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Russell Arrested 3/17/08

Started by Becky Thatcher, March 17, 2008, 09:27 AM NHFT

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Jim Johnson

Quote from: SethCohn on April 07, 2008, 08:01 PM NHFT
Quote from: Caleb on April 07, 2008, 07:05 PM NHFT
Don't trust that Sophia Loren character ... that's not a woman, that's a man.  >:D

  Looks a woman to me.  Of course, I won't be sure until she walks around naked at the pool party.

Oh god... It looks like a women to you?  Looks more like Sean Connery to me... and you want it to walk around naked?  Dude?  What?
Dude... what?

Lloyd Danforth

Seth used to be known for his choice, and, luck concerning women


i never liked big boobs. i dunno why.

but hey i think i am a minority.

these days guys like em big and fake and ready to explode.

oldman kola


Lloyd naked?

I wonder how much money we could raise for the Liberty Scholarship Fund on that one. Looks like those poor kids are going back to public school.

Jim Johnson

When I lived in California, my neighbor went on a Christian Cruise in the Gulf of Mexico.  He can home with a wife.  A cute Christian woman with two children.  They had a child faster than should be possible.  Two months later she divorced him.  The California courts made him pay full child support.  Turned out... that was the third time she had done that.  She was receiving three alimony checks.

I believe I saved her life by telling Tom that he was taken by a criminal.  That he had been blind sided, she had sought him and conned him and used the law to rape him.   I told him that he would receave no justice... not from any judge, not from the State of California and not from any form of violence.  I said, "Do not let it eat you from the inside out.... it will only destroy you".


Quote from: RussellsEx on April 07, 2008, 08:08 PM NHFT
And what Jesus wants is His children provided for...defenseless, helpless children...not the whinings of a grown man who just doesn't want to face his obligations.

Jesus backs state enforced welfare at any cost. I must have missed that one in Sunday School.


It didn't have to be state enforced, as you so cynically state. Russell had as many options as the next person to make this right, outside of the 'evil courts'....


Mindy, the more you talk, the less I like you.  What happens when Russell does whatever time he is forced to do as a result of your crusade, and you get nothing out of it anyway?  Will you congratulate yourself?  Will you throw a party?  Exactly how will you commemorate your decision to waste many thousands of taxpayer dollars and years of life in your attempt to continue to control the life of a man you no longer wanted?

I stand by my statement that women like you are the reason many men are angry.  Maybe Russell did all the horrible things you say he did, maybe he didnt.  Personally I dont believe that he did, but that doesnt matter.  What does matter is that your marriage is over, and you ended it.  Perhaps you should just move on and quit gnawing on Russells life like a dog chewing on an old bone. 

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: RussellsEx on April 07, 2008, 11:09 PM NHFT
It didn't have to be state enforced, as you so cynically state. Russell had as many options as the next person to make this right, outside of the 'evil courts'....

If you don't believe you're responsible for Russell being put in jail, why do you feel the need to keep reminding us of that? Or are you just trying to remind yourself?


First, I want everyone to know that during the 9 month or so Russell lived with my family. Russell never said anything derogatory about Mindy. Only that he loved her and missed her and his family, Second, Russell never tried to make himself out as innocent. He never said that he wasn't a pain in the neck and that he was serious about counseling. Only that he loved Mindy. During the 5 years he waited for Mindy he only expressed love for her. He rarely talked about what was happening with Mindy. The only exceptions to that were two incidents that happened between them that he apologized for telling me in a moment of weakness. Thirdly, many of things I reported here in this form were relayed to me as a matter of fact, not out of anger, not as bit of gamesmanship. Always with the intent that (we can say it together) he and Mindy would get back together. He had great faith. I told him he was nuts.

     I knew you back when you were in school and had a chance to talk with you and your brother on several occasions at different church functions, at church and at different folk's homes like the Ratalias one year at Christmas, I think you were 16 or 17. I remember when you went on some mission trip and presented it in George Bs Sunday school class with one of the Longshore girls and I remember gladly donating to it (by the way I wish it could've been more). I remember asking about the trip afterwards.  I remember when your folk proudly announced you were going to Masters. And not long afterwards hearing you married. Yeah. 
     I remember when you called Russell at work and told him about the boys. He didn't question your decision making process, he just agreed with you and hopped off the phone and said I guess we have two boys now (I don't remember if the girls came first or not). I remember Russell being happy and proud of you that you were the kind to take up this mantle and go even though it made great financial and personal difficulties.
    I remember being at your house at the party when the adoption for the boys was final. There were so many people there who loved you and supported you. I remember you praising your husband and thanking God for what a blessing he was to you and your family. (And, yes there were nuts in that salad).
     As I focus on all these things about you. I know you are a smart, articulate, creative individual. Never afraid of a challenge, strong enough to face yucky parents of students and disciplined enough to live in a confining budget.
     With all that you've written about Russell I am left with this. You purposely brought those girls into that living hell marriage of yours, and the boys too. You brought them there to be abused by your maniac husband too. Then after all that you decided to procreate sweet Katie so that she could share in the horror that had become your family. Not the Mindy I know. She would never do that. That is the position you've put me in either everything Russell said was a lie and you were too weak to stop the madness or you just wanted out of the marriage to control your own destiny and Russell didn't cooperate.
    Now I never said I agreed with what Russell did. I told him from the get go to keep a journal of your lunacy. I told him to seek counsel first. I told him give what ever it took to keep possession of the kids. To be the best lap dog ex-husband he could be. Because California has made itself the enemy of dads.
     My Brother Robert's wife threw him out too. He didn't fight it he paid and he paid. He took a crappy little apt to be close to the kids, to take them to school and pick em up. He then rented a house around the corner from his old house. His kids would stay more with him than with the mom (that's what you were afraid. huh?). When his wife decided to move down the hill, Robert bought his old house back from her so the kids would have continuity. Robert went down to his ex's new home and re dry walled it and rebuilt portions of the house for free even though his ex and her new husband made many times more money than he did. Buy then all the kids were living with him full time. Yet he continued to pay child support. All this because he new you must appease the lioness at the gate. Or go to jail.
    This is what I encouraged Russell to do, this is what I would've done if I had the resources and were I him, but this isn't the way Russell was built. He never doubted your love and always told me that some day when you guys grew old together that you guys might look back on all this and laugh and say remember when? It wasn't until the summer of 04, five plus years after the separation that he finally told me he was lonely and should be married and he married quickly, that October I think.
    What a terrible mess you guys have made and all at the expense of the kids. You're both stubborn and willful, too much alike maybe. Too bad.
     I too love you in Christ-Jay

P.S. If Linda had surprised me with a confrontation to leave my home now. That my bed is no longer my bed and my wife is no longer mine to make love too and my kids are no longer at my beck and call to hug and kiss when I want to and to know my house will not be my house anymore. I think I might want to throttle her too. 


It's come to my attention that Kat, and Dada, and perhaps others, are mad at me for things I've written in this thread.  For that, and that alone, I'm sorry and wish that in the future, we heal these gaps between us, without anyone having to compromise themselves or their perspectives.  I cannot speak anything but what I perceive or believe, and if my perceptions or beliefs annoy or anger some, I've learned to live with that over the years, and given the choice between speaking them or remaining silent, I do a crappy job of remaining silent despite the consequences of the actions I freely choose.

May Russell be home swiftly and he and his family be united again.


Quote from: RussellsEx on April 07, 2008, 11:09 PM NHFT
It didn't have to be state enforced, as you so cynically state. Russell had as many options as the next person to make this right, outside of the 'evil courts'....
Have you forgotten about forgiveness? This vindictive "my kids are going to get their money and Jesus is behind me" is pretty thin. How about forgiving the man and forgiving the debt and move on.

Move on.


With all that you've written about Russell I am left with this. You purposely brought those girls into that living hell marriage of yours, and the boys too. You brought them there to be abused by your maniac husband too. Then after all that you decided to procreate sweet Katie so that she could share in the horror that had become your family. Not the Mindy I know. She would never do that. That is the position you've put me in either everything Russell said was a lie and you were too weak to stop the madness or you just wanted out of the marriage to control your own destiny and Russell didn't cooperate.

These are exactly my regrets...to the letter. I kept hoping things would get better, and they never did. I am truly an optimist, and this time, I caused pain to my children by bringing them into a situation that wasn't fully healed or recovered. (When the boys and girls came, things had been good for some time, and I thought our struggles in that area were over...in fact, its one of the first things Jack corrected me on. He couldn't believe I had brought children into this. He was right. I shouldn't have...but I was trying so hard to believe my husband was better.) I do believe that the pressure of having the kids sort of thrust on us quickly (yes, at my encouragement, but Russell was happy about it, and it was a joint decision) caused us both to do things we regret. Russell is not a pathological liar, Jay. But I could not stand by and watch people making him out to be a hero either. You are very right when you say that we both made a huge mess of things...and my deepest most enduring sorrow in it all..is that the word of God has been dishonored, because of me. Our children are doing well...and it isn't because of me. Its in spite of me. I take full responsibility for what I have done wrong...and live out those decisions every day.

Thank you for writing me such a heartfelt letter. Thank you for being a good friend to Russell. I am sorry you have been dragged into this. Please pray for each of us, so that we can go forward with grace and truth...and kindness.

firecracker joe

to mindy and all the other blood sucking money mongers every time you speak you make me thank your god im not mixed up with you. If your looking for sympathy youve come to the wrong place.I say treat people the way you want to be treated and this mess could have been avoided. I believe you have tried to fool us stupid freestaters you probably didnt expect jay to chime in. Jay sounds like a true friend who does not make up stories only tells it like he saw it.


This is a fascinating thread.  My own opinion is that "RusselsEx" and "stampede8" are the same person, and that person is just messing with everyone's head.  RusselsEx may in fact be a middle-aged white man living in his mother's basement.  On April 1 I half-expected someone to announce "April Fool!" and everyone would have a good laugh.  But apparently the drama/joke will go on!