily engaged in binds you to support any progeny from the marriage; above and beyond what morality and one's current opinions dictate.

My second thought is that the pragmatic arguments in favor of marriage are entirely based on correlation. For example, that married people live longer.  Indeed, it's not just that it seems longer; married people do live longer.  The problem is that the "studies" pointing this out tend to claim that it is the decision to get married rather than the type of people who do get married that cause this affect - they confuse correlation with causation.  Especially given that the mortality statistics are inordinately influenced by people born long before remaining single was a viable lifestyle choice, a few "pre-existing conditions" that would preclude/predispose marriage and influence life expectancy are:
1) Dying before one reaches marriage age.  If you get hit by a bus when you are 22 and you died single that hardly means marriage would have saved you.
2) Being undesirable "marriage material" by being broke, misanthropic, drug addicted, etc. 
3) Being gay and dying of AIDS.
4) Being very religious and eschewing alcohol, other drugs and tobacco.

Quote from: telomerase on March 24, 2008, 03:13 PM NHFT
QuoteAre you all  angry white males?
There's good evidence that some posters here are female; the proportion of Asian/Pacific Islanders is unknown. But as you pointed out in an earlier post:

QuoteFor all you know, I could be a middle-aged man who lives with his mother.

John Edward Mercier

Its true that married people tend to be less of a risk taking group... parent's even more so.
But how does number 3 fit in? And number 4... teetotalers don't live longer than moderate consumers... especially of red wine.


I think his point with #3 is that those people don't get included in marriage statistics because gays aren't allowed to marry. So if a guy dies at 40, even if he's in a committed gay relationship, he will pull down the singles numbers and not the married numbers.

I figure the best way to live longer is to be happy and contented, and marriage does provide a sort of stability.

Lloyd Danforth


J’raxis 270145

Plenty of us not married in the first place...

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on March 29, 2008, 03:38 PM NHFT
Anyone here not divorced?

Ooh..Ooh! I know!  Pick me!  Pick me Lloyd!  I know!  :D

Lloyd Danforth

well....some of you weren't on this page :P

J’raxis 270145

Some of us still aren't on the same page...
