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Fasting for Russell's release

Started by Kat Kanning, March 19, 2008, 08:27 PM NHFT

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I did not request for Russell to be put in jail. That did not come from me. He has known of impending and worsening consequences....Kat and her daughter may be victims...but only because of their loss of husband and father....my children lost their father, and any real support that THEY were deserved, long before he met her on the internet.


And yes, I do understand that he is in a jail cell. And despite the distance...my children grieve too. We are all saddened by this....


that it does sound good, coffeeseven as I love cheese and bacon.

Kat yeah old Schultze loves garlic and he oftens says he tried to kill people with large amounts. As much as they moaned and puckered he only saw them get better. I met him years ago in cali at a chiro seminar. He walks his talk. I have done his cleansing programs for the last 12 years or so.

Smashing garlic and letting it sit 10-15 minutes does spark enzymes to fire up the allicin.
Cold flu infection  warts bee sting etc..garlic. it is antifungal; antibacterial antiviral, lowers BP and cholesterol, thins blood, heals wounds..u name it/


Tom Sawyer

I am a child of a very bitter divorce.

My families involvement with the courts and the "law" was the worst part of it.  It never made anything any better.
The muscle of the "law" is a bunt instrument, right now it has a man in a small, noisy cage, no sunlight, and endless boredom...
Having proxies do the dirty work doesn't make it any more moral.

There is no way to "right" what you feel happened to you. You will not get any peace or completion until you let it go.


wrote this just as the other thread was being locked...

Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 06:19 PM NHFT
And whether he attempts to settle out of court, or stay in jail, he
does have choices, even still...

Yes, exactly.  Russell has to take the responsibility of his half of
the situation he is in.  He made choices, and the consequences of
those choices are at hand.  That doesn't make his choices good or bad,
wrong or right, best or worst, but merely they are what they are.
[And the same goes for many others in our circle... no names needed...]

At the risk of seeming like I'm not empathic to Russell (and Kat,
etc), some of the description (not all, but some) that his Ex has
given, certainly fits the Russell we know.  I can certainly imagine
his not paying the mortgage and laughing about it and having a fire in
his living room...

I do think Russell's made good changes to his life and his personality
and his behaviors.

It's too easy to paint his ex as the villain here, and certainly the
involvement of the courts/police/etc in a perfect world wouldn't be
happening... but they are, and the best way that gets Russell out of
jail is certainly the way to go.  It sounds like Russell's
non-cooperation is what is keeping Russell in jail at this point, not
his looking for his ex to forgive him his past debts (valid or not).
If Russell chooses to take a stance which keeps him in jail, it's his
choice, and nobody else can make it for him, or judge him for it.  We
can be sorry for him, for Kat, sorry for his kid(s), angry at the
police/courts/system, etc, but none of that will change the
circumstances now.

Here's to hoping Russell is out of jail quickly and painlessly... and
that Kat is reunited with him soon, and that others in our circle of
friends get healthy again, heal relationships again, are successful in
their activism, etc.


Well said, Tom. Mindy, don't take our concern for a dear friend as taking sides against you and the kids. It's not that at all. It's just that the current drastic situation is not going to improve things for anyone involved. It's just increasing the amount of misery in the world. His imprisonment does seem to me as a crime of an intrusive state rather than of yours. I was just hoping you would be able to influence in some way to end this violence.

Kat, I will gladly be a character witness for Russell if that becomes necessary. I'm sure there are many others who will line up to do the same.


Kat don't forget ginger tea. Good for the respiratory. I bought a dehydrator on eBay years ago. Best money I've ever spent. Got dried ginger planks and every imaginable veggie. Okay maybe not EVERY imaginable veggie.

Kat Kanning

Oh, I should have thought of ginger tea earlier today.  My stomach was pretty upset for a while.



I was surprised how easily cauliflower dehydrates. It's not cheating to have dehydrated veggie tea.


I only came on here today, in response to an 'out of the blue' phone call I received this morning, asking me for information concerning Russell's arrest, of which I knew nothing of. I couldn't agree more that jail-time doesn't pay the debt...or 'serve anyone', but it does provide the proverbial wake up call for the person who is seriously past due on a debt, of which Russell is. It wa extremely painful for ME to see that he is being made out to be a hero, and on my children's quiet behalf, I speak.


Quote from: RussellsEx on March 19, 2008, 10:40 PM NHFT
I only came on here today, in response to an 'out of the blue' phone call I received this morning, asking me for information concerning Russell's arrest, of which I knew nothing of. I couldn't agree more that jail-time doesn't pay the debt...or 'serve anyone', but it does provide the proverbial wake up call for the person who is seriously past due on a debt, of which Russell is. It wa extremely painful for ME to see that he is being made out to be a hero, and on my children's quiet behalf, I speak.



If it doesn't grow on a tree, it's not for me.  :P


Quote from: Caleb on March 19, 2008, 10:42 PM NHFT
If it doesn't grow on a tree, it's not for me.  :P

If it doesn't grow on a vine it's not mine.

;D ;D ;D
