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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Fasting for Russell's release

Started by Kat Kanning, March 19, 2008, 08:27 PM NHFT

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Quote from: coffeeseven on March 19, 2008, 10:43 PM NHFT
Quote from: Caleb on March 19, 2008, 10:42 PM NHFT
If it doesn't grow on a tree, it's not for me.  :P

If it doesn't grow on a vine it's not mine.  ;D ;D ;D

If it fits in my mouth, I'm eating it.

oh wait that doesn't rhyme... ok...

Food?  Good!

hmm, didn't work as a rhyme, weird...  one more try...

Meat?  I'll eat.  Sweet?  I'll eat.  Beet?  I'll eat. 

Kat Kanning

My eyes hurt from crying.  I wish I could sleep.



Hugs and prayers lift you up. Your inside the Shire and outside the Shire family really do care. We watch like you. We wait like you. Might mot be much but every little bit......

Dave Ridley

Well, russell is not just being "made out" to be a hero...he actually *is* a hero when it comes to peaceably opposing the policies of America's government through almost fearless civil disobedience.    King and Gandhi were heroes in that way, but apparently had big personal/relationship failings.  It is possible to be both a hero and a person who's done bad things.   


I agree Dave, I am not too proud of some of the things I have done in the past.

what is important is that we grow and try to better ourselves, much different than some others who continue to do things the same old ways.


Quote from: SethCohn on March 19, 2008, 10:51 PM NHFT
Quote from: coffeeseven on March 19, 2008, 10:43 PM NHFT
Quote from: Caleb on March 19, 2008, 10:42 PM NHFT
If it doesn't grow on a tree, it's not for me.  :P

If it doesn't grow on a vine it's not mine.  ;D ;D ;D

If it fits in my mouth, I'm eating it.

oh wait that doesn't rhyme... ok...

Food?  Good!

hmm, didn't work as a rhyme, weird...  one more try...

Meat?  I'll eat.  Sweet?  I'll eat.  Beet?  I'll eat. 

If it doesn't eat me first, but it might try to, I'll eat it.  If it doesn't put up a fight, I'm not all that interested.

PattyLee loves dogs

Holy caloric restriction , Catman! This could be good for your longevity, but remember... if you read the unauthorized biographies of Gandhi he always cheated on his fasts. Stop when you start fainting.

Kat Kanning

Actually, I haven't been dizzy at all.  With water fasting I was dizzy a lot.  I'm drinking quite a lot of juice.


Quote from: kola on March 19, 2008, 11:35 PM NHFT
I agree Dave, I am not too proud of some of the things I have done in the past.
what is important is that we grow and try to better ourselves, much different than some others who continue to do things the same old ways.
I completely agree.  I am proud that the things I do, may have an impact in a good way on others.  My youthful indiscretions, some of which were hurtful to others, are a source of shame.  It is a cause to do good, even when doing good is legally wrong, or when others do not like it. 


Quote from: Kat Kanning on March 21, 2008, 09:26 AM NHFT
Actually, I haven't been dizzy at all.  With water fasting I was dizzy a lot.  I'm drinking quite a lot of juice.

yup, I do not ever recommend plain water fasts.

I highly recommend using organice to juice but if you cant afford it or get it you need to really clean the produce.

Juice fasting is best. I also recommend bowel cleansing at the same time. (yes, enemas! and coffee enemas are the best). Since you are no longer consuming food the digestivbe tract gets a HUGE break.  Now it will start to elimnate toxins. The release of toxins is what causes headaches, dizzynees and flu like symptoms and the best thing one can do is a enema to assist the body to clear out the gunk. Enemas are especially important for people with cancer because the actual breakdown of tumor masses will kill the patient if there is no help with elimination. (see Gerson Therapy). 

I actually like to hear that a person feels cruddy when they beging doing a cleanse beacuse then I know the body is working to clear out toxins.

dont forget B 12 supps too.


Kat Kanning

If you're interested, the protocol I'm using is on juicefeasting.com.



I wouldn't supplement with B12. It's overkill. You're not going to die if you don't eat meat for a few months. There are crazy vegans that can go for years perfectly fine without supplementing with B12 and not eating any meat.

For example, vegitarians who grow their own food get more than enough B12 from the insects they ingest that they failed to completely wash out of the lettuce before eating.

But maybe it's my bias for any "supplements" talking. The way I see if, if you're using supplements than you're doing something else horrible wrong or you're living on the moon ;D

A long time ago people used to eat with the seasons and for many months they wouldn't get fresh fruits or veggies and they still survived. The modern notion of eating a salad, a fruit, some meat, etc every single day is just an extreme in my opinion.

I'm not a nutritionist or a doctor so don't take this as advice but more like the rantings of a madman.  :P

PattyLee loves dogs

QuoteThere are crazy vegans that can go for years perfectly fine without supplementing with B12 and not eating any meat.

What you don't realize is that those people walk by night and drink blood. Cancer incidence is strongly linked to several vitamin deficiencies. Good nutrition is a good idea during caloric restriction.