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Fasting for Russell's release

Started by Kat Kanning, March 19, 2008, 08:27 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

I happened to be on a modified fast (fresh juice only) when Russell was arrested.  I hadn't decided how long I was going to do it for.  A bunch of people are doing this for 92 days together.  I decided I would do the 92 days in hopes of Russell's release.  I'm on day 9 of the fast now.


Make sure it gets some coverage. Get Ian or Dave to make a YouTube about it perhaps.


Kat, Vary your juices (fruits... and then some greens are great with a bit of apple but carrot/apple is the king) and get some Vit B-12 tablets at a health store or order online.

Be ready to lose weight and good luck!  :)

remember once you go off the fast to go back gradually with easy to digest soothing foods, mashed apples, other fresh fruits and cooked oatmeal). 



Why is the Russell Arrested topic locked?

Kat Kanning

Most all of my juices have greens in them - wheatgrass, kale, spinach, alfafa sprouts....  If you mix them with something sweet like carrot or apple, they taste pretty good.  I like wheatgrass-grapefruit, spinach-apple-pear, carrot-celery-red pepper.   Turnip is surprising good juiced, as is sweet potato.  Potatoes are kinda weird juiced.  Beets are pretty intense.

I've fasted on just water quite a bit in the past...I always break the fast gently.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: coffeeseven on March 19, 2008, 08:55 PM NHFT
Why is the Russell Arrested topic locked?

Some of the PMs I was getting were so crazy angry at Russell's Ex, that I thought I should give it a break, if only for her protection.  I don't want any of the gun slingers to get so crazy that they track her down and do something to her.


Kat, I find it very interesting that you have locked the posts... so will others. Didn't you earlier speak of not keeping things hidden?


Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 19, 2008, 08:55 PM NHFT
Most all of my juices have greens in them - wheatgrass, kale, spinach, alfafa sprouts....  If you mix them with something sweet like carrot or apple, they taste pretty good.  I like wheatgrass-grapefruit, spinach-apple-pear, carrot-celery-red pepper.   Turnip is surprising good juiced, as is sweet potato.  Potatoes are kinda weird juiced.  Beets are pretty intense.

I've fasted on just water quite a bit in the past...I always break the fast gently.

k .....sounds you know what yur doing.  just don't ever try juicing garlic or onions!


Kat Kanning


mindy, hello. welcome to the forum.

kat is sweet. she's also devastated right now. whatever you think about russell, there are people here who don't have anything to do with your situation that are hurting badly right now.

i appreciate you want to say your piece. but it honestly isn't going to matter. i consider russell a good friend. believe me, he doesn't go around badmouthing you. few people are privy to any details of your marriage other than the overview that you used to be married, you adopted two kids and had one together, and then divorced. some people don't even know that much, or didn't until all this broke out.

if it weren't for the whole situation with russell and what not, i'm sure that you would like kat very much as a person.  can we back off this for awhile?


Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 09:03 PM NHFT
Kat, I find it very interesting that you have locked the posts... so will others. Didn't you earlier speak of not keeping things hidden?

And what happened to the whole "Shame on you" thread?  The stench of whitewash and revision is noticeable.


Kat, I truly am sorry for your loss...and your daughter. Having never met either of you, I am sure I've been painted badly. However, I was called today by someone in your circle there, asking me for an interview, as Russell had been arrested. It was only after I looked for info on the web that I discovered the reason why. It does anger me though to see that so many people view him as innocent. Do you yourself feel that he had no responsibility to the kids? Despite whatever the marriage may or may not have been?


is there any chance of you dropping this? please.  :)

Kat Kanning

I put garlic in the juice once in a while.  Haven't tried onions.